Angry and helpless, Liu Yuanming drove with Liu Yufeng to the police station in Xuefu district. Twenty minutes later, he stopped at the gate of the police station, got out of the car and rushed inside with Liu Yufeng.

"Liu Xiao, you're here!"

Gao Shijie, they are still inside. Their son was brought into the Bureau, and they are all anxious.

Although Liu Yufeng and his parents hide what they do together on weekdays, how can they not notice at all?

Usually, when there was no accident, they turned a blind eye and let it go. But now as soon as they entered the police station, Gao Shijie really panicked. They were afraid that their son had done something serious.

Moreover, in order to block their mouths, police officer Zhao has shown the surveillance video copied from the school to these parents. It is clear on the picture that Gao Zhihui and Li Hao got it first. Li Hao is just self-defense, and they deserve it.

Seeing Liu Yuanming's appearance, they immediately felt like they had a backbone and wanted to ask him what to do. After all, Liu Yuanming had a wide network of contacts as a young principal. They all believed that as long as he came forward, there would be a way.

"Where's Li Hao?"

Liu Yuanming ignored them, but took the initiative to ask Li haolai.

"He went back after taking notes. He just left. He should have gone back to the school dormitory!"

Gao Shijie pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said.

"Shijie, you go to school with me immediately!"

Liu Yuanming pursed his mouth and pondered for a moment, dragged his son, then greeted Gao Shijie, director of the discipline Office of Huaxia Medical College, took him out of the police station, got on the bus and drove towards Huaxia Medical College.

At this time, it was more than two o'clock in the night. Gao Shijie, sitting in the back row, asked Liu Yuanming, "Liu school, what are we going to school for now?"

"Ask someone to let the children live."

Liu Yuan's face sank like water, biting his teeth.

Sitting next to him, Liu Yufeng lowered his head and didn't dare to say more. He knew that his father was really angry this time, and from his father's mouth, he also knew that the direction of his future life was now completely in the hands of others.

If Li Hao doesn't investigate, he is still a bright childe, but if Li Hao really wants to trace it to the end, if his previous broken things are turned out together, he will have to stay in prison for a few years.

What future does a young man have when he goes to prison and comes out in his thirties?

Liu Yuanming drove his car very fast and soon drove into Huaxia Medical College. Then he turned and asked, "you are the director of the discipline office. You should know which dormitory Li Hao's major lived in this year?"

"OK, it seems to be building 6."

Gao Shijie was stunned by Liu Yuanming's question. After thinking for a while, he was surprised and said, "school Liu, you said you were going to ask someone, didn't you go to ask Li Hao?"

"What's the matter?"

Liu Yuanming started the car and drove towards the boy's dormitory building No. 6. He said coldly, "now it's only Li Hao who can keep these bastards!"

Gao Shijie was so shocked by Liu Yuanming's words that he couldn't speak. His eyes widened. He didn't expect that this young man with excellent medical skills would have so much energy in the Pearl!

Liu Yuanming and Gao Shijie took Liu Yufeng to the front of building 6 of the boys' dormitory. The security guard on duty was dozing with his chin. He heard the hurried footsteps and narrowed his eyes. He thought he was a student who went out and returned late. He shouted angrily: "what time is it? Don't go back. Go out and play all night!"

"Open the door!"

Liu Yuanming's face was gloomy, and he didn't bother to argue with the little security guard. He only whispered.


The security guard was sleepy and reprimanded him. He found that he dared to talk back to him. In his anger, he finally opened his eyes, but it didn't matter. When he saw it, he immediately scared his legs soft and screamed!

It's so late that principal Liu Yuanming and director Gao Shijie of the discipline office arrive at the student dormitory!!

The security guard rubbed his eyes ruthlessly, and his hand hanging below secretly pinched his thigh, wondering if he was dreaming.

"What are you doing?"

Gao Shijie's heart is also full of anger now. Seeing the small security guard stunned in place, he immediately opened his mouth and scolded angrily.

"Oh, yes, yes!"

After being yelled again, he quickly bent down and took out the key to the anti-theft iron door of the dormitory building from the drawer, ran over and opened the door.

"Brother Qian, why is it so noisy at night?"

As soon as he entered the door, the room at the head of the corridor was the Dormitory Supervisor's room. Just outside the door, the sound of shouting woke him up. He rubbed his bleary eyes and muttered discontentedly.

"The headmaster and the director seem to have something urgent."

The security guard surnamed Qian was also bored at the moment, so he had to whisper.

"What?! principal and director?!"

After listening to this, the dormitory teacher's brain was suddenly awakened. Looking at the two men in suits standing next to him, he rubbed his eyes again, looked down at the "cool" look of himself wearing only big underpants, and turned to go in and get a dress to put on.

"I ask you, Li Hao, majoring in traditional Chinese medicine, do they live in your building?"

Liu Yuanming raised his hand to stop the dormitory teacher and asked.

If he directly asked other students if they lived here, the dormitory teacher might not know, but Liu Yuanming, who is so famous among students like Li Hao, quickly nodded and said, "yes, they are in dormitory 114 on the first floor. The headmaster wants to find him now?"

However, after hearing the dormitory No. 114, Liu Yuanming didn't listen to what he said behind him, so he directly turned and walked towards Li Hao's dormitory.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

It was late at night, and there was silence in the student dormitory building in the corridor. Liu Yuanming stopped the dorm supervisor who was going to call the door. He walked forward himself, raised his hand and knocked politely on the door three times.

There was still dead silence around. There was no response after Liu Yuanming knocked three times.

"Liu Xiao, will they have gone to bed?"

Gao Shijie pushed the spectacle track on the bridge of his nose.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

Liu Yuanming kept silent and knocked again three times, but there was still no movement in the door.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

After a few minutes, Liu Yuanming took a deep breath, raised his hand again and knocked on the door of Li Hao's dormitory.


A sound of bolt opening came from inside the door. Zhang Kun, the head of Li Hao's dormitory, opened the door from inside.

Li Hao didn't get up to meet him at the door. He just sat in the dormitory and calmly looked at Liu Yuanming and Gao Shijie who suddenly visited at the door. It didn't seem that he was surprised at all.


Liu Yuanming raised his hand and slapped his son. Then he pushed him to the door. He followed closely. The father and son bowed 90 degrees to Li Hao sitting in the chair in front of everyone present!

For a moment, the dormitory teacher was stupid, the security guard brother Qian was stupid, and Li Hao's roommate Zhang Kun was also stupid!

Since ancient times, is there a university president like today who brings his childe to bow and apologize to a student late at night#### First, this week, we will start to ensure the minimum in the morning and evening. If we are in good condition, there will be a third watch. The total reward every day exceeds 588 plus one watch. We must recommend and publicize with our friends, which is very important for how far our book can go. Please!

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