"Waste, a bunch of waste!!!"

Hua Lingtong angrily smashed the remote control into the TV on the opposite wall. Then, in a crisp sound, a huge crack appeared on the LCD screen of the wall mounted smart TV, and then flickered a few times, completely extinguished into darkness.

Originally, after receiving a call from Wang Xuecheng, Hua Lingtong was very happy to turn on the TV to enjoy the live broadcast of the TV station.

Although it is inconvenient to show up in person, he still enjoys the feeling of seeing his opponent's products begin to be despised by thousands of people under his scheme.

However, he never thought that Li Hao would arrive at the scene in person, and it was like knowing something in advance. As soon as Li Hao appeared, he immediately reversed the situation, which not only brought Zhuo Yanyu with the armed police officers and soldiers to suppress the chaos, but also exposed Zhao Qian's disguise.

"Damn, damn!"

Hua Lingtong growled, then picked up the phone on the table and shouted, "Wang Xuecheng!! within half an hour, let Wang Xuecheng roll over to see me!!!"

The female secretary of Hua Lingtong at the other end of the phone was so frightened that she didn't even dare to breathe. She quickly conveyed Hua Lingtong's meaning to Wang Xuecheng.

Twenty minutes later, Wang Xuecheng sweated and knocked on the door of hualingtong's office.

"Get in!"

Hua Lingtong leaned against the leather rotating seat, closed his eyes and said.


The door of hualingtong's office was opened from the outside, and then Wang Xuezhen put his head in his hands, curled his body into a ball and rolled into hualingtong's office!

"Young and old, I'm back."

After rolling, Wang Xuecheng got up from the ground with an embarrassed face and sorted out his clothes.

Originally, after seeing Ning Zhenlu's counter smashed, he had left the central shopping mall, but on the way back, he also learned through his mobile phone that things had turned over. He didn't expect Li Hao to turn the tide like this.

Wang xuechengdu couldn't help but ask himself, this boy seems to be like a spokesman for miracles. Can he foresee the future?

Hua Lingtong glanced at him coldly and said, "failed."

"Yes, but don't worry, I contacted Zhao Qian through a friend. Even if she was taken away by the police station, she would never bite us."

Wang Xuecheng immediately and carefully said a fairly good news and calmed Hua Lingtong's angry mood at the moment.


Hua Lingtong nodded slightly and said: "I expected the failure, but I just thought Li Hao would spend a lot of money in the follow-up to find a way to make up for it, but I didn't expect him to come so quickly and directly expose the situation on the spot, and turn defeat into victory. He took this gimmick and made a wave of free advertisements, and set up such an image of conscience Chinese medicine."

"Shopping malls are like battlefields. Soldiers need speed. Li Hao's counterattack today will be so fast that we didn't expect it."

Wang Xuecheng nodded in agreement.

"Well, it's interesting for a capable opponent."

Hua Lingtong snorted softly, and a trace of heat appeared in her eyes. She said, "from now on, Ning Zhenlu's name has been completely beaten out. It's basically impossible to discredit them from the quality. Next, it's the real close combat!"

"What does Da Shao mean?"

Wang Xuecheng bowed his head and humbly asked for advice.

"Didn't Li haogang just say it on TV? These pediatric tricks are useless to him."

Hua Lingtong straightened up and said, "then we'll fight them openly! Price war!!"

"Do you mean to reduce the price of our main brand Huarong frozen age cream to exclude condensate and condensate?"

Wang Xuecheng said.


Hua Lingtong said, "although it will hurt the enemy a thousand and lose 800, but we have been the leader in the cosmetics industry for so many years. How can he compare with us in the details of Haotian industry?"

"However, at present, Haotian industry does not have much inside information, but the economic strength of Zuo's medical makeup can not be underestimated. Especially, you know that Zuo's family behind Zuo's medical makeup is a upstart in Yanjing, which..."

Wang Xuecheng spoke carefully.

"It seems that you don't understand the relationship between Zuo's makeup and his Li Hao."

Hua Lingtong confidently said, "they are just a cooperative relationship. As far as I know, Zuo's pharmaceutical makeup can be said to be just a full-fledged dealer of Ning Zhenlu. Li Hao, let alone the ownership of Ning Zhenlu, didn't even share the formula of Ning Zhenlu with them. Do you think Zuo Yuling would have no objection about it?"

"So it is!"

Wang Xuecheng suddenly said, "if this is the case, it's OK when Ning Zhenlu and Ning Zhenye still make money. Once we pull them into a price war, Zuo's pharmaceutical makeup will certainly be unwilling to bear risks and losses with Li Hao. If it's not done well, they can break up in one shot!"

"OK, you go back and sort out a plan, and then I'll convene the board of directors. After it is discussed and approved, it can be implemented immediately."

Hua Lingtong waved. Wang Xuecheng bowed to him again, and then turned and left.

"Li Hao, Li Hao, you forced me to choose the last way I want to deal with you!"

Hua Lingtong rubbed his temples, then grinned, revealing a row of cold shining white teeth.

"But as long as I can knock you down in the end, I don't care how the process is!"


Ruyi building, in the compartment on the fourth floor.

Li Hao and Liu Yuying sit side by side, while Huafei yesterday and Huakui Xiaoxue are sitting opposite.

"This time I can break and then stand. It's not the great credit for the information you provided yesterday. I have to respect you."

Li Hao raised his glass and said with a smile.

"Brother Hao'er, you're welcome. I should be younger than you. If you don't mind, call me Xiao Fei in the future."

Hua Fei also picked up his cup yesterday and gently touched Li Hao.

"Your eldest brother thought he had suppressed you for so many years, but he didn't expect that you Xiaofei had already started to operate. Even his chairman's office has your eavesdropping device."

Li Hao smiled and admired Hua Fei in his heart.

Although he has never underestimated this playboy who has been disdained by powerful people in the high-level circle of the Pearl, he didn't expect him to hide so deeply.

Today's timely and rainy turnaround, if it hadn't been for the information provided by Hua Fei yesterday, Li Hao and they would never have reacted in such a short time and contacted Zhuo Yanyu to mobilize the armed police officers and soldiers!

"I thought I had hidden well enough, but I still couldn't escape sister Liu's eyes."

Hua Fei smiled modestly yesterday and said, "when sister Liu couldn't help saying that she gave Xiaoxue to me, I knew that my little moves in recent years had been seen through."

"You think too much, I don't."

Liu Yuying sipped the red wine in the glass and said faintly, "I'm just testing you."

"Test me?"

Hua Fei was stunned and puzzled yesterday.

"I sent Xiaoxue, a hot potato, to you at the beginning. If you took it, whether you can use it today or not, it was up to you to carry the pot of Huakui night for Xiaohao. If you don't take it, it proves that you are just a little smart and can't beat hualingtong. Then we won't sit here today."

After listening to Liu Yuying's words, Hua Fei looked at Li Hao yesterday. Li Hao was still smiling and seemed to have guessed it, while a touch of deep horror appeared in Hua Fei's eyes yesterday.

Sure enough, none of the women around Li Hao are simple characters... ####### third watch, it's three watch today without reward. Take a break and see if you can slow down and write a four watch tomorrow

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