chinese medicine!

These two words are really rarely heard in today's hospitals.

After all, if people believe in traditional Chinese medicine, why should they come to a western medicine hospital and learn western medicine?

Unconsciously, these doctors have long regarded their Western medicine as the standard, and traditional Chinese medicine has become something out of the stream in their eyes.

But here today, a young man named Li Hao cured the thorny problems they couldn't solve with the help of various advanced scientific instruments with only one hand!

They are not shocked by this fact!

Looking at those angels in white stunned, Li Hao was very proud, but at the same time, he had some small regrets.

Unfortunately, it's early in the morning. There are not many doctors and nurses in the hospital, and there are few patients who haven't slept yet. Therefore, this scene has not been witnessed by many people. Otherwise, it may cause a sensation again!

There is no way. For today's traditional Chinese medicine, attention and identity are too important.

From here to there, Li Hao also spent more than ten minutes to help these childe brothers rub open the acupoints he had beaten before.

Acupoints and acupoints really exist in traditional Chinese medicine. The theory of acupoint pointing and acupoint beating really has this ability. Just as Li haogang just put Gao Zhihui down in a short time, he used his skillful strength to hit the pain points, hemp points and other acupoints on Gao Zhihui.

However, when solving acupoints, it is not as simple as that described in martial arts novels. With your fingers, you can immediately solve the acupoints.

In fact, in addition to using silver needle acupoints to solve acupoints, massage and massage through correct techniques can also solve clogged acupoints, but this has to be done slowly, not overnight.

After Li Hao helped Gao Zhihui solve their acupoints, police officer Zhao has also copied the injury examination reports of Gao Zhihui and others from the hospital.

"The test results on them are not even ordinary skin and flesh injuries."

Officer Zhao walked up to Li Hao and told him the results of the report.

Li Hao nodded slightly. He knew when he started. The results on the hospital injury examination report had long been expected by him.

"Well, since he hasn't been hurt, Li Hao has also made good their situation. I think it's ok if it's not."

Gao Zhihui's mother came forward and opened her mouth to make a round play.


Police officer Zhao raised his hand to block Gao Zhihui's mother and said solemnly, "I have to take them first today."

"Take Zhihui and them?"

Gao Shijie came over and frowned: "we don't want to investigate. Why take Zhihui them? They are victims!"


Detective Zhao's eyebrows raised a smile and laughed. "You may have misunderstood this gentleman," he said. "Who is the victim? This is not your has the final say."

"What do you mean?"

Gao Shijie's tone of anger appeared, and asked, "who has the final say?!"

"Facts has the final say."

Officer Zhao was too lazy to say more nonsense. He waved to the policeman behind him and said, "take it away!"


Gao Zhihui's mother was anxious and wanted to stop, but officer Zhao stared back.

"Madam, if you don't calm down, I'll punish you for obstructing public affairs!"

Officer Zhao was like a cold faced judge at the moment. In one sentence, he blocked Gao Shijie's wife back.

"Shijie, do something!"

Looking at Gao Zhihui, who was taken away by the police, Gao Zhihui's mother grabbed her husband's arm and said, "call president Liu quickly. He has a wide range of contacts. He must be able to think of a way!"


Gao Shijie nodded.


At the moment, in the home of Liu Yuanming, President of Huaxia Medical College, the light is still on in the living room in the early morning. Liu Yuanming sat on the sofa smoking, looked at his son sitting next to him with his head down, put down his mobile phone and said, "Gao Shijie just called, and the man has been taken away by the police."

"Dad! That officer Zhao is really a fool. I must let uncle yuan beat him well tomorrow morning!"

Liu Yufeng clenched his fist and said in a cruel voice.


Liu Yuanming stared and shouted at his despicable son: "Beat who?! I think you are the one who needs to beat most! Do you know who that police officer Zhao is tonight? He is the son of director Zhao of the Municipal Bureau. He just joined the police system and came to our district as an intern. He will be transferred back to the Municipal Bureau soon and will rise soon! Beat him? Don't mention deputy director yuan. Even the chief director of Xuefu district police station dare not offend him!!"

Liu Yuanming is much more sophisticated than Liu Yufeng. He soon found out some details of this matter tonight, and his heart is more and more disappointed with his son.


Liu Yufeng said, "then why did he help Li Hao?"

"Fool! Fool!!"

Liu Yuanming was really annoyed by his son. He jumped up and slapped him in the face and said, "you know how to play when you come back. Did you watch the news? Who is Li Hao? He is not only a student of our school, but also has a deep relationship with Minister Shen Chengfeng of the Ministry of education. He is also a young miracle doctor who has been in the limelight recently, but also the chairman of Haotian industry!!"

"Don't you know Haotian industry?"

Liu Yuanming went on: "your mother and aunt are inseparable from the condensate produced by their company every day! On the day he opened his business, more than half of the elite of Mingzhu went, including minister Zhuo Yishan, the highest leader of the police system of Mingzhu city!"

After that, he shouted at Liu Yufeng, "do you still want to call the police to frame him?! don't say he's right. He bullied you on his own initiative. A telephone policeman will help him make big and small things. You have the courage to provoke him?!"

Liu Yuanming is really going to be angry with his black sheep. Shen Chengfeng was not very satisfied with him at the last exchange meeting. However, he has worked hard recently and has done a good job in all aspects. He is still hopeful to rise from the position of university president to the Ministry of education.

But now if Li Hao finds minister Shen Chengfeng because of this, he can still have a fart hope!

"Dad, what should I do?"

After hearing so much news, Liu Yufeng was completely flustered and looked at his father at a loss.

"Go to the police station and turn yourself in, but it's just an instigation to others to gather and fight. You can be given a lighter punishment if you turn yourself in. It's okay."

Liu Yuanming said, "I'll apologize to Li Hao myself. I must calm his anger."

"Dad, I, I've done more than one wrong thing..."

As soon as Liu Yuanming heard the word "surrender", his face turned white and trembled to tell some old accounts he had made.

What fights, racing, threatening female students to have a relationship with themselves and so on, although they are temporarily covered by his money, once he enters the Bureau and is turned over, he will be punished for several crimes at that time, he will never be able to eat and go!


Liu Yuanming felt that his eyes were dark and he was about to faint with anger from his son!

"Why are you still sitting?!"

After taking a deep breath, Liu Yuanming took the coat on the hanger, put it on his body and said, "get out of here now!"

"Dad, what are we going to do?"

Seeing his father's rage, Liu Yufeng stood up and changed his clothes.

"What are you doing?"

Liu Yuanming, who was well-dressed, stared at his son, shook his head and said, "go and ask Li Hao if he can let you go!" ##### three watch! Good night, everyone. Let me tell you a bad news. Yesterday, the sales ranking of our books fell sharply by 20. It's terrible. I hope you can subscribe and support, and recommend more to your friends without reward. Thank you!

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