"Dashao, the momentum of condensate and condensate is really hot. Originally, their condensate was only on the high-end line, and there was no conflict with our products, but unexpectedly, they... They also began to attack the low-end mass market!"

The forehead of the general manager of Huarong group was full of sweat, and he was very anxious about the continuous decline of sales, but he couldn't think of any good way to deal with it.

Their cosmetics used to be the first leading industry of Pearl and even China, but now people pay more and more attention to health preservation while paying attention to beauty. Pharmaceutical makeup is easier to capture people's hearts than simple cosmetics, and the effect of condensate and condensate produced by Haotian group and Zuo's pharmaceutical makeup is so good.

He really can't think of how their company's products will compete with condensate and condensate!

"Ningzhenlu's high-end luxury route has not had such a big impact on us, but one day, they have only just spread to the market!!"

Hua Lingtong roared, "in just one day, our sales in the Pearl region have decreased by eight percentage points! If this continues, can Huarong group hold him down in a month, half a year or a year?"

"You must have a way, don't you?"

A flattering smile appeared on the general manager's face and flatteringly poured a glass of water to Hua Lingtong from the nearby table.

Wang Xuecheng is not smart, but he can be the general manager of Huarong group today because he is really good at being a man.

He can bear it. He can be beaten and scolded by Hua Lingtong, and he can't fight back and scold back; He is also good at observing words and expressions, and knows when to say what to say; He knows more about advance and retreat, knows when to stand up and make up his mind, and knows when to shrink his neck to give his immediate boss room to show.

Hua Lingtong is not a tolerant boss. On the contrary, when he was a child, he was often looked down upon because of his ugly appearance. He has more desire to prove himself and be recognized than ordinary people.

If everything can be perfectly solved by subordinates, what is the value of his boss?

Wang Xuecheng knew this well, so he was able to sit in the position of general manager of Huarong group until today. Before, there were many people with more outstanding ability than him who were kicked out by Hua Lingtong without exception, but he didn't.

Hua Lingtong looked at Wang Xuecheng, who was respectful and respectful in front of him. His anger dissipated a little. He stretched out his hand to take the water he handed over, drank it up and said: "Now Haotian industry and Zuo's medical makeup have been in conflict with us. They haven't paid attention to them before. I didn't expect that they still have two brushes. Since they endanger my interests, don't blame me."

His eyes twinkled with a cruel light. After that, he put down the cup in his hand, waved his hand and said, "tell him to go down and find a little actor who is good at acting but not famous. The day after tomorrow, let someone take her to make up, and then go to the biggest condensate and condensate counter in CBD to make trouble."

"I see!"

In fact, Wang Xuecheng had already thought of this method in his heart, but he still pretended to have a sudden understanding. He nodded repeatedly: "after all, they are new products on the market. Although the trend is fierce, the audience foundation is not solid. He can't help the impact of some negative things. This move is really powerful. It's really wonderful!"

"Well, compared with our old brand products, their biggest disadvantage is their weak foundation."

Hua Lingtong had a cruel smile on his mouth and said, "I'm going to kill Ning Zhenlu while they're not stable. This is the hen that can only help Li Hao lay eggs!!"

Hua Lingtong was murderous when he said this, as if he really wanted to get a piece of meat from Li Hao.

That time in Ruyi building, he was beaten in the face by Li Hao in public. If he didn't take the opportunity to take crazy revenge this time, he wouldn't be a frightening madman Hua Lingtong!

"Young and old, why don't we send someone to discredit us right away and wait until the day after tomorrow?"

Wang Xuecheng asked his doubts with an open mind.

He thought of such an abusive means to discredit and suppress others, but he didn't figure out why Hua Lingtong asked him to wait two more days.

You know, they have lost eight percentage points of earnings now, and this trend seems to continue to rise. If this continues, their company will be swallowed up by hundreds of thousands of earnings in these two days!

Wang Xuecheng was puzzled. He knew that although Hua Lingtong was crazy, he would never have trouble with money. What did he do this for?

"Two days later, it should be the time for them to fully open the popularity of Zhenlu and Zhenye, spread out from the Pearl and become a pharmaceutical makeup brand known to the whole of China."

Hua Lingtong grinned, as if a jujube had cracked a crack, and said with a sneer: "I want to pour a basin of dirty water on them at their most brilliant time, so that consumers all over the country can know this scandal. I want Li Hao to be completely doomed this time and never turn over!!"

"I see."

Wang Xuecheng's face flashed a look of fear. Although Hua Lingtong was no different from a mad dog, his mind was extremely alert and vicious. He did everything to achieve his goal, so he was so frightening.

A mad dog that can only bark is not terrible. A mad dog with sharp teeth and can bite people will make people retreat!

"Young and old, I'll find someone now."

Wang Xuecheng bowed respectfully to Hua Lingtong, then turned and left the president's office and went out to do things according to Hua Lingtong's instructions.


"The advent of Ning Zhenlu hasn't intensified the contradiction, but with the release of Ning Zhenlu, Li Hao finally has to face up to his big brother."

In Huafei's villa yesterday, he lay on the sofa with Xiaoxue in his arms and listened to a recording in the headset. A long-awaited smile appeared on Junyi's face.

"The mountain rain is coming, and the wind is all over the building. Young master, do you think young master Li Hao can win?"

Xiaoxue nestled in Huafei's arms, with a trace of worry on her pretty face.

She knows how long and how hard Hua Fei waited for a chance to turn over yesterday. She also knows that Li Hao and Hua Lingtong will be miserable if they lose.

What is about to open will be the top business war in the pearl business circle, which is also related to the fate of two men who are so kind to her. How can Xiaoxue not be nervous?

"With my dark chess, Li Hao has a great chance of winning."

Huafei got up yesterday and pushed open the window. The hot sun sprinkled into the dark room and shone on Huafei's handsome face, just like a waking God.

The mountain rain is coming, and the wind is all over the building. Let the storm come more fiercely#### Fourth change!!! Let's talk about it. If you use the cracked Book flag to read for free, there is no way to support the results of this book. Therefore, if you think it's not easy for me to write so many words every day, and hope this book can be good, I hope you can support the genuine book. It's really convenient to read. If you only read my book, the book beans signed in every day will be almost enough, Please support the genuine, thank you.

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