It was June in the middle of summer. The scorching hot sun was baking the earth, and the tall buildings that were erected everywhere on the Pearl City only served to intensify the hot island effect of the city. Therefore, the summers of these few years were getting harder and harder to bear.

In one of the lecture halls of the Chinese Medical Academy, the entire classroom was silent. Some were busy writing, some were deep in thought, and some were scratching their heads as they looked around. At the same time, they were confessing to their own lack of effort.

"Qian Jun, just keep your eyes on your paper!"

Liu Zheng and Old Devil Liu walked back and forth in the classroom with their hands behind their backs, occasionally scolding the bastards who were cheating or trying to cheat.

"Liu Xing!" If I see you do anything else, you will immediately hand in your paper and leave the examination hall! "

Old Demon Liu's expression was solemn. If he could be said to be the Devil Teacher during lessons, then when he was taking the examinations, he was basically the advanced version of the Devil Teacher. Whenever he was given the task of overseeing a certain class, the scums would always look up at the sky and wail, feeling as if they had already been sentenced to failure.

Li Hao, who sat in the first row of the exam grounds, didn't belong to any of the three groups mentioned earlier.

He was neither scribbling nor meditating nor looking around. Instead, he was staring at the birds in the branches outside the window with a bored expression on his face.

He was too bored!

This examination is the basis of TCM diagnostics, especially placed in the last of all subjects, in order to give students more time to review.

This was because this class was truly difficult!

Traditional Chinese Medicine had its own unique system. Just from the four aspects of diagnosis, such as seeing, hearing, asking, and cutting, there were basically no concrete examples of modern science that could be proved.

In addition, there were also quite a few similar symptoms and pulses that needed to be differentiated. In the Chinese Medical School, the passing rate for this course had always been the lowest among all subjects.

However, this subject, which made almost all the students in the field of Chinese medicine complain nonstop, was not challenging for Li Hao at all.

The duration of the exam was a total of two hours. However, after the papers were handed out, along with the examination and writing time, Li Hao took less than an hour to complete them all!

In other words, after he had finished each question, he already had the corresponding treatment in his mind, so he didn't need to stop and spend time thinking. This had long since exceeded the level of a top student, and even the teacher who taught them, Old Devil Liu, wouldn't be as fast and accurate as Li Hao when he received these questions.

If he hadn't promised to go back to Chenyu's house for dinner with Chenxi after the exam ended, Li Hao would have turned in his paper long ago.

"It was quite late last night when the meeting ended, and I woke up early today to take the exam. This kind of life sure is fulfilling."

Li Hao sighed in his heart. He gently massaged a few acupuncture points on his head, dispelling the tiredness in his body.

After last night's royal ball, Li Hao stayed behind with Zuo Fei Fei Fei, Zuo Yu Ling, and Liu Yuying to have a small discussion about the future development of the Congee Dew.

On the high end of the road, without question, the Congealed Dew had already won a fame by relying on its miraculous effects. After last night, all the famous young ladies in the pearl had basically bought two boxes of Congealed Dew, and after they personally experienced it, they believed that they would definitely continue to buy more.

Zuo Fei Fei had long since thought of this, so with Zuo Yu Ling's help, she had already installed storefronts in the business circles, such as the major shopping malls, and would be ready to open for business tomorrow.

These famous women all had their own relatives, friends, and friends. Facing such a good product, how could they not share it with their friends?

After such a network of people had been set up, the radiation was shockingly large!

First of all, the big cities of China, like Yan Jing, Yang Cheng, and the other places, would surely spread the news of the Congealed Dew. When that time came, without Li Hao, Zuo Fei Fei Fei, and the others promoting it, the audience would be able to do the same!

As for the matter of the Congealing Dew being beneficial to the general public, Li Hao and the others also discussed it. After all, the price of the pure Congealed Dew at the highest possible price was too high.

Although the price wasn't too outrageous compared to its effect, it still made a lot of ordinary people feel discouraged. It was just like a luxury car with a luxurious appearance. They could only envy it in their hearts, but had no luck.

This made Li Hao, who climbed up from the bottom, a little depressed. He wanted everyone to be able to enjoy it.

After a discussion last night, Zuo Yuling suggested a method to mix the dew with water.

In other words, the 100% purity Congealed Dew continued to walk the luxurious path of life, and it could also be used to introduce a product that had its effects reduced after being mixed with water from the Congealed Dew. It could greatly reduce the price, and it could also be used by ordinary people.

As a result, although the effect was not as instantaneous, it also gave those working class people the ability to get to the top.

After some discussion, they all agreed on this proposal. They changed the word 'Condensing Dew' from a reduced purity to 'Condensing Reality Liquid'.

Zuo said she would go back and ask Ah Jian to design another set of internal and external packaging to prepare for the release of the Condensing Liquid in the future.

At that time, let Liu Yijun speak up for the True Congealing Solution.

The Congealed Dew was basically split into two. The 100% pure Congealed Dew was popular in the upper echelons of society, and after its purity was reduced, the Congealed Dew would benefit the common masses.

From top to bottom, it covered the entire Chinese medicine market!

"Hua Lingtong, I'd like to see the head of Mingzhu's old cosmetics industry, this time, can you suppress the momentum of my Congealed Dew!?"

Recalling Hua Lingtong's resentful eyes when he left that day, Li Hao sneered in his heart.

He had absolute confidence in his products!


As he was thinking, time flew by. Suddenly, a bell rang in the classroom.

Li Hao hurriedly packed his stuff and prepared to hand in his paper.

By the time he had finished packing up and handed in his paper, Chen Xi, who was wearing a flowery short skirt, was already standing beside him …

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