After the shooting of the promotional film, Li Hao, Zuo Feifei and a Jian also had dinner with Liu Yiqiong and director Liu.

During the dinner, Li Hao paid tribute to Zuo Feifei and a Jian. These days, they have been busy with the packaging design of condensate, the packaging design of condensate, and the creativity and implementation of shooting advertisements. These things seem to be nothing, but Li Hao knows that the actual operation is quite laborious.

Zuo Feifei and a Jian have been working overtime for more than half a month. In Zuo Feifei's words, this condensate Zhenlu series of products is their painstaking efforts, just like their own children. They don't trust others and must come in person.

Although ah Jian, the dead mother gun, plotted against him all day and wanted to break Li Hao, the joke was a joke, but this guy really reassured Li Hao when he did things.

With these good friends taking good care of his backyard, he can safely and wholeheartedly attack the front line.

After having enough to eat and drink, Liu Dao left by car. Liu Yiqiong was also picked up by his agent. He immediately had to go to Hengdian to film. Li Hao asked Zuo Feifei to take ah Jian back to rest and take a taxi back to school.

Both of them have been working too hard recently. If Li Hao doesn't love them anymore, he will be like those cruel private bosses.

The night of the pearl is also brightly lit. It's only more than nine o'clock now, and the nightlife of celebrities, rich and young has just begun.

Li Hao walked in the street, watching the cars coming and going, he felt so unreal.

Wandering along the street lights, Li Hao took out his mobile phone. He suddenly missed his old friend and couldn't help dialing a phone.

"Doo... Doo..."

After a few rings, the phone was connected, and a cold voice came from the receiver.

"Li Hao?"


Hearing this familiar voice, Li Hao's heart couldn't help getting excited. He had many words to say, but he didn't know what to say. He had to ask, "how are you recently?"

"Very good."

Peng Ting's voice was like a bottomless ancient well without a trace of waves. She asked, "I haven't heard from you for a long time, and I haven't continued to let me deliver goods to you. Why? The purchasing business is not done?"

"Hehe, I've been busy recently."

Li Hao smiled. Peng Ting was abroad. When he used to buy on behalf, he asked her or her friends to bring him a lot of things from abroad.

"Be busy."

Peng Ting heard a sound of water. According to the time difference, it should be more than seven o'clock in the morning. She should have just got up to wash.

"When will you be back during the summer vacation?"

Li Hao asked with a smile, "am I waiting for you in the Pearl, or will I go back to our orphanage first?"

Although Peng Ting was later picked up by her family, she was still very grateful. In the past, she used to go back to see the old Dean and Li Hao every year. Later, Li Hao came out of Mingzhu University and she also went abroad for further study, so they would go back to the orphanage together every summer vacation.

"I can't come back this summer vacation."

Peng Ting paused and said, "I have to stay in the United States to practice, and then finish the paper. If it goes well, I can get the certificate and return home around the end of the year."


After hearing this, Li Hao felt a loss, but he also knew it was a good thing. He immediately smiled and said, "come on, there are plenty of opportunities to meet when you return home!"


Peng Ting answered and said faintly, "accompany grandpa Dean for me. I'll give you some money later and buy him some good things for me."

"No, I'll buy it if I have money. If you're alone abroad, you'd better keep your money and take good care of yourself."

Li Hao refused.

Now the income of Ning Zhenlu is a terrible figure every day, and the condensate with wider coverage will be on the market soon. He doesn't know how much money he has in his card, but it should be an astronomical figure he didn't dare to think about before.

The other end of the phone was silent for a while. Peng Ting didn't ask where Li Hao's money came from. She just gave a "um" and agreed with him.

"OK, then wash quickly and have breakfast. We'll have a good chat when you come back."

Li haoyin felt that Peng Ting seemed to have something wrong. She was not so cold before, but she didn't ask a lot on the phone. She just thought that she had been overwhelmed by practice and papers recently. After telling her to have a good rest, she hung up the phone.

Director Liu's efficiency was really high. He edited the whole condensate advertising film in less than three days, and passed the sample film to Li Hao and Zuo Feifei.

Director Liu is worthy of being a famous advertising director in the circle. Li Hao, Zuo Feifei and a Jian are all very satisfied with the promotional film without exception.

Bing FA Yun: before soldiers and horses move, food and grass go first.

In the war of shopping malls, advertising is food and grass. Whether a product can finally stand out in the market or not, its own effect is just one hand, but it is more critical if the early publicity is not in place.

If the publicity is not done well and the public does not know your product, how can we talk about buying it?

Zuo Yuling can make Zuo's medical makeup so popular. She naturally understands this truth. Zuo Feifei, who has been influenced by her, also knows it well.

These days, as long as you turn on the TV or web page, many stations and portal websites will pop up video advertisements to promote condensate. Zuo Feifei spent a lot of money this time, but anyway, there is no problem in terms of capital with the money that condensate sells in front.

Later, Zuo Yuling launched her own relationship, rented her a large display screen in the CBD of the Pearl City Center for two days, and circularly played promotional videos about condensate, which attracted many passers-by to stop and watch.

Closely following the publicity, next to the condensate sales counter in major shopping malls, the condensate sales counter soon sprung up. On the first day of opening, there will be some trial or buy more gifts, which has aroused the upsurge of the whole city. The whole Pearl City is ignited by the two rankings of condensate and condensate on this day!!

At the same time, Li Hao's publicity about traditional Chinese medicine in the promotional film also had a great effect. For a time, this magical traditional treasure has also become a hot topic.

Haotian industry and Zuo's medical makeup have entered the stage of rapid capital accumulation with the spring breeze of condensation and dew, and this accumulation is not like tax evasion at the beginning of many enterprises. Li Hao's Haotian industry does not have any opportunism, and all the money is fair and aboveboard!


In the chairman's office of Huarong group, Hua Lingtong suddenly broke the porcelain vase in his hand into pieces. With red eyes, he roared at the general manager in front of him: "once again, how much has our sales been affected and reduced?"

"Our sales decreased by... Eight, eight percentage points."

The general manager looked at Hua Lingtong in front of him gingerly and said obediently.

"Waste, waste!!"

Hua Lingtong picked up the computer on the desk and smashed it at the general manager. He roared, "what are you still doing here!" ###### the third watch! It will be sent together at the fourth watch later. There should be five watch today!

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