At 12: 30 in the afternoon, Li Hao took a taxi and arrived in front of the west restaurant in the center of the city.

Li Hao walked out of the car and was about to enter, but he was stopped by the receptionist at the entrance.

"Hello sir, we don't have any seats left."

The welcoming lady wore an elegant dress and had a professional smile on her face, but when she looked at Li Hao, there was a trace of contempt that could not be concealed.

It could be said to be the most high-end western restaurant in Pearl City, and all those who entered and left it were people with status, even some second-or third-rate bosses might not have the confidence to come here to spend money. As people who could welcome guests here, their knowledge of the world was naturally not something ordinary staff could compare to.

In the eyes of the female receptionist, Li Hao was young and had no brand on him. Plus, he took a taxi to the door, he didn't look like someone from the upper echelons. Of course, she didn't think Li Hao was qualified to enter.

"Someone has already decided their position."

Li Hao naturally saw the lady's intention to welcome him, but he couldn't be bothered to care about her and indifferently explained.

"Are you sure you didn't come to the wrong place?"

The female receptionist glanced at Li Hao and smiled indifferently: "Then please come out and meet your friend, otherwise I won't just let you in."

Li Hao took out his phone and dialed Zuo Fei Fei's number. He knew that if today didn't prove that there was someone waiting for him inside, this female receptionist wouldn't let him in.

"Where are we?"

As soon as the call connected, Zuo Fei Fei Fei's voice came through the phone.

"The west dining hall."

Li Hao said.

"I'm in the Rose Hall, come up."

Zuo Fei Fei said on the phone.

"Hehe, I was stopped at the door."

Li Hao curled his lips and said, "I'm afraid you have to come down and take me in."


Zuo Fei Fei's voice rose a little and she said with some anger, "Wait a moment, I'll get the manager on duty to bring you up!"

"Mm. Alright."

Li Hao hung up the phone, and very quickly, a middle-aged man in a suit walked towards the door with quick steps.

"Excuse me, may I ask if this is Mr. Li Hao?"

Opening the door, the manager on duty asked Li Hao with an apologetic smile.


Li Hao glanced at him and said coldly: "Do you want to check your ID?"

"Hur hur, you must be joking. No need, no need."

The smile on the manager's face became even more awkward. He shook his head repeatedly and respectfully bowed to Li Hao: "Mr. Li, please enter. Miss Zuo is waiting for you in the Rose Hall on the second floor."

Li Hao intentionally glanced at the female receptionist whose face had turned pale. Without further ado, he walked in.

The female receptionist leaned against the door, cold sweat trickling down her face.

This country bumpkin that she didn't put in her eyes was actually qualified to enter the restaurant's second floor's private room?!

One had to know that the lowest consumption for a meal there was calculated in the amount of 10,000 yuan!

"Is it popular for people with status to play the pig to eat the tiger?"

Looking at Li Hao's straight back, the female receptionist wiped the sweat off her forehead and wailed in her heart: "I won't let you guys play like this!"

She was very clear that a person with that status could easily lose her hard-won job by simply moving her mouth!


Li Hao followed the manager on duty into Viscount West Restaurant. It had to be said that Li Hao, who was entering such a high-class place for the first time, couldn't help but exclaim in admiration from the bottom of his heart.

The layout and decorations of the western dining hall were filled with a rich western style. The black glass completely isolated the hot sunlight outside, causing the atmosphere in the dining room to become hazy. The long white candles in the silver candlesticks flickered with flames, giving people a feeling as if they had entered a nobleman's castle in the Middle Ages.

Perhaps some people would say that in broad daylight, you even purposely lit candles to make it look good. Then, I'm sorry, when you go out to the left, there are many Western restaurants on the gourmet street that consume one to two hundred yuan, and those are filled with pure natural sunlight.

The reason why he was called "Duke" was because he stubbornly insisted on his aristocratic style in the current commercial market. This was why he had become the favorite of all the famous people in the world!

"Mr. Li, Miss Zuo is waiting for you inside."

The manager brought Li Hao to the entrance of the Rose Hall on the second floor, then bowed once again as he greeted respectfully.


Li Hao opened the door and saw that there was only one table in the large Rose Hall. Zuo Fei Fei was already sitting there, holding a cup of coffee as she sipped on it.

Even though Li Hao had already mentally prepared himself for Zuo Fei Fei's beauty, he still couldn't help but be stunned when he saw her again.

