"This... This is truly absurd! "

Liu Zheng rubbed his eyes harshly, ignoring his usual dignified image as he cried out involuntarily.

"How is this possible? How is that possible? "

Old Man Chen walked quickly to the side of Chenxi, his hand trembling as he pressed it on the injured part of his granddaughter's leg. However, even though everything before him was inconceivable, he still had to believe the result of his own touch.

The knife wound on Chen Xi's leg, which was shocking when she left the house in the morning, had completely disappeared. It was as if her leg had never been injured in the first place!

"Is this your masterpiece?"

Old Man Chen's expression had obviously calmed down. He turned around and looked at Li Hao who was standing on the spot. He asked in surprise, "How did you do it?"

"Uh, I accidentally got an ancient medicinal formula, and it has a miraculous effect on this kind of skin and flesh injury that isn't too serious."

Faced with Chenyu and Liu Zheng's questioning, Li Hao had no choice but to brace himself and say, "After Chenxi's leg was injured, I quickly prepared it in the next two days. Today, I wanted to treat her leg as soon as possible, so I missed class."

"In other words, we were wrong about Li Hao."

Liu Zheng scratched his head in embarrassment, apologetically looking at Li Hao beside him: "Student Li Hao, I'm sorry, it was Teacher who came to a decision without knowing the reason, wrongly blaming you."

"You can also blame me for being too impatient. It was my fault that I didn't request for a leave of absence from teacher in advance."

After Liu Zheng gave him the way to go, Li Hao naturally admitted that he was in the wrong.

"Haha, Little Hao, Teacher was also wrong to blame you."

Old Man Chen walked over and patted Li Hao's shoulder. Seeing that Chen Xi's injuries were healed so quickly, he was in an excellent mood.

"However, although this medicinal formula is mysterious, it can only heal some not too serious flesh wounds. Even without this medicine, you can heal yourself by yourself. So, the effect is a bit too weak."

As a fighter of traditional Chinese medicine, Old Man Chen had sharp eyes. He could see the weakness of this Congealed Dew with a single glance.

Although the Congealed Dew was an Immortal Dew, it wasn't an Immortal treasure specially refined by a powerful Immortal. According to Chang'e, the Congealed Dew was just an Immortal World Dew that was tainted with the aura of a Jadepool Celestial Flower.

"Hehe, Little Hao, do you want to come to my house for lunch?"

Old man Chen Yu smiled and asked: "By the way, I also want to talk to you about your training plan. You were born for studying Chinese medicine. If you don't properly cultivate this kind of talent, then it would be a waste."

"Teacher, I've already made an appointment to eat together with my friends at noon today. How about another day? I'll come visit you another day to ask you for guidance."

Li Hao remembered that he had promised Zhang Kun and the others that he would have lunch with them today. He could only shake his head and smile as he declined Chenyu's invitation.


Chenyu nodded, then reminded him once again, "Then I'll go back with Xi Er first. Little Hao, when do you want to give me a call in advance?!"

"Understood, Master."

Li Hao nodded and stood on the spot politely. He watched as Chenyu and Chen Xi left.

"Li Hao, haha, that's not right, now I should secretly call you Junior Brother!"

Liu Zheng looked at Li Hao with hope and said, "I am Master's most useless disciple, and I can also become the backbone of the Chinese medical field in a university like the Chinese Medical Academy, where the reputation of the country is famous. Your talent far surpasses mine, you must study well, and your future achievements will at least be that of Lu Siyuan!"

Li Hao's heart trembled slightly. Lu Siyuan's fame in the medical field was well-known both at home and abroad!

However, this man was more active in the field of western medicine. He had never thought that he had been under the tutelage of the old man in the past.

After leaving the homeroom teacher's office, Li Hao dialed the room manager Zhang Kun's number.

"Chief, what do you mean? Where do you want to eat at noon? "

"Haozi!" Hurry back to your room! We're still in the dorm! "

On the other end of the line, Zhang Kun's excited voice could be heard as he laughed loudly, "Haozi, you've really become famous now!"


Li Hao was puzzled, but he didn't understand what Zhang Kun meant.

"I can't explain it over the phone right now. Aiya, hurry up and come back to your dorm. You'll know when you get back!"

Zhang Kun quickly hung up the phone.

"What the hell …"

Li Hao rubbed his nose and muttered to himself. Then, he quickly walked towards the dorm.

"What's wrong? "The things that were said on the phone were godly. How did I become famous?"

After pushing open the door to the dormitory, Li Hao looked at his roommates, who were all sitting in front of Zhang Kun's computer, and asked with a frown.

