"about that….i know the location where he stimulated his bloodline but later he disappeared without a trace..but to think he can destroy an astral projection at his cultivation base just what fortune encounter he had to gain this strength"the man sighed

"no there are no technique in lower realm that can fight against spiritual techniques there are only two ways he could have done it….the first is that he have a defense type spiritual artifact which is unlikely because of their rarity…."the lady said

"than whats the other way"the man asked

"mental strength….its likely that either he was born with very high mental strength or his experience increased his mental strength…..that's actually a good thing….. but its means it will be hard to convince him to come back willingly"the lady sighed

'no wonder he was not fazed even when i tried to tempt him with resources and background'she thought

"eh..so how should we convince him"the main asked

"huh…why are you asking me who was the one who threw him there out of all the places and without any preparation at that"the lady narrowed her eyes

"wait honey don't get angry its not good for little girl's health"the man hurriedly spoke

"hmph.."the lady calmed herself down

"sigh.. i know its my fault but at that time i had less than a day to go and hide him in the safe place so i just put him in an orphanage and came back in a hurry to avoid suspicion…..

even after removing the poison his initial cultivation after birth dropped to being a mortal in that state if i put him in an middle realm than it was too reckless that's why i hide him in lower realm" the man said in an apologetic tone

the youth and the girl heard everything but they kept standing there without saying anything

"i know but seriously in an orphanage… you should have at least gave him something to protect himself or a caretaker"the lady said

"huh why…. a man becomes strong through suffering..he is my kid he should be able to make it"the man said with a prideful face

"…"the lady

'a muscle brain indeed….. i should keep Ye Jun away from him or he will become like that too' the lady thought

"whatever now we need to send someone to bring him back safely if you won't go than"the lady looked towards the youth and the girl

the youth was about to speak but the girl interrupted him

"mother let me go its my fault that little brother is there in the first place so i should take responsibility for it"the girl spoke with a resolute face

after seeing her like this the youth did not speak

"Little Jia how many times i had said this is not your fault and don't worry i had a chat with him so i could tell he is not that narrow minded and he does not even care about the fact that who did it….even know he is probably be focusing on increasing his strength….

and you are still in the Sky Innate foundation 7th stage you should focus on the breakthrough to Sky Innate foundation 8th stage before breakthrough to next realm…..so i can't allow you to go there at a critical period like this….Little Jun will go"the lady said

Ye Jia reluctantly nodded

the youth stepped forward and spoke

"mother rest assured i will bring little brother safely back to home"(Ye Jun)

the lady was satisfied with his reply

"ok you to go back i will make arrangements"the lady said

Ye Jun and Ye Jia nodded than left the hall

after they left the man set beside the lady than he placed his right hand around her shoulder and his left hand on her belly ….there was touch of gentleness in his eyes

"so how's my little girl"he said in a soft tone as he gently rubbed her belly

"if you are that worried than you should spend your time here…"the lady said in a slightly displeased tone

"i wanted to…. but it looked like some people wanted to make a move against this young one so i decided to take care of them before they could do it after all i don't want to make the same mistake again"his expression became a little cold as he remembered somethings from the past

"en.."the lady did not said more and leaned on his shoulder than she closed her eyes


In Lower Realm…..

Rex and the others were still riding horses..it was almost evening

Rex took out a Qi replenishing potion and gulped it down his throat in one go

he had already drank two potions before although others saw it but they did not asked …..before

"Little Brother what is that… you had already drank this before too… is it fruit juice?"(Zhang Ming)

'this bottle looks same as the miraculous potion's bottle Sect Master sent to me to remove the swollen from my wrist but its color and smell is different'(Luo Ru)

Liu Wei was also curious so he too looked at Rex

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