"Haozi, brother, I'll go away at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. Your boy must sleep like a dead pig. You can't give me another toast tonight?"

Huang Ning was so drunk that he couldn't even hold the cup in his hand, but he stumbled over to Li Hao and wanted to drink with him.

"OK, I respect you."

Li Hao took his wine glass, poured out the wine inside and got a cup of tea inside, while he poured a full glass of beer and dried it with Huang Ning.

Huang Ning knows how much he can drink. If he continues to drink, the iron will not catch up with the high-speed railway tomorrow morning.

"Enough righteousness!"

Huang Ning lifted his neck and drank the tea in the cup, patted Li Hao on the shoulder, then smacked his mouth and said, "hmm? How strange is the taste of this wine?"

In this cute scene, the boss who was doing barbecue on the oven grinned.

Although Li Hao, Huang Ning and Lin Wei can take people to the most upscale Chaofu city next to the school for free this year, they still prefer to eat at this small barbecue stand with uneven tables.

In the words of fat Lin Wei, there's no way. After three years, I've had feelings!

"Chen Xi bought a drink. Why hasn't she come back yet?"

Li Hao put down his wine glass. He has already had a lot of drinks with Huang Ning and Lin Wei, but Chen Xi hasn't come back yet. Although the canteen is in the school across the road, it's only a few hundred meters away, and it's almost twelve o'clock in the evening, and it's impossible for many people to line up at the door of the canteen. It won't take more than ten minutes to buy something.

"I don't know. It's time to come back."

Zhang Kun also shook his head. He was next to his girlfriend. Because his wife was in charge, he didn't drink much wine and was very sober.

"Why don't you call."

Zhang Kun's girlfriend whispered.

"No, I'd better go and have a look."

Li Hao had a bad feeling in his heart. He put down his cup and asked Zhang Kun to help look at the drunk Huang Ning and Lin Wei. He got up and got out of the barbecue stand and walked towards the back door of the school across the road.

Even though it is already midnight, the back door of the school is still lively. Being presumptuous is the privilege of young people. Especially when the holiday is approaching, it is difficult for those senior students who are about to go their own way. It is not uncommon to be lively until two or three o'clock in the morning.

Li Hao walked towards the campus, but found that there was a group of people around the canteen. With his current physique, his eyes could see things clearly even in the dark. At a glance, he saw that Chen Xi was surrounded in the crowd?

An unknown fire rose in his heart. Li Hao accelerated his steps and rushed over there.

"Don't stop me. I still have friends waiting for me."

Chen Xi, who was surrounded by the crowd, frowned and said coldly, "if you do this again, I'll be really angry."

"Chen Xi, I really fell in love with you at first sight. How can you bear not to give me a chance?"

Standing in front of Chen Xi was a tall and big boy with a wild eyebrow. He didn't seem to care if Chen Xi was unhappy. He was so shy and smiled.

"Chen Xi, you are transferred. Maybe you don't know our crown prince party. Let me tell you, in Huaxia Medical College, from the appointment and removal of student union cadres to the holding of large-scale school activities, there is nothing our brothers can't manage!"

Next to a man holding an exposed beauty, he sneered and said, "if our boss likes you, you will be blessed. How many little girls will envy you in our school in the future!"

"Yufeng, her grandfather is Chen Yu, the honorary principal of our school."

Wang Yun stood next to Liu Yufeng and whispered a reminder.

"Honorary principal?"

Liu Yufeng said softly, "that's not just right. Her grandfather is the honorary principal and my father is the principal. If I'm with her, won't it promote the close combination of the leadership of our school!"

"Ha ha ha!"

As soon as he said this, the close friends next to him immediately laughed with cooperation.

"And her relationship with Li Hao..."

Wang Yun was going to say something, but Liu Yufeng impatiently interrupted him when he was only halfway through the conversation.

"Wang Yun, did the Wang family fall and make you become counselled?"

Liu Yufeng looked at Wang Yun beside him discontentedly and disdained to say, "isn't it just to have a girl? I don't believe Liu Yufeng. After I went abroad to be an exchange student, the day changed. There are women I can't touch in Huaxia Medical College?!"

He obviously drank some wine, and his words were very publicized and crazy!

Wang Yun was choked by him and his face changed, but immediately he lowered his head and held back.

In the past, when his Wang family was still at the height of the sun, even if Liu Yufeng was the son of Liu Yuanming, President of Huaxia Medical College, he was also polite to him. However, although he came back this time, he still called him, but this attitude was very different.

"Chen Xi, I'm in love with you. Let's go. Come back with me tonight. I promise to make you very high!"

Liu Yufeng smiled and extended his hand to Chenxi.

But Chen Xi took a step back and still shook her head and said, "thank you for your kindness, but I already have someone I like."

"Someone you like?"

Chen Xi repeatedly refused himself in front of his friends, which seemed to have exhausted Liu Yufeng's patience. He snorted angrily: "is it the Li Hao that Wang Yungang just said? What is he? Call him now and I promise to let him go in front of you!"

"Yes! Is he also a student of Huaxia Medical College?"

The fat man standing behind Liu Yufeng said proudly: "call him and ask him to come over! If he knows the truth, it's OK. If he doesn't know the truth and dares to rob a woman with our boss, believe it or not, we'll let him stay at home and don't come over next semester!"

The meaning of fat people is obvious. It's not very difficult to let an ordinary student drop out of school with the skills of their crown prince party.

Chen Xi's eyes changed for a while, still didn't reach into her pocket to take out her mobile phone, but calmly looked at Liu Yu and said, "what do you want to do to let me go?"

"How can I let you go?"

Liu Yufeng touched his chin, smiled and said in two voices, "it's rare to meet such a top quality. How can I be willing to let you go? I just said, I want you to be with me."

"Little Meimei, you put your hand in your pocket and took it out. Do you want to call?"

The fat men laughed and said, "if you can't open your mouth, it doesn't matter. You can call and let our brothers tell him!"

"Don't call."

At this time, a cold voice suddenly sounded from behind them. Liu Yufeng and Chen Xi only felt that there was a flower in front of them, and there was already a slender young man beside them. His eyes looked at them coldly and said, "I'm Li Hao. Come on, I want to see how you can get me out of Huaxia Medical College." ##### first, more

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