"My wish?"

Bai Qi sent over a voice message.

Li Hao curiously tapped open the call and chose to listen to the system by his ear.

"I, Bai Qi, have traversed the battlefield my entire life, killing countless enemies and following the Duke of Qin. After a hundred years, your body will disappear, and you will not be reincarnated even after death. The underworld will become a god, and you will still be invincible! "

Bai Qi's deep and vigorous voice came from the receiver, filled with a domineering aura that overlooked all living things in the world. He continued, "However, ever since the travel between the three realms was sealed a thousand years ago, my Underworld was no longer able to go on a campaign against the Heavenly Court. I have an unrivalled divine ability, but I have no use for it.

Bai Qi's voice was filled with helplessness. A person who loved fighting as if his life depended on it for thousands of years would not be able to make a proper move. To him, this was indeed a terrifying torment.

"If you want to learn my martial arts, I don't need my incense stick. As long as you can solve the suffering in my heart, I guarantee that I will teach you everything I learned in the mortal world!"

Bai Qi was very straightforward and directly stated his requirements.

"So it's like that …"

Li Hao frowned and pondered in his heart. He wanted to find a way to help Bai Qi solve this problem.

"The underworld is so strict that I have no opponent among experts of the same rank. Other Underworld Lords of higher rank are hard to find, and Underworld Gods of lower rank are not worthy of my hand. Wanting to fight to my heart's content is simply a kind of extravagant hope."

Bai Qi's voice had a trace of sadness to it. Hearing Bai Qi's words, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed across Li Hao's mind as he suddenly thought of a good idea!

All Bai Qi needed to do was fight to his heart's content in order to vent the killing intent that filled his heart. If that was the case, what difference did it make whether the person killed was a real person or a virtual character?

When he thought of this, Li Hao immediately got off the bed and found the PS game he bought a long time ago!

With the advent of electronic products such as smartphones and tablets, there were very few people who played PS games these days. However, Li Hao still had the classic 3D action game that he once played — < < True Three Kingdoms Unparalleled > >!

To be fair, the 3D scene simulation, authenticity and excitement of the battle could be considered pretty good. For many people, it was still very fun to play.

If this game was given to Bai Qi to play, he, an ancient god of death who had never seen this kind of thing before, would definitely be extremely interested when he saw it for the first time!

"Big brother Bai Qi, this thing of little brother will definitely be able to solve the suffering that you yearn for!"

Li Hao excitedly sent a message to Bai Qi and then used his Weibo to record a video of him trying to play for a while before sending it to Bai Qi.

"What treasure is this?!" Was the one fighting an immortal or a nether god?! Are they sealed inside by you?! "

When Bai Qi saw this, he was extremely shocked. He asked three questions in a row and even sent a surprised expression over when he replied!

"This... How should he put it? This is a type of treasure that is meant for entertainment. The people inside are not real people and they are only virtual figures. However, Big Brother Bai Qi, you can control the military general to slaughter the enemy and relieve the pain in your heart. "

Naturally, Li Hao could not tell Bai Qi that this was a game console. The things inside were merely electronic programs. Bai Qi would definitely not understand such a thing. It would be better for him to explain it to Bai Qi in a way that he could understand.

"Is that so? It's magical, it's really magical! "

Bai Qi did not seem to understand, but he was still full of praise for the PS game.

"Brother Li Hao, I truly desire this treasure. Would you be willing to part with it?"

"Haha, it really is useful!"

When Li Hao saw this, he was overjoyed and quickly replied, "A gentleman has the beauty of an adult. However, I cannot directly give this treasure to Big Brother Bai Qi. Look at the martial art that I mentioned earlier …"

"Don't worry brother, this is only natural!"

Bai Qi replied, "As long as brother is willing to give this treasure to me, I will teach you everything I know without reservation and even bestow you with a Divine Seal. When you need me, I can project a wisp of the incarnation of the Dark God to help you out!"

"Good!" "It's a deal!"

Li Hao agreed without hesitation!

How much does a PS game console cost? To be able to trade for the martial arts and Divine Seal of the Killing God Bai Qi, this was simply too profitable!


His phone vibrated. A conversation window appeared between Li Hao and Bai Qi.

"God of Slaughter Bai Qi requests for an exchange. God of Slaughter's martial arts and a Divine Seal for a PS game machine. Do you want to trade?"

Li Hao excitedly clicked on the 'confirm' button, and a dark red light flashed from the screen. The PS game in Li Hao's hand disappeared, and a blood-red halo appeared from the screen, covering Li Hao's head!

For a moment, Li Hao felt as if his mind was filled with countless bloody oars shouting 'kill!' Corpses, mountains of corpses, seas of blood, and piles of bones, killing to the point that the sky and earth changed color!

Li Hao instantly entered into the state where he comprehended Bai Qi's martial art. At the same time, a blood-red imprint quietly appeared on his chest. A mysterious aura quietly seeped into his body and nourished his bones and blood, causing his strength to soar!

"Bro, I'll go and enjoy some of this Unparalleled Magic Treasures of the Three Kingdoms!" If you need that Divine Seal, you just need to shout out three times for my name, and then it will be activated! "

After the transaction was completed, Bai Qi replied to another message. He then went silent, thinking that he must be in a rush to play the PS game console that he had just obtained!

This time, half an hour later, Li Hao finally woke up from the state of Bai Qi's martial arts. He clenched his fists as he felt the inexhaustible power in his body. A satisfied smile appeared on his face.

The next time he met those hoodlums who were going to deal with him and Chen Xi, he would not be the unlucky one!

Li Hao put down his phone in satisfaction. His gains tonight could be said to be extremely great. Not only did he exchange Chang'e for the Congealed Dew that could remove scars, he even learned the martial art of killing god Bai Qi.

After a good sleep, the next morning, just as Zhang Kun's bed made the slightest movement, Li Hao's eyes suddenly opened wide. After obtaining Bai Qi's inheritance, all aspects of his senses seemed to have been enhanced greatly.

Since he was already awake, Li Hao might as well roll out of bed and get up early.

"Haozi, you're injured, why are you still doing this …"

When he saw Li Hao get off the bed, Zhang Kun, who was dressing himself, suddenly looked at Li Hao. The word "why are you up so early" stuck in his throat.

At this moment, Li Hao's complexion was rosy, how could he look like he was beaten up yesterday?

In the past, when his brothers were together, they were led by his dorm head. But this morning, when facing Li Hao, he suddenly had a feeling that he didn't dare to look straight at them, and felt that he was a level weaker than Li Hao!

This was the change that Bai Qi's martial arts had brought to Li Hao's temperament. Even if he did not deliberately reveal it, he would still unwittingly give an ordinary person an invisible pressure.

Zhang Kun went to eat breakfast with his girlfriend as usual since he got up early today. Li Hao had nothing better to do, so he strolled along the field with the morning breeze.

Today was Monday. On the field, there were a few students running around in groups of two or three in the morning. There were also a few diligent students who were holding and reciting books, brimming with vitality.

After receiving God Slayer Bai Qi's inheritance last night, Li Hao now felt as if he had an overwhelming amount of strength in his body. Smiling faintly, he simply walked to the sports field and prepared to exercise his muscles and bones.

The morning breeze was cool and refreshing. Li Hao took a step forward. He didn't feel like he was exerting too much force and his body already shot out, quickly overtaking all the other people who were running on the sports field one by one!


Before, Li Hao's health had not been very good, but now, he felt as if he had never felt this good before!

The youth was like the wind; this was the unrestrained and unrestrained rise of youth!

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