Li Hao brought Chen Xi home. When Old Man Chen and his wife saw this, their hearts ached. When Li Hao told Old Master Chen everything that had happened to them, the old man was so angry that smoke was coming out of his head.

"How preposterous! How preposterous!"

Elder Chen's white beard was trembling as he shouted in anger.

"Teacher, don't be angry yet. Those hoodlums were obviously ordered by someone. Chenchen has been implicated by me this time. I promise that I will definitely seek justice for her!"

Li Hao looked at Elder Chen's red face and spoke word by word.

"Don't be reckless without any proof."

Although he was angry, Old Man Chen Yu was still relatively calm. He took a deep breath and advised Li Hao not to show off.

"Teacher, don't worry. I know what I'm doing."

Li Hao nodded. After bidding farewell to the old man, he turned around and left the old man's house, walking towards the school.

It was already late at night. After all of his roommates had fallen asleep, Li Hao took out his phone and opened that dark WeChat.

Li Hao opened the chat with Chang'e and sent a message over: "Are you there?"

"He's here!"

Chang'e quickly replied, "Fellow daoist, what's the matter?"

"I would like to ask, is there anything in your Immortal Palace that can make that scar disappear?"

With anticipation, Li Hao sent out these words.

"Something that makes the scars disappear? There is! "

Chang'e, as expected, did not disappoint Li Hao. She quickly replied him with a message: "That's simple, the Congealed Dew that is common in our immortal palace can do it. What's wrong?" Does Fellow Daoist need it? "


Hearing that, Li Hao was ecstatic, and immediately asked: "How much Joss Flame power do you need? I want to buy some from Fairy! "

"This is just an ordinary toy, do you think we should buy it or not?"

Chang'e replied, "Fellow Daoist, if you need some, then I can give you some!"


Li Hao was ecstatic. He believed that Chang'e definitely wouldn't lie to him. With this Congealed Dew, the wounds on Chen Xi's legs would no longer leave any scars!

"However, my good friend, Immortal Lady He, who was one of the eight gods, also treated the Chanel that you gave me previously. 5's perfume is very interesting, if you still have more, I would like to buy two more bottles from Fellow Daoist, one for myself, and one for her. "

Chang'e replied, "I wonder if it's convenient for you?"

"It's convenient!"

Li Hao quickly replied. He thought to himself, it seems like I really have to go to the Heavenly Court for the business of buying WeChat on my behalf!


Very quickly, another message popped up on the screen. Chang'e requested a trade, and there were two bottles of Chanel No. 5 perfume, the other party pays 1000 points of incense willing power, out of two bottles of Condensing Reality Dew.

This wasn't the first time Li Hao had used WeChat to trade with a deity. He didn't hesitate and directly clicked on the "Enter" button on the screen. Very quickly, a ray of light shot out from the screen of his phone. 5 perfume immediately disappeared into the light, and in front of Li Hao, there was a flash of light. Very quickly, two antique porcelain bottles appeared next to his hand.

In addition, the balance of Li Hao's WeChat also added 1000 more Joss Flame Power.

"Many thanks, Fellow Daoist!"

Chang'e was obviously in a very good mood after receiving the goods. She sent a 'cute' emoji to Li Hao, then said, "This little deity still wants to be on duty tonight, so I won't say anymore!"

Li Hao sat up from the bed and opened a bottle of Congealed Dew. He brought it close to his nose and took a sniff.

"It really is a good treasure!"

Li Hao heaved a sigh of relief at the thought of making Chen Xi's jade-like calves flawless once again.

However, when he thought about what happened today, Li Hao couldn't help but feel a surge of hostility in his heart. He couldn't help but think, if he also knew how to defend himself, then how could he end up in such a sorry state? How could Chen Xi be hurt because of him?

"Last time, I used the Shake function to shake Chang'e to her, so I might as well give it a try now. Maybe I can shake a powerful battle deity like Erlang Shen!"

When Li Hao thought about it, he could no longer suppress the thoughts in his mind and once again opened the function of shaking it in his dark WeChat.


As Li Hao shook his phone, a light sound came out from the phone, followed by the appearance of a user.

"Unparalleled Royal Butterfly?"

