"This... "How is this possible?!"

Chen Xi stared at her calves in a daze. Her pretty face was filled with disbelief. She hesitantly reached out her hand to stroke the cut, but her hands were cold and smooth. Her skin was even softer than before, as though it was new!

"How did you do it?!"

Chen Xi herself studied Chinese medicine. She could not imagine that there would be such a magical thing!

Although there was a famous medicine called Golden Pupa Muscle Powder in classical Chinese medicine that could cure wounds and dispel scars, not to mention that the method to concoct that medicine had long been lost, even if the legendary Golden Pupa Muscle Powder appeared once more, it would not be able to heal Chen Xi's wounds so quickly!

"What's impossible?"

Li Hao pointed at the logo of Chen Xi's sweatshirt and grinned, "Li Ning, anything is possible!"


Chen Xi's pretty face turned slightly red and her body moved backwards. Li Hao realized that the finger pointing at the label on Chenchen's clothes was also pointing at her breasts. This made him a little embarrassed. He immediately retracted his hand and smiled coyly.

Li Hao embarrassedly touched his nose while Chen Xi lowered her head with a blush on her face. The atmosphere was tense for a moment.

"Let's go back quickly, or else the class will end."

After a while, Chen Xi raised her head and whispered.


Li Hao nodded and let out a long sigh of relief in his heart. After that embarrassing but ambiguous incident, Chen Xi had forgotten to ask about the Congee Dew. This had saved Li Hao, who did not know how to explain the Congee Dew's origin.

"This is your reward!"

Chen Xi suddenly whispered into Li Hao's ear. Then, like a dragonfly touching the water, she kissed him on the side of his face. With a smile, she ran down the mountain like a butterfly.

"Ugh …"

Li Hao covered the side of his face that had just been 'sneakily attacked' by Chen Xi. He was stunned for a moment before hurriedly chasing after her. "You little girl, you actually dare to molest your brother. Don't run, your brother must return the kiss!"

After frolicking around for a while, Chen Xi was still unable to escape Li Hao's "Demon Claw". After he kissed her, the two of them walked down the hill side by side and headed towards the school building.

"When it's warm at first sight, it's still cold. The temperature is uneven, so it's the easiest to cause. The symptoms are …"

In the classroom, Old Demon Liu Zheng was giving his classmates a lesson on TCM diagnosis when the back door of the classroom was suddenly pushed open from the outside. Embarrassed, Li Hao and Chen Xi lowered their heads and walked in, tiptoeing to the seats in the back row.

Old Demon Liu's eyebrows creased slightly. He didn't say anything in public, but continued to attend class.


Not long after, the melodious sound of the bell rang and the morning class ended.

"Li Hao, Chen Xi, the two of you come with me."

Liu Zheng packed his things at the podium. Before he left, he said a few words to Li Hao and Chen Xi at the back of the classroom before turning around to leave.

Li Hao and Chen Xi looked at each other before shrugging helplessly. They got up and followed Liu Zheng out.

Skipping classes in university wasn't a big deal, especially since Li Hao and Chen Xi had returned to the classroom later. At most, they were only a little late.

However, in the eyes of the usually strict Old Demon Liu, this sort of behavior was no small matter.

"Explain yourself, what happened today?"

In the office, Liu Zheng looked at Li Hao and Chen Xi behind him. No matter how much he admired these two future hope stars of Chinese medicine, he was still angry at this moment.

"Do you think that your qualifications are great enough that you don't need to go back to class and that you don't even need to put me, the form teacher, in your eyes?!"

Liu Zheng looked at the silent Li Hao and Chen Xi. His tone was slightly raised and became stern.

Li Hao and Chen Xi had both skipped classes!

In Liu Zheng's eyes, this was not as simple as young men liking to play; this was a prideful and conceited attitude!

Although Li Hao and Chen Xi's medical skills and ability to learn Chinese medicine far exceeded their peers, Liu Zheng had been a teacher for so many years and knew that once a person had a conceited mindset, it was easy for them to fall into the wrong path!

"What's wrong?"

