"Dad, Dad! I can't really go abroad, can I?"

On the way back, Liu Yufeng sat in the co pilot, looked at his silent father, and finally couldn't help crying out: "where can I live without you and my mother? You don't know. In the year of going abroad for exchange, I couldn't eat and live there, and lost more than ten kilograms!"

Of course, he doesn't want to go abroad. Although his family won't treat him badly in terms of life and economy abroad, it's a foreign country after all. It's a mixture of river dragon and road tiger fish dragon. How can he be comfortable to dominate his own house?

It's hard to say. When you go abroad, even playing with a girl, Liu Yufeng doesn't dare to fool around casually, because maybe someone else has a backstage that he can't afford to provoke at all, and you can press him to death directly!

Let him stay abroad for several years, that is simply the punishment of hair distribution in ancient times. It is exile!

"Then you'll be used to living in prison?"

Liu Yuanming didn't answer him, but looked up at him and asked.


Liu Yufeng was asked by him and couldn't speak.

He knows the dirty things he has done. He has hit people with disabilities by racing cars and played with several female students by coercion and inducement. Although he spent some money to clean up afterwards, it was all suppressed by threatening others not to call the police while giving money. Once Li Hao asked the police to thoroughly investigate himself, if these things add up, it will break the day!

Some things are easy to say in the dark, but once they surface and see light, the background can't be blocked no matter how hard it is!

Whether your father is Li Gang or you are Li Tianyi, the silver gun bully in Haidian, if something is pierced, you have to go in and eat in prison. There's nothing to discuss.

The choice between going abroad and going to jail is naturally obvious.

In foreign countries, even if his temperament needs to be restrained a lot, at least he is still well dressed and free. If he really goes to prison for more than ten years, Liu Yufeng can't even think about it!

After taking a deep breath, Liu Yufeng's fist was tightly clenched. He regretted that his intestines were green!

Why did he drink some wine in the evening to provoke Chenxi?

Why didn't he ask about Li Hao and let someone do it?

Why didn't he listen to Wang Yun's advice and laugh at him?

Liu Yufeng now has a faint feeling in his heart. Wang Yun is so afraid of Li Hao that he can't make the family of the Wang family fall. He also has countless ties with this mysterious young man!

"When you go abroad, you should be more restrained."

Liu Yuanming looked at his silent son and sighed: "no one will never stumble all his life, not to mention you are wrong, but it doesn't matter if you stumble. You are still a hero if you can climb out of the pit!"

"Dad, I see."

Liu Yufeng nodded. After tonight, he seemed to grow up a lot overnight.

Looking at the maturity and steadiness in his son's eyes, Liu Yuanming nodded with some satisfaction. Although he knew that his son could not really be reborn overnight, at least after experiencing this thing, he began to develop in the direction of maturity. In this way, he felt enough.

"Dad, do you really want to help him after you retire from the headmaster?"

When he got out of the car at home, Liu Yufeng wanted to stop talking. He felt that he was ashamed of his father. If it weren't for him, Liu Yuanming should be able to naturally enter the Ministry of education to do better work after leaving the position of president. It's not called retirement but promotion, but now he can only retire.

Liu Yufeng felt very wronged when he let his father retreat under the command of a hairy boy.

"What else can I do?"

Liu Yuanming smiled bitterly, patted his son on the shoulder and said, "Li Hao is different from you and me. He is a man who can achieve great things. Being a loyal dog behind him may not be successful in the future. Yufeng, if you can reach half of him, dad will be completely relieved..."

Then he sighed and walked towards home

The next morning, Li Hao woke up Huang Ning, who had a hangover last night. The goods would have missed the high-speed railway today. Last night, Liu Yuanming came with a group of people to apologize. He slept like a dead pig and didn't respond. You can imagine how drunk this guy was.

After sending Huang Ning away, Lin Wei and Zhang Kun were still sleeping in bed. One of them was drunk last night, and the other stayed with Li Hao until so late, so Li Hao didn't wake them up and sent Huang Ning away by himself.

Leaving the station, Li Hao suddenly had the idea of going home and going back to the orphanage. In previous years, he would wait for Peng ting to fly over from abroad. Since Peng Ting didn't come back this year, he should almost go back.

Just when Li Hao was thinking about whether to buy a ticket directly, the phone in his pocket rang.

"Li Hao, where are you?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Zuo Feifei's angry voice came out of the receiver.

"I just saw a man off at the station. What's the matter?"

Li Hao asked with some doubt.

"I'll pick you up at once!"

Zuo Feifei's tone was a little serious and said, "Huarong group, the price war... Has begun!"

"As expected..."

Li Hao frowned slightly and said, "OK, I'm waiting for you. Let's go to the company to talk in detail."

Zuo Feifei should be nearby. After a while, her windy red Porsche 911 appeared at the station, and Li Hao got on the bus directly.

Zuo Feifei didn't drive to Haotian industry, but ran to Zuo's makeup.

"How's it going now?"

Entering Zuo Yuling's office, Li Hao asked directly.

"Starting today, under the banner of the 30th anniversary of its establishment, Huarong group recently began a comprehensive large discount and price reduction activity. All its main frozen age aquatic products were 60% off, which directly reduced the price by 40%

Zuo Yuling looked at the computer in front of her and said, "Hua Lingtong is really a madman. It seems that she is determined to squeeze us with her financial resources."

Huarong group made such a great effort to turn around the situation that their main muscle freezing water was crushed by condensate and condensate!

"Now the sales volume of Meiji frozen age water has begun to pick up rapidly. If it goes on like this, I believe that in less than two days, Meiji frozen age water will be able to reverse to the same level as condensate and condensate. However, I think they are sold at a discount, so the profit generated is still much worse, but the momentum has rebounded. We can't stand it in the long run."

Zuo Yuling frowned slightly. She knew there was no good way. If she wanted to fight back, they could only compete with each other with the price reduction. However, it hit Hua Lingtong's heart and hit the weakness of Haotian's shallow foundation?

"Do you have any good suggestions?"

Zuo Yuling looked at Li Hao and asked softly.


Li Hao glanced at her, and there was an inexplicable meaning in his eyes. He smiled and said, "my way is to respond to changes with invariance!" ###### third, ask for subscription

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