Public Enemy On Online Games

Chapter 687: game continues

When the life value of the paralyzed Ling Ke is cleared, it will be resurrected in the arena and get a certain rest time.


System prompt: Congratulations on winning the first game!

"Isn't this dead?" Ling Ke was shocked.

The blow just now was Yijiang Hanshui's own all-out blow, which was extremely abnormal. In his opinion, even he himself might not be able to withstand it.

"That is required!"

With lingering fears in his heart, Jiang Han smiled confidently: "Do you know why you lost?"

"Isn't it because my skills are inferior to others?" Ling Ke wondered.


Jiang Han shook his head: "The main thing is you are Ling Ke!"

"What do you mean?" Ling Ke was confused, unable to judge the other party's intention.

"It's impossible for Zero Krypton to enter the top ten of the leaderboard!" Without hiding anything, Jiang Han told the truth, "Unless there are very few people playing that game!"

How dare you compete with him for rankings?

"Heaven and Earth" is a game, and the bug in the game that can be played without charging money has been fixed long ago!

Some people may say that he didn't recharge the money, but it is a big mistake!

Don't you see, he is crazy about borrowing money from others and trying his best to refill it!

Ling Ke: "..."

"The joke is too cold!" Ling Ke calculated, "The humor index is one star. It is estimated that the highest number of likes will be given by the people who reply to the comments. I am the only one who thinks this is not funny."


Jiang Han raised his eyebrows, revealing his murderous intent: "Where are you now, I have something important to discuss with you!"

"Five stars, five stars!" Ling Ke quickly changed his words.

"Machines at the protagonist level of Tiandi will also be wrong?" Jiang Han couldn't help feeling, "It seems that we still need to ask people to do more tests!"


System prompt: The game begins!

"Look at the sword!"

At the end of the intermission, the moment the system bell rang, Jiang Han added various bonuses again, swiping his sword and sweeping out the strongest blow.


The sword energy is like a rainbow, sharp and sharp, unstoppable.


Seeing this, Ling Ke had no choice but to raise his shield to resist.

It's not that he doesn't want to switch to other methods, the problem is that the extreme doomsday catastrophe has the characteristic of being sure to hit, it can be called a cheat, and it can't be avoided.

God mighty thousands of miles!

Jiang Han repeated his old trick, activated his signature skill again, and kicked Ling Ke from the side.

"Self-explosion program, start!" Ling Ke's eyes glowed red.

"Boom boom boom..."

Immediately, those "detection devices" released by him gathered around Jiang Han, and exploded with a bang. Flames and thick smoke filled the air, causing the entire arena to tremble violently.

While the machine was self-detonating, Ling Ke successfully bounced back Jiang Han's attack, causing the razor-sharp waning moon-shaped sword energy to roll out, tearing open the forbidden zone formed by the explosion, and slashed at the sword wielder, while becoming paralyzed again state.

This sword is really too strong, surpassing the limit of the body's tolerance!


However, facing the incoming sword energy, Jiang Han was already prepared this time. After he broke through the two shields, a blue electric current flooded his body, and he was immune to 80% of the damage within five seconds, and he swung the evil dragon slash block.

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This time, Jiang Han didn't suffer much damage. After all, he didn't activate the Forbidden Blue Thunder with his sword before, so the power would be much weaker.

But even so, Ling Ke still needs to be paralyzed for two minutes.

Quickly approaching the opponent, Jiang Han swung his sword mercilessly, understating that he resolved the battle within ten seconds and won the victory.


System prompt: Congratulations on successfully defeating [Machine Master·Ling Ke] (strategizing), it took a total of 1 minute and 26 seconds, the percentage of HP consumed was 68%, and 66 points were obtained from the opponent!

Obviously, fighting Ling Ke is much more troublesome than fighting Fang Jing, and the pressure on Jiang Han is also greater, and the points he gets are much reduced.

However, this is also a reasonable situation.

The pressure on him in the last round was too low, and the opponent he arranged for this round will be stronger, and he is also in the top 100 and still thinks that he can easily kill each time, which is too underestimating the opponent's strength.


Returning to his seat, Jiang Han patted his thigh and reminded: "The difficulty of the second round is starting to increase, everyone must not take it lightly!"

The damage of the killing blow under various bonuses is obviously overflowing, he should hold back a little bit, so that he can also guard against the enemy's counterattack!

For the first time against Ling Ke, he swung an unreserved slashing blow, which was a bit overstated and lost a lot of points. If he was careful, it was really a mistake that would break his thigh.

"Don't worry, I can tell." Dongfang took his hand away wholeheartedly, and said angrily, "It's enough to pat your own legs, why do you pat mine?"

"It doesn't feel good to mainly shoot yourself!" Jiang Han shook hands.


Dongfang Yixin snorted lightly and didn't say much.

"If you don't, you shoot it back!" Jiang Han stretched out his legs, with a heroic look on his face, "We owe nothing to each other!"

Although this action sacrifices the appearance, but in life, it is inevitable that he will be wronged.

"Believe it or not, I'll break it for you?" Dongfang focused on his palms, as if to slap hard.

"If you want to break it, I admit it!" Jiang Han's face changed slightly, and he gritted his teeth and said, "But I want to say the ugly words first!"


"At most two shots can be broken!" Jiang Han said his bottom line.

"screw you!"

Dongfang Yixin blushed slightly, and turned her head away.

The implication was so obvious that it was hard for her not to understand.


Ralph coughed twice in embarrassment: "City Master, every seat has ears!"

"I suddenly thought of an interesting story from my childhood, do you want to listen to it?" Atticus smiled and changed the subject.

"With color?"

Xia Zuo asked curiously: "It's agreed in advance, I won't listen to it if there is no color!"


Atticus nodded: "When I was a child, I did a stupid thing. I deliberately asked a girl whether there is a man or a woman. Guess how she answered me?"


Hearing this, Yijiang Hanshui scolded: "Don't mislead the guild atmosphere, the race competition is just around the corner, you will disturb the mentality of the participants!"


Atticus understood and kept silent.

"Why don't you let him finish?" Dongfang Yixin was surprised.

"I already guessed it." Jiang Han said bluntly, "But I don't want the answer to stain your ears."

"All right."

Dongfang Yixin also vaguely felt that knowing the answer was not a good thing, so he didn't ask further.

Afterwards, a new round of matches began. With the difficulty increasing sharply, Caishen and Bai Yunan regrettably lost, while Dongfang Yixin and Shen Gonghu, who had suffered a disastrous defeat in the first round, won.

It is worth mentioning that Dongfang Yixin's opponent is an old acquaintance, Qin Hanyan.

In the battle at the same level, Dongfang went all out and successfully defeated Qin Hanyan. Although it was a narrow victory, it surprised all the members of the guild.

The strongest player who was unmatched in the real world before does not seem to stand out in "Heaven and Earth"!

"Perhaps I overestimated Qin Hanyan's ability." Jiang Han was thoughtful, "In the real world, the reason why she feels difficult is mainly due to the crushing realm, otherwise she might not be able to last long in my hands!"

Until the end, there was still a big gap between him and Qin Hanyan in terms of strength, but the other party had already comprehended the power of law!

To be honest, Qin Hanyan was quite ashamed to let him have the power to fight in that situation.

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