Liu Yufeng is stupid, completely stupid.

He never imagined that in his own territory, his brothers would be beaten to lie on the ground and moan like dead dogs.

He didn't study abroad for a year. Is there such a big change at home?

The pupil shrinks slightly. Liu Yufeng also knows that he may have kicked the iron plate today. Even if the boy has no excellent background, no wonder he was so arrogant with his excellent skill.

As the old saying goes in the Jianghu, you are strong and can be more crazy than others!

"The boy's skill is so powerful. If we take him down as a younger brother, who dares to provoke us when we go out to fight?"

Liu Yufeng's eyes twinkled. For Li Hao, he even moved his love for talent and said with a smile: "Li Hao, good skill. I think what just happened should be just a misunderstanding. I like Chenxi, but feelings should be fair competition. No matter who Chenxi chooses in the future, I hope to make you a friend."

Liu Yufeng has made it clear that he wants to calm things down. He feels that the childe of the headmaster's family has put down his body to seek peace. Even if Li Hao is stunned, he won't fight with himself to the end?

These days, even the most stupid people may know that one more friend is better than one more enemy.

But after listening to his words, Li Hao didn't say anything, but Wang Yun beside Liu Yufeng sneered in his heart.

But he knew Li Hao's means. After provoking him, he wanted to expose it lightly with such a sentence that he couldn't even apologize. Liu Yufeng was still too naive.

"All right, all right. If you don't fight and don't know each other, you'll be friends in the future!"

Liu Yufeng smiled again, then greeted the younger brothers who were still lying on the ground and said, "are you promising?! don't howl, get up and go home to bed!"

"Brother Feng, i... we can't move..."

One of Liu Yufeng's younger brothers was wailing bitterly on the ground. Although Li Hao didn't hit these punches hard, they all hit the key points of the acupoints. These punches continued. Some of these guys were in severe pain and some were numb and weak. Anyway, none of them could continue to stand up.

"Useless things!"

Liu Yufeng looked at their miserable appearance one by one. He also had some drums in his heart, swallowed his mouth and said coldly, "forget it! I'm too lazy to care about you!"

With that, he turned and wanted to go.

"Didn't you understand me?"

At this time, Li Hao's voice sounded again.

"What's the matter?"

Liu Yufeng stopped and frowned at Li Hao.

"You can go if you want, but I said, give yourself 20 slaps before you go."

Li Hao looked at him. Twenty slaps seemed to be a normal thing. At the same time, he added: "remind you, these twenty slaps must be loud and have a sense of rhythm."

"Li Hao, don't deceive people too much!"

Liu Yufeng's eyes seemed to have anger to gush out. He stared at Li Hao and said, "you don't want to make me a friend like this?"

"Be friends?"

Li Hao raised his eyebrows as if he had heard a big joke. He shook his head and said, "it's still that sentence. You don't deserve it!"

"I don't appreciate it!!"

Seeing Li Hao's lack of face, Liu Yufeng also decided to completely tear his face. At present, he quickly stepped back, distanced himself from Li Hao, and then took out his mobile phone to make a call.

"Hello? Uncle Gao?"

The phone was quickly connected. Liu Yufeng said to the phone, "Zhihui and I are outside. Zhihui was called. Please bring the security guard here. It's at the back door of the school!"

They are known as the prince Party of Huaxia Medical College because their parents hold important positions in the school. Liu Yufeng is the son of president Liu Yuanming, while Gao Zhihui's father Gao Jianguo is the director of the school's discipline office. Teaching supervision and school security are under his jurisdiction.

"Boy, you wait to die!"

After the phone call, Liu Yufeng seemed to give birth to endless confidence out of thin air for a moment, and recovered his previous arrogance.

"Li Hao, or forget it."

Hearing Liu Yufeng calling, Chenxi pulled Li Hao's clothes, afraid that it would be difficult to end, advised him to forget it.

"Forget it?!"

Unexpectedly, Liu Yufeng quit and said, "if the school security guard doesn't come today, it won't be over!!"

"You go back first and tell Zhang Kun they don't wait for me. Huang Ning will catch the high-speed railway tomorrow morning and let them all go back to rest."

Li Hao patted Chen Xi's hand and said softly.

"Then you..."

Chen Xi shook her head and didn't want to leave Li Hao alone, but Li Hao interrupted: "don't worry, I'll be fine."

"Shall I call grandpa?"

Chenxi wants to make a phone call to Chenyu. With his qualifications, a word still has weight.


Li Hao shook his head and didn't want to disturb the old man so late.

"I said no one is allowed to go!"

Liu Yufeng saw that Chenxi was ready to leave and took a step forward to leave her, but when his eyes touched Li Hao's cold eyes, his calf and stomach trembled uncontrollably and retreated back.

"Over there! Over there!"

Not long after Chen Xi left, the light of several strong light flashlights came over, and then with a burst of rapid footsteps, several men in school security uniforms ran over.

"Master Feng, what's going on?"

The head security captain ran to Liu Yufeng and said respectfully, "I'm on duty tonight. I just received a call from director Gao, so I hurried over with my brothers!"

"That's him! Hurt people with heavy hands on campus!"

Seeing the security guard coming, Liu Yufeng's courage was completely strengthened. He pointed to Li Hao next to him and said, "catch him quickly!!"

"Li Hao?"

The security captain looked in the direction of Liu Yufeng's fingers. After seeing Li Hao's face clearly, he was stunned.

Li Hao, the security captain, has heard of such a man of the moment in the school recently.

"What are you staring at? Catch him!"

Liu Yufeng pushed the security captain and said, "I'll call the police right away. First, you shut him up in the office and wait for the police


"Oh, good!"

The security captain nodded. In fact, he also thought Li Hao was a very powerful student, but there was no way. If he didn't obey Liu Yufeng, he would lose his job as a security captain early tomorrow morning. Under the threat of losing his job, he still chose to obey Liu Yufeng.

"It doesn't matter. I'll go back with you."

Li Hao saw the embarrassment of the security captain, raised his head, looked at the surveillance camera above without trace, and smiled.

"Let's go."

The security captain took his own security guards and "murderer" Li Hao to the security room.

On the way, Li Hao put his hands in his pockets and sighed in his heart: "Alas... It seems that the little swallow will be in trouble again..." ##### the third watch arrived

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