The shopping mall is like a battlefield. In the first confrontation between Li Hao and Hua Lingtong, Li Hao won a complete victory due to the advantage of intelligence.

Hua Lingtong spent a lot of money to stage such a play to discredit Ning Zhenlu, but the result was counterproductive. He really lost his wife and lost his soldiers.

Li Hao and Hua Fei had a comfortable afternoon tea in Ruyi building yesterday, but the news from the outside had already been flying all over the sky.

"Condensate was maliciously seriously injured and discredited on the third day of listing!"

Malicious competition is not only a competition of capital for profit, but also a threat to the vital interests of consumers. It is urgent to protect Gospel products such as condensate

Li Hao's appeal to the masses - please have more confidence in me

These news reports, without exception, are all beneficial to condensate and condensate, so that more people know about these two new magic products.

"The counterattack was really beautiful!!"

In the building of Zuo's medicine makeup, Zuo Yuling slapped the table aggressively. There was an undisguised appreciation on her pretty face. She said, "Li Hao is a natural commercial genius. We haven't reacted to this matter yet. He has solved it perfectly. It's powerful!"

Zuo Feifei sat on the sofa next to her with a smile and watched TV. As long as she changed the news station at will, she was broadcasting news about Ning Zhenlu. A single spark has become a prairie fire. The fire of Ning Zhenlu and condensate can no longer be stopped. She is not afraid of any suppression and conspiracy.

Because the reputation among the people has been played out, and the general trend has become!

"But the next step is the shopping of real knives and guns!"

After Zuo Yuling recovered from her joy, a trace of worry appeared on Meiyan's face and said, "if I guessed correctly, hualingtong will start playing the price card. If it's consumed like this, the inside information of Haotian industry can't be compared at all."

"Isn't there us?"

Zuo Feifei raised her eyebrows and said.


Zuo Yuling shook her head and said, "I can't gamble Zuo's makeup. This is my only card. You should understand."

"Aunt, after all these years, don't you want to go home?"

Zuo Feifei sighed and said, "my family is getting better and better in Yanjing recently. Why are you angry that you live so hard outside?"

"Zuo family, Yanjing upstart?"

Zuo Yuling snorted coldly, "didn't you get it by sacrificing her children's marriage?"

Zuo Feifei sighed when she saw Zuo Yuling's attitude. Knowing that her aunt would not compromise, she stopped talking.


In the Ruyi building, after Li Hao and Hua Fei had a pleasant chat for a while, Hua Fei and Xiao Xue left Shi ran.

"The next price war will be more bloody. You should be prepared."

Liu Yuying looked at Li Hao with a smile. How satisfied she was with her brother.

He is so excellent, just like the guy who has kept himself waiting for sixteen years.

"Sister, I forgot to tell you before. I found some news about my life experience. The person you are waiting for is my brother!"

Li Hao looked at Liu Yuying seriously and said.

"Any other news?"

Hearing Li Hao mention his brother, Liu Yuying obviously moved and asked.

"No more."

Li Hao sighed. He used Ziyun Taixu Dan to trace back to find such a little news. There was no other news, and he didn't even know his brother's name.

"I haven't heard from him either."

Liu Yuying sighed and said, "as his woman, I only know one name about him. Is it very sad?"

"I can't even remember my brother's name."

Li Hao smiled bitterly.

"His name is Li Jiaqi."

Liu Yuying seemed to remember the old days and murmured, "according to him, home means Kirin."

Li Hao was a little stunned. He remembered what his brother said when he looked back. Li family, Kirin Gemini, seemed to be the same as he speculated. It was about him and his brother.

"I think your brother is a very emotional person. He must have had to."

Liu Yuying comforted Li Hao in turn. She had been waiting for 16 years, but Li Hao had been lonely for more than ten years?

"It doesn't matter. It's better to carry it together than one."

Li Hao smiled. With the news of his relatives, he must be looking for it, but it's urgent. I have to take my time.

"Stay for dinner at night?"

Liu Yuying smiled and got up and said, "I'll call the cook to prepare."

"Not tonight."

Li Hao asked Liu Yuying to sit back on her shoulder. He got up and said, "I also asked the little swallow to have dinner tonight. I owe her another favor for such a big scene during the day."

If Zhuo Yanyu hadn't used his contacts, Li Hao would never have mobilized a whole team of armed police officers and soldiers to follow him to the scene in such a short time.

Zhuo Yanyu just wanted to invite her to a meal. Even if Li Hao had a thick skin, he couldn't refuse such a small request.

What's more, being able to have dinner with beautiful women is a beautiful thing that many people can't reach.

"I know."

Liu Yuying smiled and nodded, then played with the taste: "Xiaohao, there are many confidants around you. Yes, it's better than your brother."


Listening to Liu Yuying's ridicule, Li Hao was sweating, but he really had no way to refute anything. He had to say hello to Liu Yuying and ran away.

Zhuo Yanyu said she wanted to eat Jiangxian in the evening and had booked a seat in the peninsula golden beach.

Peninsula golden beach is located in an excellent position by the Huangpu River. Eating here has an excellent vision and can see the most pleasant river scenery by the river. Eating here is not only delicious river food and the cooking skills of the chef, but also the river scenery on both sides of the river. The so-called beautiful color can be eaten, but so on.

Li Hao came here with Zuo Feifei before, but they came at noon that time. This time, Zhuo Yanyu asked Li Hao to come here for dinner. The seats for dinner in Peninsula golden beach are more than ten times harder than lunch!

"When did you arrive?"

After Li Hao arrived at the golden beach of the peninsula, Zhuo Yanyu had dressed up to attend and sat down.

"A little earlier than you."

Zhuo Yanyu smiled. In fact, she came here in the afternoon and was ready to do a big thing.

"Have you ordered yet?"

Li Hao also walked opposite Zhuo Yanyu and asked with a smile.

"It's too late."

Zhuo Yanyu nodded, looked at Li Hao with bright eyes, then smiled mysteriously and said, "brother Hao, I have a big surprise for you later!" ##### first, good morning!

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