Zuo Fei Fei was the flower of the Chinese Medical College. Of course, this was before Chen Xi had transferred to the Academy. Now that there was one more Chenxi in the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, she deserved to be called the 'Twin Flower'!

Although they were both in the same medical school, Zuo Feifei and Li Hao had studied different subjects. Zuo Feifei had studied physical arts, which focused on disease prevention and prolonging life in the traditional Chinese medicine system.

Other than the most basic diagnosis of traditional Chinese medicine, Zuo Fei Fei's specialty didn't study the kind of clinical diagnosis that Li Hao's team did. They focused on the body techniques that were similar to the research and innovation of the Hua Tuo Five Birds Tactic, which was designed to stimulate the blood and replenish the qi, strengthen the bones, and prevent diseases from occurring before it could even extend one's lifespan.

Zuo Fei Fei Fei was not only pretty, but also definitely not a vase. Her attainments in professional classes were also very high. It was said that her family had a medical business, and she was a rich girl that countless people coveted!

It was a pity, although she was beautiful, but she was still a rose with thorns, Zuo Fei Fei loved martial arts and sports since she was young, this also gave rise to her unswerving, independent personality, she was a strong woman, even though there were so many people in the Chinese Medical Academy who coveted her, but there had never been anyone who could win her favor.

Zuofei, who had been tiresome to her pursuers, had once posted her domineering criteria for choosing a mate on social platforms — either beat her or beat her professionally!

In her own words, if the men who pursued her were neither stronger nor smarter than her, why should she be conquered?

Morning running was something that Zuo Fei Fei Fei insisted on every day. Other than the weather, she never stopped.

Moreover, because she was specialized in the body techniques of traditional Chinese medicine to boost her vitality and stimulate her blood circulation, her physical strength was not only that of an ordinary girl, but also that of many otakus in university who could not be compared with her!

Every morning, the long-haired Zuo Fei Fei would be a beautiful scenery on the sports field of the Chinese Medical Academy. This also attracted quite a few berserk butterflies who would run behind her every morning just to catch a glimpse of the goddess.

Zuo Fei Fei couldn't be bothered to care about this. She was like a proud phoenix leading the hundreds of birds at the front.

But this morning, when Zuo Fei Fei Fei was running away, she was overtaken by someone from behind!

"Where did this guy come from?"

Zuo Fei Fei muttered in her heart as she looked at Li Hao, who had just passed her to become the leader.

There had been people who had done this before to get her attention, but how could Zuo Fei Fei let them do it?

As long as she slightly increased her speed, she would easily throw these guys, who would always know to drink and play games, behind her back. There was no way for them to catch up!

Obviously, in Zuo Fei Fei's heart, she thought of Li Hao as someone who intentionally wanted to get her attention.


Zuo Fei Fei's slender legs suddenly exerted force, and her speed suddenly increased. She wanted to once again surpass Li Hao so that he would know how powerful she was.


Li Hao, who was running in front, slightly moved his ears and keenly noticed the movement of Zuo Fei Fei who was behind him.

Li Hao had naturally heard of Zuo Fei Fei's fame before, but when he felt the sudden increase in strength in his body earlier, he didn't realize that the person he surpassed was precisely Yan Guan's entire Chinese Medical Academy's Zuo Fei Fei.

Seeing Zuo Fei Fei suddenly increase her speed, the corners of Li Hao's mouth slightly lifted, and a trace of a young person's competitive spirit rose in his heart. Li Hao immediately sped up, increasing the distance between the two of them, and didn't even give Zuo Fei Fei a chance to go back!

"Good boy, you have some skills!"

Zuo Fei Fei realized that the distance between her and Li Hao was getting wider and wider. She was immediately filled with curiosity. She hadn't encountered such a situation in a long time.

Gritting her teeth, Zuo Fei Fei Fei finally used her full strength. But how could she be a match to the killing god Bai Qi's inheritance, Li Hao? Seeing her exerting strength, Li Hao also increased his speed, causing her to be unable to catch up!

The two of them chased after each other around the sports field. Five rounds of the standard sports field was already more than two thousand meters long!

Even with Zuo Fei Fei's stamina, after running at full speed for so long, she couldn't hold on any longer. She panted heavily as she stopped at the side of the road, and looked somewhat miserably at Li Hao, who was in front of her. What made her even more unsatisfied was that this fellow didn't seem to be tired at all.


Zuo Fei Fei looked at Li Hao, who was about to leave the field, and suddenly chased after him.

Of course, she didn't want to hurt Li Hao, but she instinctively felt that Li Hao's physical strength was abnormally good. He must be an expert, which was why she couldn't help but want to test out Li Hao's skills.

If this was before he obtained Bai Qi's inheritance, Li Hao would have definitely been struck down by Zuo Fei Fei. But now, it was different.

Hearing the movement behind his head, Li Hao instinctively leaned to the side and used both hands to directly block Zuo Fei Fei's fist. Then with a straightforward shoulder throw, he ruthlessly threw the thorny rose onto the ground!


Zuo Fei Fei felt the world spin around her before she could react, and then she fell to the ground. Her exposed knees and arms were broken, and the pain almost made her cry!

