The popularity of condensed truffle and condensed truffle is still soaring. Now in the streets, the advertising words of condensed truffle and condensed truffle have been familiar to the public.

Condensed truffle (liquid), restore your newborn perfect skin!

Now ningzhenlu and ningzhenye are only sold locally in the Pearl, but their fame has already started throughout China through various channels. This magical traditional Chinese medicine makeup has brought good news to countless people who are suffering from their own skin problems.

Some consumers even found that condensate and condensate have good therapeutic effects on skin diseases such as psoriasis and ichthyosis. There are many research institutions that buy condensate and condensate for various tests, but there is no way to give an explanation in a scientific way.

All this, just as Li Hao said in the advertisement, there are many things in the world that can not be explained by modern science and technology. Ning Zhenlu is like this, and so is traditional Chinese medicine!

At the same time, all the old cosmetics have been greatly impacted. The first one to bear the brunt is Huarong group of Huajia, the leader of Huaxia cosmetics industry.

On the third day of the listing of condensate, the sales counters of condensate and condensate in major shopping malls were still crowded and hot. However, a group of people suddenly appeared in front of the counters in the CBD of the central business circle of the city. The first few people like bodyguards in black pushed and shooed directly and rudely, pushing the customers waiting in line in front of the counters to the side, Even some customers were pushed down and fell to the ground!

"Who are you? What are you doing?!"

The shop assistant sent by Zuo's pharmaceutical makeup angrily looked at these menacing guys and asked angrily.

"What are you doing?"

Behind the man in black, a woman in bright clothes came out, wearing a pair of cool sunglasses on her face, covering most of her face, so that people can't see her face clearly.

She went to the counter selling Ning Zhenlu. She seemed extremely angry. Without saying a word, she raised her hand and slapped it on the face of the saleswoman who questioned them!!


With a crisp sound, under the gaze of countless unknown onlookers, a clear palm print was printed on the female salesperson's face, and the red print of five fingers was clear, and then it soon swelled up high!


The saleswoman covered her face and the crystal tears swirled in her eyes because of the pain on her face and the grievance in her heart.

"What are you?!"

The female toe of sunglasses looked at the saleswoman angrily and screamed: "unscrupulous businessmen sell fake drugs to make huge profits and deceive consumers. You even asked me what I wanted to do. Scum like you deserve to be smoked!"

Unscrupulous merchants?

Selling fake drugs?

The woman's words had a huge amount of information, which immediately stunned the consumers who lined up to buy condensate and condensate!

"Everyone wake up and don't be deceived. Losing money is small and your health is big!"

The woman turned around and cried to the onlookers nearby: "I'm not afraid to tell you that the conditions in my family are good, but I have a birthmark on my face since I was a child, which makes me choke in my throat."

"When Ning Zhenlu just appeared on the market, looking at its amazing and incredible effect, I was really excited to cry. I think the gospel I have been looking forward to for more than 20 years has finally come!"

The woman seemed more and more excited. Then she pulled off the sunglasses on her face, pointed to a large red mark on her left cheek and cried, "but look, look! After I used the condensation dew for three days, the original birthmark on her face not only did not disappear, but also expanded, and the color became deeper!!"

Speaking of this, the woman seemed to have collapsed. She squatted on the ground, covered her face and cried bitterly: "unscrupulous businessmen, murder for money! How can I go out and meet people in the future?"

"Tut Tut, really, how terrible!"

The weak are always easy to win the sympathy of the public. Seeing the collapse of the woman, the onlookers couldn't help shaking their heads one by one and transferred all their sympathy for the beaten salesperson to the tragic woman.

People's faces have been destroyed like this. Who wouldn't be excited?

"But it's wrong. I've come to buy condensate for the second time. After I go home and use it up, although the effect of condensate is not as immediate as condensate, the scars on my body are really much lighter!"

At this time, some consumers came forward and questioned.

The woman seemed to have known that there would be such a person, raised her head and shook her hands and said, "don't be deceived by the surface phenomenon. I used Ning Zhenlu at that time, and the birthmark on my face disappeared that day. I was ecstatic at that time, so I bought Ning Zhenlu and went home to use it as makeup and skin care products, but..."

At this point, the woman seemed uncontrollable and wanted to cry again, sobbing: "but after two consecutive days of use, my lost birthmark reappeared again, and the area was larger and the color was more obvious than before!!"

"Oh, my God!"

"It should be like this!!"

"This Zuo's medicine makeup and Haotian industry are not things, are they? It's so cheating?!"

"God knows what kind of cover they have added to it. They should deceive our trust!"

After hearing the woman's words, the onlookers were filled with indignation, and even many people rushed forward on the spot, shouting to return the condensate and condensate they had just bought!

And those consumers who have used condensate or condensate are in danger of repeated phenomena like this woman!

"This lady, we are reporters from Xinhua news. We want to interview you."

"Now the Pearl TV station is doing a live report for you in the CBD Central Shopping Mall."


Immediately after that, a large number of media reporters came to the scene. For a time, all the long guns and short guns focused on the noisy scene of the incident, but I don't know whether it was a tacit understanding. This time, when women brought people to make trouble, the security personnel of the central shopping mall seemed to be missing collectively, No one has stood up to stop and maintain order despite the uproar.

"Don't do this, don't do this..."

The saleswoman who was drawn was the store manager of this counter. She cried helplessly and watched the angry media reporters and people pouring towards her. There was no way but to repeat: "our goods are OK, really OK..."

But at this time, she was completely an accomplice for the tiger in everyone's heart. No one would believe her, and even people with extreme behavior directly threw their things at her!

The poor female store manager could only hold her head in her hands and curl up in the counter to avoid the anger of the crowd.

Seeing this scene, the crying woman slowly put her sunglasses back on her face. At the moment of bending over, an imperceptible sneer was raised at the corners of her mouth... ###### the fifth watch!!! Spit blood!! Today, there is no reward, but I still gave it to the fifth watch. It is because of the generosity of book friends and cold-blooded Knight Book friends from today. Today's enjoyable babies are stained with their light! Good night

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