Li Hao looked at the user and mumbled, "Is that a monster?"

Shaking his head, Li Hao shook his phone and switched to the next user.


Soon, another user was hit by Li Hao.

Li Hao pointed it out and saw that it was actually Elder Yue!

The great name of this deity, Li Hao, was never unfamiliar. He was the deity in charge of managing marriages in the mortal world. It was said that everyone in the mortal world had to rely on his red line to guide them.

However, this old deity was obviously not the powerful Battle Immortal that Li Hao was looking for, so Li Hao still shook his head and continued to search for his next target.

Just like that, quite a few people were shaken, but Li Hao was unable to shake the powerful War Immortal he was looking for.

"Try again one last time. If you can't shake it, go to bed."

Li Hao looked at the phone in his hand, clenched his teeth, and shook it again.


Along with a clear sound, the white circle of light on the screen of Li Hao's phone spun for a while. The screen flashed and searched for another user who had played WeChat with Li Hao at the same time.

"God of Slaughter …" "Bai Qi?"

Li Hao looked at the blood-red image of the user on his phone and gulped down a mouthful of saliva. His heart surged with waves of shock.

Bai Qi!

He, who loved history, was familiar with this name. This person was a famous general of the Qin family, a man who had killed countless people in his lifetime. He was called a god of death by his descendants!

The most famous story about this man was that he had killed over four hundred thousand soldiers of Zhao Jun at Changping's grave. Looking at the evidence later on, the total number of people that died during the Warring States Period was around two million, and more than half of them died at the hands of Bai Qi!

"Did I actually manage to shake this fiend?"

Li Hao's heart thumped, but he couldn't help but feel a hint of excitement.

Although Bai Qi was infamous for his ferocity, it was still a testament to his powerful battle prowess. Wasn't he the immortal that he had been searching for all night?

"Add him as a friend!"

After hesitating for a moment, Li Hao mustered up his courage and pressed the "Add Friend" button. Immediately, a burst of blood-red color that caused people's scalps to go numb appeared on the screen!

"Who is Thou?"

Bai Qi quickly added Li Hao and was the first to send a line of text.

The word was also a bright red color. A monstrous killing intent permeated through the phone's screen, causing Li Hao's limbs to turn cold and his body to stiffen.

"Greetings, General Bai Qi. I've heard a lot about you!"

Li Hao boldly sent a message over.

"General? It's been a long time since anyone has called me that! "

Bai Qi replied once again and asked doubtfully, "Who are you exactly? Li Hao? I've never heard of this name before, so you shouldn't be from the Underworld, right? "

"The Netherworld?"

Li Hao was stunned. He thought, "Could it be that after Bai Qi died, he wasn't bestowed the title of immortal and entered the Celestial Realm?"

However, he immediately realized that a person like Bai Qi who possessed a monstrous amount of blood debts did not possess even the slightest bit of the ethereal and elegant demeanor of a celestial.

He had entered the Underworld, and that was the justice of the Dao of the Heavens.

"First it was Fairy Chang'e of the Immortal World, then it was God Slayer Bai Qi of the Underworld. Could it be that I, WeChat, not only can connect with the deities of the Immortal World, but can also communicate with the Underworld's God of Death?!"

Li Hao's heart was instantly excited, he felt that a magnificent world was slowly unfolding before his eyes.

"General Bai Qi, who I am is not important. However, I wish to make a deal with you."

Li Hao organized his thoughts and went straight to the point.


Bai Qi quickly replied, "What do you want to trade?"

"I've heard of General Bai Qi's peerless martial prowess, so I wish to learn martial arts from you. I hope that you can grant my wish!"

Li Hao sent the message over.

"Learn my martial arts?"

Bai Qi replied, "My martial arts will not be passed down easily. If you want to learn it, you have to be able to do something to move me!"

After saying that, Bai Qi sent a 'wry smile' and continued, "However, I believe that you will not be able to fulfill my wish. Forget it, forget it!"

"Please speak, General!"

But Li Hao still hadn't given up.

He was confident that the Underworld would not be able to solve the ancient Underworld's problem like Bai Qi. But now in this bustling world, there might be a way to resolve it.

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