
As soon as Li Hao opened his mouth, he pushed Chen Xi out from behind him. At the same time, he rushed towards those hooligans!

"Trying to run?"

The yellow-haired hoodlum in the lead glared, and the switchblade in his hand "whoosh!" With a grunt, he threw out the blade and chased after Chen Xi!

"F * ck your grandpa!"

Li Hao let out a furious roar and kicked the yellow-hair's butt, causing him to stagger and fall forward.

As for the switchblade in his hand, it flew out of his hand as it fell!


Chen Xi hadn't even run two steps when she cried out in pain. The switchblade flew out of the yellow-hair's hand and slashed her smooth leg, leaving an inch long wound. Blood flowed out from the wound, and Chen Xi fell to the ground due to the pain!

"Chen Xi!"

Seeing this, Li Hao panicked and hurriedly rushed towards Chen Xi!

"F * cking f * cking f * cking b * stard! You dare to kick your father? Hit him!"

The yellow-hair crawled up from the ground and roared angrily at his two lackeys behind him. Then, he took the lead to charge towards Li Hao and the others!

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Li Hao turned around and hugged Chen Xi, who was lying on the ground. He wrapped her up with his own body, exposing his weak back to the yellow-hair and the others' punches and kicks!

"Li Hao …"

Chen Xi was protected by Li Hao. Although she did not receive any punches or kicks, she could feel how badly the latter had been beaten up from the way Li Hao's body was trembling!

Chen Xi bit her lips as she shivered in Li Hao's arms. However, in her heart, there was something other than fear that was quietly surging. Like a seed, it had already begun to take root silently in her heart.

Li Hao's back was already numb from the pain, and he also received a few punches on his head. However, he still did not retaliate.

If he was the only one left now, he would not hesitate to resist. Even if he had to be beaten up, he must make the other party pay a sufficient price!

But now, he could only protect the girl below him. If it wasn't for him today, Chen Xi wouldn't have suffered such an unexpected disaster. He did not want this pretty girl to be implicated by him.

"What are you doing?!"


Ten minutes later, a familiar voice suddenly sounded from behind him, followed by the sound of hurried footsteps. Li Hao seemed to have heard that someone was rapidly running in his direction.

"Get out of here!"

The moment the three of them saw that someone was heading their way, they immediately stopped and fled into the darkness of the alleyway. In the blink of an eye, they had disappeared without a trace.

"Haozi! Haozi!" Are you okay? "

Zhang Kun ran over, and when he saw Li Hao lying on the ground with footprints all over his back, his face changed and he asked anxiously.

"Motherf * cker, who were those guys just now?!"

Lin Wei was so angry that the fat all over his body was trembling. He angrily glared at the direction that the yellow-hair and the others had fled in, and said.

"It's fine, I'm fine."

Li Hao coughed violently a few times, crawled up from the ground, and pretended to be relaxed as he smiled: "It's just a beating, I won't die."

"You …"

Zhang Kun patted Li Hao's shoulder, causing him to grimace in pain. Zhang Kun was so frightened that he quickly retracted his hand.

"Why are you guys here?"

Li Hao looked at his comrades in puzzlement, and asked.

"It's Su Ling. She sent me a message saying that Wang Yun seemed to want to find someone to deal with you, and coincidentally, you haven't come back yet. After we couldn't get through to you on the phone, we directly went out to look for you."

Huang Ning adjusted his glasses and explained.

"Is that so?"

Li Hao pursed his lips, leaned over and said to Chen Xi, "Chen Xi, are you alright? Can you still walk on your legs? "

"I don't know."

Chen Xi shook her head gently. She held onto Li Hao's hand and struggled to stand up, but she still fell down with a miserable groan.

The cut on her leg was quite deep. Even now, she still hadn't stopped bleeding, so she had no way to stand up.

"Fatty, quickly go to the supermarket to buy a bag of toilet gauze!"

Li Hao turned his head and tore open his own sleeve. He restrained Chen Xi's calf and temporarily stopped the bleeding.

Soon, Lin Wei bought the gauze from the supermarket on the side. Li Hao quickly bandaged Chen Xi's wound and finally stopped the bleeding.

"I'll send you back."

Li Hao looked at the pale-faced Chen Xi. Ignoring his injuries, he bent down and picked her up.

Surprisingly, the ice beauty, Chen Xi, who usually did not allow anyone to enter, did not raise any objections this time. She obediently stayed in Li Hao's embrace, just like a docile kitten.

Even when Li Hao carried Chen Xi away, Lin Wei and the other two were still standing on the spot!

"Am I seeing things? Chen Xi was actually carried by Haozi?! "

Lin Wei reached out his hand to pinch Zhang Kun, but Zhang Kun slapped his hand away and said, "Don't pinch me, this is not a dream!"

"How do you know?"

Lin Wei turned his head just in time to see Huang Ning grimacing in pain from Zhang Kun's pinching. He could not help but burst out laughing!

"It seems like the great beauty Chenchen is going to fall into Haozi's hands …"

Huang Ning feigned bitterness as he sighed, rubbing his own face and said: "There's no reason, don't tell me that none of these chicks were able to discover this Young Master's handsomeness?"

"Is it worth it to let Chen Xi have her way after getting a beating?"

Zhang Kun touched his chin and lightly said.

At the side, Lin Wei and Huang Ning looked at each other and said in unison, "Of course it's worth it! It's worth it! "

The taxi slowly arrived at the entrance of the villa that Elder Chen lived in.

"I'm sorry."

Hugging Chen Xi, Li Hao was silent for a moment before he slowly spoke.

"No need."

Chen Xi was curled up in Li Hao's embrace, as if she was having a great time. She snorted lightly.

When he held Chen Xi just now, because he was being beaten, Li Hao didn't feel anything. But now, the soft touch from the body in his arms made his heart flutter. However, when Li Hao's gaze swept towards the white gauze wrapped around Chen Xi's calves, a trace of self-blame flashed across his eyes.

This scratch wasn't serious, but it would probably leave a scar in the future.

Li Hao blamed himself even more when he thought of how he would leave a scar on Chen Xi's flawless legs for him tonight.

There was no girl who would not care about this, especially a beauty like Chen Xi!

"Do you think my legs look bad from now on?"

Suddenly, as if she had thought of something, Chen Xi raised her head from Li Hao's embrace and stared into his eyes.

"I won't."

Li Hao held the soft body tightly, smiled, and shook his head: "Don't say that I don't mind it, moreover, I will not leave scars on your legs!"

Li Hao had already made up his mind. When he goes back, he's going to contact Chang'e or the Fairy Doctor Bian Magpie. He believes that there's no such thing as a scar that completely disappears without a trace.

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