"You haven't been to the house much lately. Grandma's been talking about you."

Walking on the road, Chen Xi said coolly, "She kept asking if I was being too cold or if I had done something wrong to make you angry."

"Haha, Grandma is so cute."

When Li Hao heard this, he could not help but smile, feeling touched in his heart.

Ming Zhu city was just too big, so big that he had always felt that he could not find his own place, that he could not even find his own existence.

But now, other than his roommates, he had his master, Chen Yu's family, a confidante like Zuo Fei Fei Fei and Zhuo Yan Yu, and a sister even more intimate than Liu Yuying.

Although the disgusting villains and troubles in his life increased, Wang Yun, Lu Siyuan, and Hua Lingtong would always warm the coldness in their hearts whenever they faced these close friends.

After their morning exams ended, it wasn't time for them to get off work yet, so Li Hao and Chenxi went to Old Man Chen Yu's office to wait for him after work.

When they arrived at the office, it could be seen that old man Chenyu was watering the flowers. From the bottom of his heart, it could be seen that he was a person who loved nature.

"Hur hur, they're here!"

Old man Chen Yu looked at Li Hao and Chen Xi as they walked in. He put down the kettle in his hands and said with a smile, "I just returned to school. Nobody has been taking care of my plants for days."

"I have a lot of things to do recently, and teacher seems to be quite busy as well. It's been a long time since I've come to visit teacher, and it's all my fault."

Li Hao slightly bowed towards Chenyu. Although the old man hadn't really taught him much, Li Hao had always respected him, and had always taken into consideration the task the old man had entrusted to him, the task of revitalizing the Chinese medicine.

"Are you busy with the Congealing Dew matter?"

Old man Chen Yu twisted his beard and smiled: "Recently, I also have some private matters to attend to, so I didn't come to school much."

"Creak …"

Just then, the door to the office was pushed open from the outside. Liu Zheng walked in with a stack of papers in his hands.

Back then, Liu Zheng was also an honorary disciple of Chen Yu's old man. When Chen Yu came to school, she also helped him transfer him to the same office as her.

"Where's Li Hao and Chen Xi?"

Liu Zheng smiled and said, "I was the one who gave the paper for diagnosis this morning. How difficult is it?"

Li Hao and Chen Xi's standard of traditional Chinese medicine completely surpassed that of ordinary students. If they both felt that this exam was difficult, then this time, the passing rate for the foundation of traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis would be worrisome again.

"The difficulty of the exams are not bad, but the questions are a bit too big. By the time I finished, there were only fifteen minutes left until the end of the exams. I believe that most of the students would not be able to finish them."

Chen Xi pursed her lips.

"I'm okay."

Li Hao shrugged his shoulders and said.

Liu Zheng must have noticed his performance during the invigilator exam and completed it in less than an hour.

"Hehe, since there's still a bit of time before work, why don't you two take out your test papers and change it to see who's better?"

Old man Chen Yu smiled as he spoke.

Li Hao and Chen Xi glanced at each other and smiled. It was as if time had returned to the day when Chen Xi had just transferred to her class.


Seeing Li Hao and Chen Xi nod, Liu Zheng was also looking forward to the results. He quickly placed the papers on the table, buried his head in a stack of papers and pulled out both Li Hao and Chen Xi's papers.

"Who do you think will score higher?"

Li Hao and Chen Xi were sitting on stools, looking at Liu Zheng and Chen Yu who were reading their papers separately. They asked with interest.

"You're tall."

Chen Xi rolled her eyes at him and said in a bad mood.

"Ugh …"

Li Hao scratched his head. He didn't expect Chen Xi to admit defeat so straightforwardly.

"If you can't beat me, how can I like you?"

Seeing the embarrassed look on Li Hao's face, Chen Xi chuckled and added.

Li Hao was stunned once again.

Who said that Chenchen, who had lived in Mount Qianyan since she was young, was not good at speaking?!

Who said that?!

Can't you even speak?

This twist of his was too awesome, okay?

Such a sudden confession was really unstoppable!

If Chen Yu and Liu Zheng weren't still here, Li Hao really wanted to hug Chen Xi and give her a fierce kiss!

Half an hour later, both Chen Yu and Liu Zheng had finished reading their papers. After exchanging their opinions, they put down the papers in their hands.

"Li Hao, full marks."

Liu Zheng said with a bitter smile, "I really don't know where you learned it from, you're just too perverted."

Liu Zheng already knew Li Hao's speed when he was in the invigilator's exam, moreover, he had such a terrifying accuracy rate. No wonder he, as a university professor, even used such a "perverted" evaluation of Li Hao.

"Chenxi was also not bad. She also got a perfect score."

Old man Chen Yu smiled and said: "Although your diagnosis and prescription is not a problem, but your flexibility is a bit worse than Li Hao's. Little Liu also said that Li Hao's answer speed is much faster than yours, so even though the scores are the same, Li Hao is still a bit better."


Chen Xi nodded slightly. She was not surprised by this result at all.

"Hur hur, good, good. It's time now. Let's go home and eat."

Old man Chen Yu took his briefcase and stood up from his chair. Before he left the room, he patted Li Hao on the shoulder and said, "When we get home, there's someone else I want to meet with you."

"Who is it?"

Li Hao was also curious to see Chenyu's mysterious appearance. Could it be that the person waiting for him at home was Chenyu's old man?

"Hehe, you'll know when we meet."

Old man Chen Yu bought a small gift and said with a smile: "But that guy is also a great master of Chinese medicine. His medical skills aren't considered unrivalled in the world, but he's definitely one of the few!"

"That powerful?"

Li Hao's brows slightly raised, and the curiosity in his heart became even stronger.

To be honest, he had never heard of old man Chenyu praise someone so highly in the field of traditional Chinese medicine!

"How is this person's medical skills compared to that of teacher?"

Li Hao asked again.

In fact, with his current medical skills, in a way, he had already surpassed Chen Yu. However, his condition was special, and in the society, there weren't many masters that could compare to Chen Yu.


Hearing Li Hao's question, Old Man Chenyu couldn't help but laugh. He waved his hand without hesitation and said, "I'm not as good as him …"

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