"Haozi, you're finally back! Come over and take a look! "

Lin Wei stood up and pulled Li Hao away. He was so excited that the fat on his body was trembling. "You actually carried that famous Overlord Flower of our academy and ran on the road this morning?!"

"Ugh …"

Li Hao looked carefully and noticed that Zhang Kun and the others were browsing through a post on the Tieba of the Chinese Medical Academy. Looking at the picture in the post, it really was the photo of him carrying Zuo Fei Fei and sprinting on the road!

At that time, there were quite a few students on the field during the morning run. It was unknown who had sent the photos to the Tieba.

Zuo Feifei, as a school beauty, naturally had a very high level of attention. Not long after this post was posted, the number of clicks and replies increased exponentially. Even now, there were no signs of stopping.

"Haozi, when did you meet Zuo Feifei? How dare you hold this thorny rose in your arms? Aren't you being too awesome?! "

Huang Ning had a surprised look on his face as he patted Li Hao's shoulder. He smacked his lips and said: "Quickly tell me honestly, what exactly happened here?"

"We've only met once, and we can't even be considered acquainted."

Li Hao waved his hand and said: "Don't bother with these boring things. Get ready, let's go out for dinner!"

"Holy sh * t!" You don't even know him, yet he wants you to carry him?! Do you know how many young masters in our school and Ming Zhu care about her?

Zhang Kun looked at Li Hao who had an indifferent expression and said: "Formless posturing, the most fatal thing is that!"

"Buzz …"

While they were talking, Li Hao's cell phone suddenly rang. He took a look and saw that it was an unfamiliar region number.

"Hello? Hello, who is this? "

Li Hao answered the phone and asked.

"Li Hao?"

A familiar female voice came from the other end of the phone.

"It's me. Who is this?"

Li Hao frowned and asked.

"Zuo Fei Fei."

Two words came out of the phone lightly.

"Zuo Feifei? How did you get my number? "

Li Hao was a little startled, and asked.

"With my connections, is it hard to get your number?"

Zuo Fei Fei heard Li Hao's tone and realized there was no surprise in it. She suddenly became angry and said on the other end of the phone, "Plus, you're a shopping agent, it's so easy to get your contact information."

"What's the matter?"

Li Hao nodded and asked. When his best friends around him heard that it was Zuo Fei Fei's call, they all gathered around Li Hao and pricked up their ears to listen.

"At noon, I will treat you to a meal."

Zuo Fei Fei's tone carried a trace of unquestionable tone as she said.

"Sorry, I already have an appointment at noon."

Li Hao cleared his throat and said.

"You can choose not to come!"

Zuo Fei Fei continued, "But you will miss a chance to reach the pinnacle of your life. Don't regret it!"


Li Hao pouted and was about to hang up when Zuo Fei Fei Fei's exasperated voice sounded from the phone.

"Li Hao! "If you don't agree, I'll immediately go to your dorm and block your way!"

"Ugh …"

When he heard Zuo Fei Fei's final "threat", Li Hao finally hesitated.

Sometimes, when a woman was ruthless, she really did everything. Although she didn't interact much with this school belle, Li Hao didn't doubt that with Zuo Fei Fei's personality, she would definitely do as she said.

The thread in the Tieba was already very popular. If Zuo Fei Fei came to their dorm to stop him, then who knew how much of this story would be spread by Zuo Fei Fei's supporters!

"Brothers, I have something I need to talk to you about. You guys go eat first, I'll come looking for you after I'm done!"

Li Hao put the phone away and said apologetically to his buddies.

"Alright, alright, since you have a date, how can you not go?"

Huang Ning grinned.


Lin Wei patted Li Hao's shoulder, then winked at him and said, "Ahem, I heard that Zuo Fei Fei's roommates are all great beauties. Haozi, Huang Ning and I are still single. We're counting on you for this blissful university life of mine!"

"F * ck off …"

Li Hao unhappily rolled his eyes at them, then he walked out of his room and said to Zuo Fei Fei who was on the other side of the phone, "Okay, I will go."

"That's more like it!"

Zuo Fei Fei's tone finally relaxed and said, "I'll add your WeChat and send the address to your WeChat."


Li Hao nodded, then hung up the phone.

"Damn Li Hao! Stupid Li Hao, you actually still need me to coerce and tempt him!"

After hanging up, Zuo Fei Fei threw her phone onto the bed angrily, and said with her cute little mouth, "How many people in Ming Zhu can't even treat their grandaunt to a meal! This Li Hao is so annoying! "

With that, she got up from the soft bed, lifted her smooth hair, looked at her perfectly curved figure in the mirror, turned around, and coquettishly said to the door: "Aunt, we've already arranged for her. Hurry and help me see what clothes I should wear …"

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