Her long hair flowed down softly like a waterfall, making her angelic face look even more otherworldly. As the saying goes, a thousand cheers began to appear, and her arms wrapped around her face, half covering it.

In this kind of environment, she was like a princess in a fairy tale, the deep ravine underneath the lace on her chest was faintly discernible, causing people to be unable to help their eyes from sinking deep within, unable to pull themselves out. Her long and plump thighs were wrapped in the skirt, sketching out a breathtaking curve, and her nobility also revealed a trace of charm.

"You're here?"

Zuo Fei Fei said softly.

Looking at Li Hao, who was staring blankly at the door, she couldn't help but secretly laugh. This guy, he finally acted like those other men. Li Hao's indifferent attitude towards her almost made Zuo Fei Fei doubt her charm.


Li Hao nodded and sat down. He calmed his mind and went straight to the point: "What business do you have with me?"

"Does it have to be something for me to find you?"

Zuo Fei Fei rolled her eyes at Li Hao, then covered her mouth and smiled as she said, "You used that miraculous medicine to heal the wounds on my body this morning, can't I treat you to a meal of thanks?"

"Alright, if that's the case, then I won't worry about eating it!"

Li Hao grinned. He picked up the knife and fork by his side, and started to prepare the steak that Zuo Fei Fei Fei had already ordered for him.

Zuo Fei Fei looked at Li Hao calmly with her chin in her hand, but Li Hao seemed to have really just come over to eat, enjoying the steak in front of him. From time to time, he would even raise his head to glance at Zuo Fei Fei's attractive body, appearing to be extremely satisfied.

Zuo Fei Fei's almond-shaped eyes slightly narrowed. If it was said that she was only slightly curious about this interesting fellow, Li Hao, before, in her heart, she had finally started to slowly pay attention to him.

The main reason why she asked Li Hao out today was to discuss with him about developing the miraculous Congealed Dew. On the phone, she had also revealed that she would give Li Hao a chance to reach the pinnacle of his life.

After arriving here, she purposefully didn't bring up this matter again, just to wear down Li Hao's patience. When he couldn't hold it in anymore and asked her first, the initiative was already in her hands.

This was a very common tactic used in business negotiations. Whoever had the best shrewdness would be the first to stand firm in this cooperation.

But Li Hao's performance actually caused Zuo Fei Fei Fei to feel that this fellow didn't seem like a country bumpkin that knew nothing. Or it could be said that he acted too like an ordinary country bumpkin, and instead appeared even more flawless.

Unexpectedly, he wasn't in a hurry at all, eating and drinking as he should, and from time to time he would openly wipe off Zuo Fei Fei with his gaze!

Looking at Li Hao, who seemed to have only come for a meal, Zuo Fei Fei Fei couldn't help but look at the lute in her hand again and again.

Just like this, half an hour later, Li Hao finally finished all the food in front of him.

Putting down the knife and fork in his hand, Li Hao looked at Zuo Fei Fei Fei who was looking at him with squinted eyes, and then looked at the steak on her plate that hadn't been touched before. He suddenly revealed a bashful smile and said: "Miss Zuo, what's wrong? Don't you have an appetite? "Why don't I help you eat your steak? This steak is quite expensive as well. It would be such a waste if you didn't order it!"

Zuo Fei Fei's beautiful face couldn't help but twitch slightly. She gritted her teeth as she looked at the innocent expression of Li Hao, then she forced out a smile and asked. "Li Hao, could it be that you really came here just to eat?"

"Ah?" "Or what?"

Li Hao was surprised for a moment: "Didn't you just say that you had nothing else to do when I asked you before, and just wanted to thank me for treating me to a meal?"

"Heavens …"

Zuo Fei Fei inwardly wailed in grief. She felt that she was really convinced by this fool, whether he was a fool or not.

After clearing her mind, Zuo Fei Fei took a deep breath and said, "I have an excellent business opportunity to talk to you right now. How about it?" Are you interested? "

"That's right! Why didn't you say so earlier? "

Li Hao laughed and looked at Zuo Fei Fei in ridicule. He put down the knife and fork in his hand and wiped his mouth: "Hey, just a little more, I almost couldn't hold myself back anymore."


Zuo Fei Fei glared at Li Hao with her almond-shaped eyes. She grinded her canine teeth as she looked at Li Hao opposite her. She really wanted to disregard everything and fiercely bite him!

This guy clearly knew everything. How could he be as dumb as he was just now?

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