Before Li Hao and Chen Xi could speak, the door to the office was pushed open from the outside. Wearing a long robe, Old Man Chen Yu Chen walked in. Seeing Li Hao and Chen Xi also in the office, a trace of astonishment emerged on her face.

"These two little fellows have really angered me today …"

Looking at his benefactor, Liu Zheng smiled bitterly and told Old Master Chen everything that had happened this morning.

"Is that true?"

Old Man Chen frowned. He looked at Li Hao and Chen Xi with a serious expression and asked.


Li Hao took a deep breath and nodded.

"You still have the nerve to admit it, don't you think you're wrong?!"

Liu Zheng was so angry that his eyes stared wide open as he could not help but berate.

"Li Hao, I hope you can understand that I didn't accept you as a disciple to give you some special privileges. On the contrary, what you have obtained is only the responsibility of reviving the Chinese medicine in the future."

Old man Chen Yu looked at Li Hao with a serious expression. He knew that his granddaughter wouldn't skip class for no reason. Therefore, he also thought that Li Hao was too complacent and had even brought Chen Xi along.

"I'm not taking in a disciple because I'm a foppish playboy. If you think that having me as the dean and honorary principal's teacher will allow you to look down on the school's rules, then I think that I've made the wrong decision to take you in as my disciple!"

Chen Yu's deep eyes gazed at Li Hao and asked: "Li Hao, do you know now that you were wrong?"

"Teacher, Teacher Liu, I know it's wrong to skip class without reporting."

Li Hao calmly looked at Chenchu and Liu Zheng, curled his lips, and lightly said, "However, if we were to do it again, I think I would do it again."

Hearing his words, Chen Yu and Liu Zheng were angered to the point that they glared at him. Chen Xi, on the other hand, felt her heart warm up.

Others might not be able to understand the meaning behind Li Hao's words, but as the person in question, she knew clearly that the reason Li Hao had brought her to Qu Hui's class was because he wanted to use the True Congealing Dew to heal her leg injury as soon as possible!

"What did you say?!"

Liu Zheng and Old Man Chen Yu spoke at the same time, "Li Hao, you're too arrogant!"

Old man Chen Yu bitterly smiled in his heart. His wife had tried her best to get Chenxi to stay with him, but he hadn't expected that Li Hao would actually be such a proud and arrogant person. Even so, he was glad that he found out so early and didn't miss out on his granddaughter.

"Grandfather, Teacher Liu, don't blame Li Hao. The reason he did this today was all for me!"

Seeing them scolding Li Hao together, Chen Xi couldn't stand it any longer and said, "Grandpa, you misunderstood him!"

"Misunderstood him? What did we misunderstand about him? "

Old Man Chen frowned, "This kid took you out of school, and now he's still refusing to admit his mistakes. Are we wrong about him?"

"You really are wrong about him."

Chen Xi said, "Li Hao always thought that the injury to my leg was caused by him, so he always blamed himself. The reason he took me out today was to cure my injury as soon as possible!"

"Treat your injuries?"

Old man Chen Yu and Liu Zheng looked at each other, then they smiled and shook their heads: "Xi'er, that lie of yours is too fake. How can the injury on your leg be healed in a day and a night? Even if he wanted to help you recover, why would he be in such a hurry? "

"That's right!" Could it be that he has some unfathomable ability that can let your injuries recover to their peak state in the first moment? "

Liu Zheng shook his head, feeling that Chen Xi's explanation was nonsense. He sneered, "Chenxi, if the injury on your leg recovers, I will admit that I have wrongly accused all of you!"

However, Chen Xi did not say anything. Instead, she walked to the side and bent over to roll up her trousers.

The next moment, Old Man Chen and Liu Zheng, who were all smiling at Chenchen's ridiculous explanation, turned pale at the same time. They stared at Chenchen's snow-white calves in shock as their mouths formed an "O" shape, big enough to fit an entire egg!

On Chen Xi's shin, the vicious knife wound that had originally been there had now mysteriously disappeared just as Liu Zheng had said!

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