Li Hao's face froze for a moment, and he finally began to look up to it in his heart.

Old man Chen Yu was undoubtedly a person who believed in traditional Chinese medicine, and he was also a proud person. In this area, he was generous enough to admit that he was inferior to others, which proved that this mysterious friend of his was truly talented.

The car drove on the road, and soon they arrived at the small villa that was the old man's residence.

"Old man, you're back?"

As soon as the door opened, Li Hao heard his grandmother Chen Xi's familiar greeting. She was a classic good wife and mother. Her family was everything to her.

"Old woman, look who I've brought back for you."

Old man Chen Yu happily changed into a pair of shoes and stepped aside, revealing Li Hao behind him: "Take a look, is it the person you're thinking about in your heart?"

"Hi grandma, it's been a while since I've come to see you. I've really missed the food you cooked."

Li Hao bowed to his grandmother with a smile and said.

"Aiyo, Little Hao is here!"

The moment Chenxi's grandmother saw Li Hao, the smile on her face became even more radiant. She quickly walked out of the house and affectionately grabbed Li Hao's arm, sizing him up, "I'm a bit thinner than last time. Those restaurants outside are not as nutritious as the ones I cook at home!"

"Fine, as long as grandma doesn't mind, I'll come here every day to get food to eat."

Li Hao also sincerely liked this pair of old men, and laughed as he spoke.

"You only know how to tease grandma."

Chen Xi's grandma smiled as she led Li Hao into the room. She then said to old man Chen Yu, "The guest you invited, in the study upstairs, asked for a cup of tea from me but didn't say anything. He's young, but he's still as depressed as a little old man."

"This must be the person that teacher thinks highly of, right?"

When Li Hao heard the meaning behind the melody, he smiled and said, "It's still too early to leave the meal. Why don't we go meet this guest first!"

"Hehe, good. Originally, he didn't come here to eat, but to meet you."

The old man nodded his head and said: "Come, you two follow me to the second floor."

Li Hao and Chen Xi glanced at each other before they followed him towards the study on the second floor.

Li Hao had already been to Old Man Chenyu's study many times. When he opened the door, Old Man Chenyu smiled and said, "Ning Wei, you must be bored sitting here by yourself, right?"

"Not bad."

A tall and straight figure stood up from the chair in the old man's study and lightly said: "Elder Chen has a lot of books here. Although it won't help me much, but as the saying goes, you know better and better."

Li Hao's eyes slightly narrowed as he sized up this expert who was highly respected and respected by Old Master Chen Yu before he came here.

This was a man around the age of twenty-seven or twenty-eight. He was full of vigor and vitality. His eyes were clear and bright, and his face was flushed red. His vital energy and blood were vigorous.

Although his expression was calm, his words were filled with hidden ripples. It seemed as if he was praising Old Master Chen Yu for his wealth of books, but his intention was to say that his knowledge wasn't that profound and was still lacking when compared to his own.

In a single move, Li Hao had a rough estimate of Ning Wei.

He was born in a famous family or Chinese medical family, and this person … Very arrogant!

"Li Hao?"

Ning Wei's gaze slowly moved to Li Hao. The corner of his mouth slowly turned upwards as he said, "I know you."

"Forgive my ignorance, but I have never heard of you."

Li Hao spoke in a deep voice, neither servile nor overbearing.

Even if this person had some ability, but he was disrespectful to Chenchu just now, so Li Hao didn't have any good impression of him.

"He really doesn't want to be at a disadvantage!"

Ning Wei sneered. Listening to Li Hao's counterattack, he walked over and said, "I've seen some of your deeds. You did pretty well in some Western and Chinese Exchange Convention, but you said you alone wanted to revive Chinese medicine, but you're not qualified!"

"It's not a question of whether or not I'm good enough."

Li Hao's heart was burning with anger, he retorted, "At least I am standing up and working hard, unlike some people who don't want to shoulder such a heavy responsibility despite possessing no medical skills, such people are truly not qualified to criticize me!"

Damn it!

Li Hao was speechless as he looked at Ning Wei pretending to be a big tail wolf.

When Old Master Chenyu had spoken on the way here, he had thought that the person he was going to meet was a knowledgeable and knowledgeable doctor. Perhaps he could come over and exchange pointers, or perhaps they could walk side by side, fighting together for the cause of Chinese medicine's revival.

But this was a good thing. He didn't expect him to be such a pretentious criminal with high eyes!

The atmosphere suddenly turned stiff. Ning Wei's eyes narrowed, he looked at Li Hao and said word by word, "If you knew who I am, I don't think you'd think I'm unqualified."

"Little Hao, Ning Wei is the Little Needle King from the Medicine Valley. His medical skills are superb, so it is normal for him to be arrogant."

Old man Chen Yu stood up and said with a smile: "The Medicine Valley is a traditional Chinese medicine with thousands of years of heritage. Back then, when I took Chen Xi to live in seclusion in the Southern Mountain, I was fortunate enough to get some pointers from a traveling senior from the Medicine Valley."

"Orthodoxy of Chinese Medicine?"

Li Hao nodded. He finally understood why this Ning Wei was so high and mighty.

"Li Hao, reviving Chinese medicine is not as simple as you think. Do you think that your medical skills are already very high?"

Ning Wei looked down at Li Hao condescendingly and said, "If that's the case, I don't mind beating you up to let you realize just how powerful you are."

Provoke, naked provocation!

But would Li Hao be afraid of him?

Of course not!

"Great!" I am curious to see what kind of methods the hermit experts of the Medicine King Valley have! "

Li Hao nodded his head with a cold smile, not giving in at all.

He knew clearly that in order to make Chinese medicine rise again in the tide of Western medicine, he had to convince them of this so-called orthodox Chinese medicine.

"Since ancient times, medicine and martial arts are interlinked, so it can also be said that there is no first place in terms of literature, and no second place in terms of medicine."

Ning Wei seemed to have already expected Li Hao to agree, and spoke calmly.

"Good!" What do you think we should do? "

Li Hao nodded his head. He had seen a ball, a zither, and a dance.

"If we lose, we will help you revive the Chinese medicine."

"And if you lose, then give us the ownership of the Congee Dew!"

So it turned out that this fellow was planning to reveal his true abilities!

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