Catch the right person!

When officer Zhao said this, even a fool could hear what he meant.

Li Hao was just self-defense. Even if Gao Zhihui and his colleagues were seriously injured, they were only over defensive at most, and there would be no major event at all. Moreover, Gao Zhihui and his colleagues were so painful at that time, but Li Hao hit their acupoints. If they went to the hospital for injury examination, they would not even be slightly injured.

However, Li Hao is fine, but Gao Zhihui and his colleagues just get together to fight after drinking. This kind of thing can be big or small. If others say you are bad, you can't escape. If others say you are mild, it's no big deal. But officer Zhao is adjusting the monitoring and going to the hospital to catch people. Even if he thinks with his toes, he will certainly help Li Hao!

"Is this officer Zhao out of his mind? I have carried out their deputy director yuan. He is so determined to help Li Hao, shit!"

Liu Yufeng secretly scolded in his heart, but now he can't attack. He can only accompany a smile on his face, but secretly scolded in his heart.

"Li Hao will go back with us to take a note. Liu Yufeng doesn't have anything to do with you for the time being. Go back, but you may have to go to the bureau to assist in the investigation tomorrow."

Police officer Zhao acted impartially, and Li Hao followed them to the nearby Third People's hospital.

Gao Zhihui and others are still sitting on the chairs in the corridor and wailing. Some people have unbearable pain, others have weak limbs, and even half of their bodies are so numb that they lose consciousness.

But they came to the hospital to take a film, do a urine test, take blood for test, and check all the places where they can have a physical examination, but they still can't find out what the reason is, which makes a lot of doctors on night shift worried.

Looking at Gao Zhihui's uncomfortable appearance, it doesn't look like they are pretending to have nothing to do, and the doctors don't understand why these scientific instruments that try bailing on weekdays can't find out the problem.

"Can you doctors?"

"Yes! What's the matter? The child is so miserable. Here, you let us run up and down for so many tests, but finally there's an unknown reason. Are you making fun of us?"

Gao Zhihui's parents also rushed over from home all night and saw their son crying all over. Which parent doesn't feel bad?

The most angry thing is that the doctors in the hospital are still helpless, which makes them even more angry.

When Li Hao followed police officer Zhao and they rushed to the hospital, Gao Zhihui's parents were blocking the door of the doctor on duty, shouting for the doctors to give them an explanation.

"It's him, it's him who beat us like this!!"

Seeing Li Hao and Gao Zhihui, they immediately shouted louder. They all pointed to Li Hao. They looked wronged. Where was the arrogant look when they first started? It's like a yellow flower girl whose body has been broken.

"Is that him?"

Hearing their sons' complaints, the angry parents turned their heads one after another, turned their guns one by one, and came angrily towards Li Hao.

"Comrade police, such a ferocious guy must be severely punished!"

Gao Zhihui's father is the director of the Discipline Department of Huaxia Medical College. He is wearing a suit. It may be because he occupies a high position in the school all year round. He is not angry and powerful.

"You little red guy beat our Zhihui like this. I'll fight with you!"

Gao Zhihui's mother is a woman who has no city government. Seeing the culprit who injured his son, she immediately cried and shouted, and rushed towards Li Hao with a group of women.

"Step back!"

Officer Zhao stared and roared, "what are you doing?!"

"What's the matter with your son? You've been in the hospital for so long. You should have done everything?"

Li Hao smiled and said, "if I'm not wrong, their test report should be only minor injuries, right?"

As soon as Li Hao said this, Gao Shijie, Gao Zhihui's father, narrowed his eyes. He was surprised that Li Hao could predict the situation so accurately. Then he remembered Li Hao's magical performance in the school Chinese and Western medicine exchange competition, and his heart immediately picked up.

"Li Hao, if you help them relieve their pain, I can talk to the police officer and give you a lighter punishment at that time."

Gao Shijie pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, softened his tone and began to persuade him.

Li Hao was expressionless and didn't speak.

"Li Hao, if you have a way, cure them. In this way, it will be more difficult for us to work."

Officer Zhao also said.

"Well, go to the hospital and get their injury report."

Li Hao nodded and walked to Gao Zhihui in front of them.

"You... What are you doing?"

Although his parents and the police were there, when Gao Zhihui saw Li Hao walking in front of him, they were still nervous and shrank back, tense all over, like a great enemy.

"Relax, relax."

Li Hao smiled, stretched out his hand and said, "just as you were so relaxed when you first rushed over to beat me, otherwise, your muscles are too tight, but there is no way to solve your acupoints for you."

"Solution point?"

The doctors standing nearby were stunned.

Acupoint solution?

Are you kidding?

Please, this is not in the world of martial arts novels. Do you still solve acupoints?

But Li Hao seemed not to hear what they said. He first stretched out his hand and pressed it on Gao Zhihui's hand, and then his fingers slowly exerted their strength and rubbed it down towards an acupoint on Gao Zhihui.

"Ah! Ah!"

Gao Zhihui's body stiffened, his body trembled slightly, and beads of sweat on his forehead oozed out of his skin.

"What the hell is he doing? What is he going to do with my son?!"

Gao Zhihui's mother saw her son roaring and sweating. She didn't know why. She was so worried that she rushed over to Li Hao and shouted, "what the hell are you doing?"

"Then I won't touch him."

Li Hao glanced at her and withdrew his hand.

"Mom! What are you doing?!"

Li Hao stopped his hand, but Gao Zhihui shouted first and shouted, "he just finished pressing, and I feel more comfortable!!"


Gao Zhihui's mother froze awkwardly and looked at Li Hao speechless.

Just now she brought a group of women to beat others, and then interrupted Li Hao's treatment. Now she still has the face to ask Li Hao to continue to help Gao Zhihui solve his acupoints?

But to her relief, Li Hao didn't care about anything with her. After seeing her shut up, he stretched out his hand and pressed Gao Zhihui again.

Two minutes later, Li Hao took back his hand. Gao Zhihui moved his arm and murmured, "it doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt!"

"Isn't it amazing?"

Seeing Gao Zhihui's reaction, the doctors who had just done various tests for them were stunned one by one. Looking at Li Hao, he couldn't help asking.

"This is traditional Chinese medicine!"

Li Hao stood up, his spine heard straight, and looked at the doctors behind him. His voice was full of confidence and pride ##### he had something to do this afternoon and didn't have time to update, so he sent it continuously in the second and third shifts. Sorry

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