Public Enemy On Online Games

Chapter 686: Simulation

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Ye Nan stood on the spot, and after the formation under his feet was rolled out, he quickly spun. The countless lines were obscure, but the murderous intent created was so strong that it could not be ignored.


The magic circle trembled, and I didn't know the internal picture. I saw Shen Gonghu's face was serious, he kept dodging, stretched out, and there were many sword marks on his body, and there were more and more, causing blood to overflow and stain his clothes.

What the **** happened?

The audience was puzzled and full of doubts.

It can be seen that Ye Nan uses a certain formation skill, but the problem is that it is difficult for others to see the mystery.


At a certain moment, Shen Gonghu's body was torn apart and his health dropped rapidly, and he died tragically on the spot.


Everyone made a cross on their chests: "Shen Gonghu's death is an irreparable loss of the original goodness!"

In the second round, it was the same. As long as Shen Gonghu wanted to get close to Ye Nan, he had to enter the killing formation, and it was difficult to escape. He was forced to die in it and lost a lot of points.


Returning to his original position, Shen Gonghu sat down, dejectedly: "I was played like a monkey!"

"What did you experience in it?" Atticus asked curiously.

"The Heaven Killing Sword Formation is full of swords, all kinds of swords, attacking me non-stop. When my skills are exhausted, I can only wait to die." Shen Gonghu was helpless, his face full of unwillingness.

This is so embarrassing!

Want to attack, no target, can't find Ye Nan's location, if you can't break through the sword array, you can only wait for death.

"The Heaven Killing Sword Formation ranks third among the three ancient killing formations!" The God of Wealth explained, "The first and second are respectively called the Absolute Heaven Demon Formation and the Nine Nether Chaos Heart Formation, but the specific effects are not clear."

"This is only the third, and you're killing brother Shen Gonghu?" Atticus' scalp was numb.

Shen Gonghu: "..."

The God of Wealth comforted: "Since it is the top three in the killing array, it is inevitable that it will be powerful, so you don't need to worry about it, little brother."

"Entering the top 100 in the race competition proves that I am strong enough that losing a game will not affect my mentality." Shen Gonghu smiled.

"That's great!"


The clear cry that shook the sky, took everyone's attention away.

Looking around, one could see that on the ring, a beautiful woman in red clothes suddenly transformed into a phoenix with golden flames burning all over her body. The intense heat swept through and stagnated the air.

[Flame of Roots Demon God] (Person of the True Phoenix)

"It turns out that the body of the demon **** is a phoenix!" Many viewers were stunned.


Long Quan, who is a real dragon, snorted coldly, with a serious look in his eyes: "Another powerful enemy has appeared!"

In the previous battles, the demon **** did not show the mountains and did not reveal the water, but the difficulty of the race competition rose sharply, and the demon **** wanted to get enough points to be promoted to the top ten.

"There are so many bosses!"

Atticus shrank his neck, feeling the blood pressure again.

It's not that only the dragon clan has bloodline suppression, as long as it is a beast with a higher bloodline level, there will be suppression of the weak. This is an undeniable fact.

True dragons and phoenixes belong to the same level of existence, and it can be said that they have inherent advantages in blood over all birds and beasts.

"Huh huh huh..."

The demon **** fluttered its wings, and countless golden flames fell down. Its opponent struggled tenaciously for a moment, suffered high continuous damage, died instantly, and disappeared from the world.

"They are all strong men and strong women, and they can make a name for themselves in history!"

"It seems that the real highlight will be reserved for the top ten!"

"With so many strong players, who can aspire to the top?"

Everyone was discussing, even if they were not participants, they also had great interest in the final ranking.

The game proceeded step by step, and a new round will soon start.


System prompt: The system has matched you with an opponent—【Machine Master·Ling Ke】(strategizing), please prepare for the battle!

In the second round, it was Jiang Han's first appearance.

"Last time the city owner got too many points, this time the opponent's strength has improved a lot!" Xia Zuo said, "This one called Ling Ke should be the protagonist of the machine clan!"


Jiang Han nodded: "I've seen him, the fifth place in the Pet Challenge is him."