"Ugh …"

Li Hao was also stunned. That was all his subconscious defense just now, but he didn't think that the flower garden would be reduced to such a state!


Zuo Fei Fei's tears couldn't help but roll in her eyes due to the pain from her body and the grievances in her heart. She was so angry that she couldn't speak.

"I'm sorry!"

He never thought that he would be so powerful with just a casual move. Originally, Zuo Fei Fei wanted to test him out as to think that she was in the wrong, but Li Hao smashed that girl until she was bleeding profusely, and that was all his fault!

"Don't cry, I'll take you back to apply the medicine, I guarantee there won't be any scars!"

Li Hao suddenly recalled the Congealed Dew he had in his dorm. Coincidentally, before giving it to Chen Xi, he could also check if it was really as useful as Chang'e said.

In a moment of desperation, Li Hao couldn't care less and directly bent over to pick up Zuo Fei Fei who couldn't get up from the ground, then carried her and ran towards his dorm.

"Bastard, let me down!"

When had Zuo Feifei ever been in such close contact with someone? Not to mention that the one hugging her was a complete stranger of the opposite sex.

And in the morning when she came out for her morning run, Zuo Fei Fei was only wearing a sports vest and shorts, plus she had been practicing Chinese medicine and martial arts for a long time, so her body's flexibility was even more amazing. When she struggled in Li Hao's arms, that soul-stirring sensation caused Li Hao's lower abdomen to involuntarily become hot.

"Oh my god! This is simply tempting to commit a crime! "

Li Hao's heart was filled with pain and happiness as he screamed out in pain. His footsteps quickened as he ran to the entrance of the dorm, then he placed Zuo Fei Fei Fei on a stone chair outside the dorm. He warned her not to move recklessly as he returned to the dorm to get the Congealed Dew.

In fact, even if Zuo Fei Fei wanted to leave, she couldn't. Her legs were burning with pain from the fall, how could she walk on her own?

Li Hao quickly came out with a porcelain bottle, knelt on one knee, and carefully poured out a few drops of Congealed Dew from the mouth of the bottle. He rubbed it towards the wound on Zuo Fei Fei's leg.

"What are you holding, I'm not …"

Zuo Fei Fei was just about to refuse, but halfway through her sentence, Li Hao's hand that was covered in the Congealed Dew touched the wound on her leg, causing a bone marrow cool sensation to instantly surge out from the wound, dispelling the burning pain.

Li Hao dipped his hand into the Congealed Dew and smeared all the wounds on Zuo Fei Fei Fei's arms and legs. After that, he stood up and looked at her expectantly.

"Abnormal …"

Zuo Fei Fei looked at Li Hao's burning gaze as he stared at the wound on her leg, and couldn't help but curse in her heart. But when she felt the wound on her body begin to itch, she couldn't help but to widen her eyes in shock!

How long had she been bruised? Could it be that his wounds were already beginning to scab?!

What happened next surprised her even more. Two minutes later, the blood scab on her wound fell off automatically, and the skin underneath was still as translucent as jade. It looked exactly the same as the place she was previously uninjured from.

"This …"

Zuo Fei Fei looked at Li Hao in surprise, but Li Hao waved his fist in excitement and said: "Great, it worked!"

After saying that, he gave Zuo Fei Fei a kind smile before turning around and running back into the classroom. He couldn't wait to give this Congee Dew to Chen Xi!

"Interesting fellow, you actually didn't even leave your name behind?"

Zuo Fei Fei laughed lightly as she gazed at Li Hao's disappearing figure.

This guy who beat her in running, and seemed to have quite good kung fu skills, for the first time made her interested in the opposite sex.

"Hello? "Aunt, I was beaten."

Zuo Fei Fei sat on the stone chair and took out her phone to make a call. The moment the call connected, she directly spoke up.

"What?!" Someone actually dares to touch our Fei Fei? What path did the other party have? Underworld or unorthodox? Is it from Pearl Country? This old lady will bring people to destroy him! "

Hearing this, a woman's angry voice came from the other end of Zuo Fei Fei's phone. It was obvious that she had a hot personality.

"No, aunt, that was a rather interesting fellow."

Zuo Fei Fei laughed lightly and said, "This is the first time I've seen someone like this!"

"Oh my god! Fifi, you don't have a masochistic tendencies, do you? You don't want so many people kneeling in front of you? After getting beaten up by someone, you have a good impression of them? "

On the other end of the phone, Zuo Fei Fei's sister-in-law was obviously speechless, and said: "But if you like it, then of course I'll support you, if you like it, then go and get it! I don't believe that there's a man that we, Fei Fei, can't beat! "

"Aunt, you're my elder. Can you mind your words?"

Zuo Fei Fei had a slight headache as she rubbed her temples, then said: "Moreover, there is one thing on his hand that you will definitely be interested in. I just experienced it myself, and it can actually cure light injuries quickly. Most importantly, it can also perfectly remove scars!"


At this moment, Zuo Fei Fei's voice increased by several decibels, as if she had discovered a new continent. She opened her mouth and said: "There's actually such a thing?!"

Pausing for a second, Zuo Fei Fei's aunt spoke again, "Fei Fei, you have to listen to my aunt, you have to work hard. Not only you have to hit him, you have to hit him hard, you have to take this brat down!" #

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