
Li Hao was slightly stunned. Today, it was obviously he who invited Zhuo Yanyu to dinner. Why did the little girl prepare a surprise for herself?

"Hee hee, I won't tell you first. Guess for yourself."

Zhuo Yanyu smiled cunningly and winked his big eyes playfully.

Li Hao rolled his eyes a little depressed.

Elder sister, guess you have to give some hints and let others guess?

Just say it's a surprise. Guess a wool?

I'm not the kind of fortune teller wearing sunglasses on the street!

However, seeing the heartfelt smile on Zhuo Yanyu's face, Li Hao was relieved again.

How can he be a fool if he can harvest such a beautiful and pure smile?

At this moment, Li Hao suddenly realized that life is not all about overt and covert fighting and conspiracy in the officialdom of the commercial sea. At ordinary times, some important things are not the final answer. This "guess" process is often worth understanding and enjoying.

"What you gave me... Is it a ninety-nine gold brick?"

Li Hao turned his eyes and joked with a smile.

"Cut! You know money, tacky!"

Zhuo Yanyu gave him a white look, smiled and joked, "even if you use daily Jin Dou Jin to describe your condensate dew and condensate liquid, it's absolutely nothing. Are you still thinking about money?"

"Who thinks there's too much money!"

Li Hao smiled and said, "I have to save my wife's money for a single dog like me!"

"Save what wife Ben, from me, sister raise you!"

Zhuo Yanyu patted his well-developed chest and said boldly.

Li Hao smiled and didn't answer Zhuo Yanyu, which was full of some hint.

Zhuo Yanyu's meaning to him has been more and more blatant from the beginning. However, Li Hao also has a headache. He feels like a Tang monk in the journey to the West. Why is he so popular? There are female goblins everywhere?

what? You said Zhuo Yanyu, they are not goblins?

Beautiful, capable, more naughty and so dirty, these are not goblins. What are goblins?

Looking at Zhuo Yanyu staring at himself, Li Hao's eyes moved away with some guilt.

How could he not know what Zhuo Yanyu meant?

But the master Chen Yu and the old couple also have the intention to entrust Chen Xi to him. Zuo Feifei and she are more affectionate partners, and he can't tell what kind of feelings he has for Peng Ting who grew up with him.

A Western poet once said that everyone in his twenties will begin to suffer from complex emotional problems.

Li Hao suddenly felt that it was more difficult to deal with emotional problems than to fight with hualingtong. It was really cutting and disorderly. The ancients sincerely didn't bully me.

Even the sage can't find the answer.

It seemed that he didn't notice Li Hao's eyes. Zhuo Yanyu took a prawn into his bowl and said to himself, "if I like someone, I must let the whole world know."

"The person you like must be lucky."

Li Hao smiled twice and took a bite of food. Since he didn't know how to deal with it, he buried himself in it.

The evening business of peninsula golden beach is very hot almost every night. The consumption level here is the Pearl at night. Ordinary small bosses can't afford it, and the identity of people who come here is not very ordinary.

It can be said that if you turn your head and hit five people, at least three people are the second generation of rich or officials, and the remaining two should be one rich and one official.

The dishes on the peninsula golden beach are very delicious. At 8:30, the colorful cruise ship on the Huangpu River has started. The melodious sound of silk and bamboo sounds like lovers' nonsense. It sounds gently and softly in my ears. The decadent sound is the most ecstatic.

Zhuo Yanyu's reservation can see the beautiful scenery of the river from the best perspective. Cruise ships and boats break open the river. The moonlight is like a light song, and the river fire is like a firefly. From a distance, you can hear the happy laughter and laughter of people in the upper reaches of the river. Everything is as beautiful as a painting. You appreciate the painting, and you are also the person in the painting in the eyes of others.


Zhuo Yanyu sipped the red wine in the glass, looked at the watch on his wrist, turned his head and looked at the river, as if he was expecting something.

"I'm afraid the surprise that little swallow said before is about to begin."

Li Hao also looked at the little swallow's eyes.

I don't know when a lotus shaped Golden River lamp appeared on the river, floating and sinking with the gentle waves.

However, immediately after that, a golden lotus river lamp appeared in Li Hao's sight.

One, two, three, four, five... Countless!

Countless lotus lanterns are like stars falling from the nine days to the earth, paving a bright avenue of stars on the river!

"Wow! How beautiful!"

"Who did this? What a heart!"

Such a spectacular and romantic scene also attracted the attention of the guests who also ate in the golden beach of the peninsula. Many people stood up from their seats and looked at the more and more golden lotus lanterns on the river. Many girls and children were so excited that their eyes appeared stars. It was romantic to call home.

At the same time, a problem also arises in the hearts of all present.

Whose young master is so romantic that he came up with such a way to impress his girlfriend?

"How's it going? Does it look good?"

Zhuo Yanyu looked at the stunned Li Hao and said with a smile, "it's for you!"

"It's... Shocking."

Li Hao looked at Zhuo Yanyu and nodded in a daze.

His heart was really shocked!

Fortunately, fortunately, she is a woman, otherwise she will play romance. Didn't she rob all the women at the bottom that day?

"Li Hao!!"

Suddenly, before Li Hao could react, Zhuo Yanyu suddenly stood up from his seat and climbed onto the chair!

She only wore a short skirt tonight. She stood on the chair and Li Hao was still sitting. Her sight just fell on the white slender jade legs. Li Hao felt a burst of dryness and heat in his lower abdomen.

Beautiful or not, look at the thighs.

Li Hao quickly lowered his head, but he couldn't help shouting in his heart.


Tempting criminal goblins!!

Zhuo Yanyu suddenly shouted and immediately attracted everyone's attention to them.

Zhuo Yanyu, standing on the table, glanced around and found that they had properly become the focus of the whole audience. He looked down at Li Hao with his head down and shouted again in a louder voice than just now!

"Li Hao!!"

"I! Xi! Huan! You!"




You -- "

Four shouts with long voices lingered in the night sky for a long time, as if they floated to the depths of the sky along the river wind.

It was a girl who took the initiative to confess to the man!!

"Too domineering!!"

"How happy!"

"This guy is really lucky!"

Seeing this domineering scene, the young men and women present were completely boiling, screaming and cheering one after another. Even some middle-aged guests looked at Li Hao with a smile and clapped politely.

"What a big game..."

Li Hao looked at Zhuo Yanyu in front of him with a complicated look and smiled bitterly in his heart.

The other party, as a girl, carefully prepared such a show. It's bullshit if he said he didn't like Zhuo Yanyu at all. If he said he didn't like Zhuo Yanyu at all, it would be pure arrogance, but Li Hao felt that the words were very important and couldn't open his mouth.

"It doesn't matter. I don't want you to answer what you promise me now."

Zhuo Yanyu looked at Li Hao's embarrassed appearance, smiled and rushed into his arms, hugged his solid back and whispered, "I just said that if I like a person, I must let the whole world know."

This is Zhuo Yanyu's love, hot as fire!


Li Hao straightened Zhuo Yanyu's beautiful hair, which was disturbed by the river wind, and said softly.

"Am I beautiful tonight?"

Zhuo Yanyu looked up at Li Hao, then buried his head in Li Hao's chest and murmured, "in fairy tales, beautiful girls have the privilege of being stupid..." ##### is this scene still very romantic? Take it to catch up with your sister. It's absolutely useful. Well, don't thank me.

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