Li Hao walked leisurely in front, followed by a group of cautious school security guards.

Although they knew that Li Hao had made great achievements in traditional Chinese medicine and made a lot of achievements in the school, they didn't expect that the young man was still armed with kung fu skills!

Just now Gao Zhihui and some of them were lying on the ground and rolling in pain. These security guards all saw it in their eyes.

Ask yourself, if it's their own words, don't say they dare not attack Gao Zhihui's childe brothers. Even if they dare to attack so many people, it must be themselves who finally lie on the ground.

Therefore, Li Hao walked easily in front, but the security comrades responsible for "guarding" him in the back were like great enemies one by one, for fear that Li Hao would suddenly make trouble, and then put them down.

Li Hao walked ahead. He didn't care about these small security guards, because he knew that these people had no position at all, just to keep their jobs, so he couldn't listen to the orders of the people above.

Small people can only drift with the tide, which has been the truth since ancient times.

Taking the lead in entering the security room, Li Hao took out his mobile phone and quickly edited a wechat to Zhuo Yanyu.

"Li Hao, sit down first."

The security captain followed them and came in. Seeing Li Hao cooperating with them so much, they were relieved and were very polite to Li Hao.


Li Hao nodded, calmly found a chair and sat down.

The mobile phone in his pocket shook slightly, and soon the little swallow returned the news to him, saying that she had said hello to Xuefu District branch. One of her hair children was on duty to lead the team of Xuefu District branch this evening, which assured Li Hao that he would not be wronged by others out of nothing.

After seeing this wechat, Li Hao has no worries at all. He has always been at ease about the ability of little swallow in the police system.

And the reason why he started with the momentum of thunder just now is that he noticed that there was a camera just around them, which could clearly shoot everything that happened on their side.

First of all, it was Liu Yufeng who besieged and molested Chen Xi on the way. After Li Hao came, it was also fat Gao Zhihui who threw bricks first. They were good at feeling and reason. Li Hao was a proper self-defense. Although the final result was that Gao Zhihui was a little miserable, it could not erase the fact that they were unjustified.

When the murderer shot and hurt himself, can't it be said that it was the hostage's fault?

After a while, Liu Yufeng came in with his chin raised. He glanced at Li Hao sitting on the stool and snorted coldly from his nostrils: "don't be ashamed. You'll enter the police station later. You'll cry!"

He is used to bullying in Xuefu district. He has a good relationship with the deputy director of Xuefu branch. Just after reporting to the police, he believes that as long as he points out his relationship with the deputy director with the police, and then puts in a few packs of cigarettes, it's definitely like playing with Li Hao!

Thinking of this, Liu Yufeng seemed to see what he looked like when he trampled handcuffed Li Hao in the police station!

As for Li Hao's excuse after his injury, it's also easy to find. It's said that he was injured during the scuffle with Gao Zhihui. I believe no one will doubt this excuse except Li Hao himself.

It's not normal for a person to get a little injury to five or six people?

The University Branch is not far from Huaxia Medical College, and the police comrades are very efficient. Soon someone knocked on the door of the security room, and several young people in police uniforms came in.

"Hello, police comrades."

Liu Yufeng was quite polite to these civil servants. As soon as he saw that the person headed showed his certificate, he hurried over and said, "officer Zhao, it's really hard for you to come at night, but things are too bad, so I have to bother you."

With that, he angrily pointed to Li Hao sitting behind him and said, "officer Zhao, this is the man who hurt his classmates at school late at night and beat many of our classmates seriously. The situation is terrible! Otherwise, we won't trouble you at night."

Liu Yufeng was also careful when he spoke. He deliberately stressed the hard work of these police officers on duty at night, and also stressed that it was Li Hao's trouble that made them so hard. He wanted to arouse the resentment of these police officers against Li Hao so that he could suffer more.

Following his words, officer Zhao's eyes moved to Li Hao, and then said, "just him? He looks gentle, and doesn't look like a person who can hit people for no reason."

"Officer Zhao, these days, you know people, face and heart!"

Liu Yufeng hurriedly said, "I can't believe it if it didn't happen in front of me! But if you don't believe it, officer, you can go and ask. My friends are in the hospital now!"

"Don't go to the hospital."

Officer Zhao waved his hand.

"Yes, officer Zhao Yingming."

Liu Yufeng smiled and thought officer Zhao wanted to take Li Hao back directly. He was very happy.

Who knows, officer Zhao turned his head and said, "there should be surveillance in the school. What hospital do you run to? Just go and transfer the surveillance video directly?"

When Liu Yufeng heard this, his face suddenly changed. It was like choking on his throat by an egg. He blocked his throat in one breath and couldn't say a word.

Tune the monitor!

Students fight such a small matter, he actually proposed to adjust the monitoring on this big night!!

Liu Yufeng never thought that officer Zhao would make such a request, which is too much of a fuss!

"This... It was dark at night, and we were at the back door of the school. There may not be a surveillance camera, so..."

Liu Yufeng rubbed his hands and wanted to find an excuse to pass.

"I noticed that there happened to be a camera."

Li Hao, who has been silent beside him, suddenly opened his mouth. As soon as he spoke, it was like a bolt from the blue and gave Liu Yufeng a blow in the head!!

"Since it's best to have it, what are you waiting for?"

Officer Zhao nodded and said to the security captain next to him, "go and transfer the surveillance video of the camera at the back door of the school!"

"Officer Zhao, you may not know. I know you Deputy yuan..."

Liu Yufeng's forehead was dripping with sweat at this time, because he also knew that his brothers were picking up the whole thing. If he really pulled out the surveillance video, Li Hao would become the reasonable party.

"Vice President yuan?"

Officer Zhao was slightly stunned. Then he met Liu Yufeng's smiling face and said faintly, "well, I know him, too."

With that, he urged the security captain next to him: "I told you to hang the monitor quickly. Can't you understand?"

"Yes, yes..."

The security captain was in a dilemma. After weighing, he still didn't have the courage to bear a crime of hindering law enforcement. He had to go to the computer and transfer the surveillance video at the back door of the school.

"Well, good skill."

After watching the video, officer Zhao nodded, then smiled at Li Hao and said, "it's really rare for such victims to fight around. Li Hao, please go back with my brothers and take a note."

"Where are you going?"

Li Hao smiled and asked.

"Go to the hospital."

Police officer Zhao turned around and looked at Liu Yufeng, who was sweating beside him, and said, "catch the person who should be caught!" ###### at the first watch, today is still at the third watch. After the first week on the shelf, the outbreak of the third watch will slowly end and return to the normal morning and evening, and then the reward of 588 Shudou will be increased. After all, I am a disabled party, I try my best to write it every day. I hope I can understand it.

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