"Shua! Shua!"

Entering the arena, Ling Ke clasped his fists and said, "Please give me more advice!"

As he said that, four or five small machines flew out from behind him, surrounding Jiang Han from all directions.

"Don't hold back!"

Jiang Han clasped his fists in return, and then launched various bonuses, making himself in a state of full power, and before he could make a move, he was already sending out waves of air.

Seeing this, Ling Ke didn't hide it either. On the wrist of his left hand, the precise parts rotated, and a translucent shield popped out. At the same time, he held a silver spear in his right hand. It seemed that it was all mechanical equipment, so it didn't belong to the category of skills.

"It is predicted that the enemy's combat power will be extremely high, and enter the first-level alert state!" Ling Ke's eyes suddenly turned red, and he made a melodic voice.


System prompt: The game begins!


Jiang Han still launched his strongest sword, trying to win the victory as soon as possible.


The sword energy bombarded the translucent shield, the sword intent surged, and sparks splashed everywhere. Under the terrifying impact, Ling Ke's figure quickly retreated. Even though his feet firmly grasped the ground, he still drew a long and deep line traces of.

"Ka Ka Ka..."

Suddenly, a few brackets popped up behind Ling Ke, and they also grabbed the ground, like a few hands pushing his back, to help him parry the power of the sword.

God mighty thousands of miles!

Like a flash of thunder, Jiang Han appeared beside Ling Ke.

No matter whether the opponent can block the sword, he can't just watch it in the process.

However, just as he was about to kick it out, the shield in Ling Ke's left hand split into two, and then it was shattered, and he fell backwards, but the sword energy was completely dissipated.

-3314, 1257!

Although he succeeded in parrying, his health plummeted by nearly 60%!


Stepping on the opponent with one foot, Jiang Han's evil dragon slashed down, followed by a normal attack, depriving him of 10% of his life again.


Suddenly, impact flames appeared on the soles of Ling Ke's feet, leading his body to rush out, making it escape the suppressing effect, and then flew into the air.

"The copying of the sword energy is completed, the deduction is completed, and the expected release price: paralysis!"

Ling Ke was reporting like a machine, and then the spear in his hand turned into the shape of a sharp sword, and slashed heavily at Jiang Han, while sparks burst out from himself, and he fell into the ring after exhausting his energy.


The same sword energy pierced out, locking onto Jiang Han.


System prompt: Mechanic Master Ling Ke used the skill [Forbidden·Simulation Art], successfully resisted your sword energy and copied it perfectly, as the price of using it, fell into a state of being unable to move, which lasted for ten minutes!

Copy my skills?

Falling into the sudden darkness, Jiang Han was slightly startled, decisively activated the spirit shield, and softly shouted: "Jiaer, the power of the five elements, earth!"

Extreme Doomsday Catastrophe has a certain hit feature, you can't hide if you want to hide, you can only resist hard.


After receiving the instruction, Jia Jiajia immediately followed suit, forming a khaki-colored shield in front of Jiang Han.


System prompt: Your mount holy unicorn Jiajiajia uses the skill [Forbidden·Five Elements Power] to gather the power of the earth element to create a shield around you. The shield has 50% of the life value of the initiator!

With the improvement of Jiang Han's level, the strength of the mount also increased, including the strength of her attached skills, which made the power of ban and five elements have the same strength as the spirit shield.


The sword energy hit the khaki shield, disintegrating the shield in an instant, and then hit the spirit shield, resisting it for only five seconds, before it was also shattered.

"Fuck your sister!"

Jiang Han launched Primordial Fury to slash down, fighting with the sword energy, and then flew out in a very embarrassing manner, his life value dropped by nearly half, and a shocking crack appeared in the ring, which was almost split in half!

-7457, 6881!

The two shields are 100% of the total health, plus he uses skills to reduce the power of the sword, and finally saves his life.

Standing up and coming to the paralyzed Ling Ke, Jiang Han took him away with several sword strikes, feeling terrified: "This skill is disgusting!"

Did you see the system?

Forbidden imitation technique!

One move almost seconds me!

This is not cut, save for the New Year?

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