Beautiful scenery and people.

Li Hao held Zhuo Yanyu in his arms with his back hand and remained silent for a long time.

He really didn't think that the dirty demon king who dared to love and hate had such a childlike side in his heart.

Since everything tonight is like a fairy tale, please satisfy her with a sweet dream. After all, every beauty is worth taking care of.

Out of the peninsula golden beach, Li Hao and Zhuo Yanyu didn't hurry to take the bus back, but walked along the river for a while. Zhuo Yanyu took his arm, just like when he pretended to be her boyfriend at the meeting that night, laughing like a little girl.

"Brother Hao'er, today is my birthday."

Zhuo Yanyu stopped, looked at Li Hao and said, "since I was a child, I haven't had a wide range of gifts for this birthday, and I don't have a large group of people to have a party, but it is the happiest and most unforgettable birthday I feel. Thank you!"

"I didn't do anything..."

Li Hao looked at Zhuo Yanyu and didn't expect that today would be her birthday. He didn't prepare any gifts. He immediately felt very embarrassed.

"You don't have to do anything."

Zhuo Yanyu chuckled, leaned his head gently on Li Hao's shoulder and said, "you just didn't push me away, which is the greatest encouragement for me."

It has been said that when you decide to be good to a person wholeheartedly, you will not care about your own pay, but will count the other party's response. It doesn't need to be warm. It may be just a simple hug. A spoiled fool will touch your soul and illuminate your world in an instant.

"Since it's my birthday, I can't buy a cake now, but I have to blow candles and make wishes!"

Li Hao seemed to suddenly think of something. He smiled and took Zhuo Yanyu's hand and ran to the canteen on the beach.

"Boss, are there any candles here?"

Li Hao Ran to the door of the canteen and asked excitedly.


The owner of the canteen was stunned by his question. He immediately shook his head and said, "no, we can't sell this thing here, so we don't buy it."

Indeed, who will come to the beach to light candles?

"Forget it."

Zhuo Yanyu pulled Li Hao's hand. Although she was a little disappointed, she didn't show it.

"Well... Take a pack of cigarettes and a lighter."

Li Hao didn't leave. After pondering for a moment, he opened his mouth again and said to the boss.


The boss was a little stunned. He didn't understand why Li Hao wanted to buy cigarettes after he couldn't buy Candles, but he didn't think much. He turned and asked, "what kind of cigarettes do you want?"

"At will."

Li Hao smiled and said.

Then the boss gave him a bag of Zhonghua and a lighter.

Since Li Hao said any cigarette, the boss consciously took out the most expensive cigarette in their store.

I can't meet such "casual" guests once a year. Of course, I have to earn more.

Li Hao doesn't care about the boss's small 99. He is also a person with tens of millions of dollars. Naturally, he won't care about these tens of dollars.

"Brother Hao'er, don't you ever smoke? Why do you buy cigarettes well?"

Zhuo Yanyu followed Li Hao back to the beach and asked puzzled.

"You'll know later."

Li Hao smiled, then bent down and began to dig up the sand at the foot of the beach with his hands.

Looking at Li Hao bending over and fiddling with the sand in front of him, Zhuo Yanyu's eyes were confused, then surprised, and finally deeply moved.

Li Hao stooped down and made a prototype of a cake with watery sand at their feet!

"Without good props, my skills are not very good, so I can only make it like this. Just make do with it and imagine it as a cake."

Straightening up, Li Hao looked at his "masterpiece", felt the bridge of his nose awkwardly and smiled.

"How ugly..."

Zhuo Yanyu pretended to disdain to curl her mouth, but looking at Li Hao, there were Wang Jingying tears in her eyes, which rolled down from the corners of her eyes involuntarily, flowing winding tears on her white cheeks.

"There are no candles, just use cigarettes instead."

Li Hao smiled, then opened the packet of Chinese cigarettes in his hand and joked: "this Chinese cigarette is more high-end and atmospheric than a candle."

Li Hao calculated in his mind that Zhuo Yanyu was a little smaller than him. Today should be her 20th birthday. Li Hao lit the cigarettes in his hand one by one, and then bent down to insert them one by one into the "cake" he had just piled up, showing a "20" appearance.

"Life is like the spring breeze, peach and plum noodles, Golden Lotus sprinkled on the river at dusk, happy words and songs, drunk in the wind, happy for the Iraqi people."

After pondering for a moment, Li Hao suddenly improvised a poem on the spot. Although there was no connecting link, no gorgeous words and profound artistic conception, it was true, and each word at the beginning of the four poems was taken out separately, which just formed the blessing of happy birthday.

"Thank you, brother Hao!"

Zhuo Yanyu wiped his eyes and muttered, "Zhuo Yanyu, you are really worthless. Why are you crying? You are so ugly. Who will like you like you..."

"Make a wish."

Li Hao smiled knowingly and patted her hand.

"Well, well!"

Zhuo Yanyu nodded, then put his hands together devoutly and began to meditate in his heart.

The earth cake piled up with sand and the expensive candle of Zhonghua brand are estimated to be the most unreliable and nondescript birthday Zhuo Yanyu has ever had since he was a child.

However, her heart has never been as sweet as today, as if she had eaten honey.

Tonight is destined to be an unforgettable night for Zhuo Yanyu. The magnificent river lanterns and the lame cake on the beach are deeply imprinted in her heart

After leaving the Bank of Huangpu River, Li Hao didn't go back to Haotian industry, but took a taxi back to school.

The final examination of the school has been completed. With the advent of the holiday, the students who should go have left the school and gone home. Huang Ning is ready to go tomorrow. They are having barbecue and drinking at the barbecue stand at the back door of the school tonight. Li Hao must go there.

When Li Hao took the bus to the barbecue stand at the back door of the school, Huang Ning and Lin Wei were already drunk. Zhang Kun and his girlfriend were also there. They were snuggling together. Single dogs were eager to go home during the holiday, while the infatuated couple like Zhang Kun didn't like the holiday at all, because they went back to their homes, They will be separated from each other and become a long-distance relationship.

"Hiroko, are you coming?"

Huang Ning raised his eyes and saw Li Hao. He got up and said, "come on, come on, come on, at least you have to punish yourself for three cups!"

"You busy man, Chen Xi came earlier than you!"

Lin Wei narrowed his drunken eyes and looked angrily at Li haodao.

"Chen Xi also came?"

Li Hao was a little surprised. Chen Xi, who was not in good health since childhood, never participated in this kind of late night smoky and fiery wine fighting activity. Unexpectedly, she also came this time.

"Where are the people?"

Li Hao frowned and asked.

"She went to the canteen to buy drinks."

Zhang Kun nuzui toward the back door of the school.

"Oh, that's right."

Li Hao did not doubt that there was him. He also sat down under the greetings of Lin Wei and Huang Ning. They surrounded him and asked for three drinks##### It's three o'clock today and four o'clock tomorrow. If you don't reward, please recommend this book to your friends and let them come to the book flag to support this work (don't use the book flag to crack the version). Thank you.

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