"Respond to changes with invariance?"

Zuo Feifei looked at Li Hao suspiciously and asked, "what do you mean? Don't we do anything?"

"Wrong! Of course we can't do nothing!"

Li Hao shook his head and said, "if you don't do anything, it's called waiting to die. What I said is that we should change with the same price!"

"But Li Hao, in this close price war, can only be stronger than who has more financial resources and who can be more ruthless."

Zuo Yuling was afraid that Li Hao didn't understand the rules of the business war, so she gave a voice to remind him.

"I know, but what can I do? Although I'm a multimillionaire now, I'm just a small shrimp compared with the 10 billion Huarong group. Fight with them. Do you think I can win?"

Li Hao's rhetorical question made Zuo Yuling lag slightly and couldn't answer.

From Li Hao's reaction, she knew that the boy had understood that he was not going to intervene, so he didn't mention anything about asking Zuo's medical makeup to help him fight the price war. Obviously, he knew her attitude, but he didn't say it out of taking care of her face.

Li Hao's understanding made Zuo Yuling feel a little guilty and whispered: "Li Hao, I have my own difficulties. Let's do this. I can invest some financial resources, and then you can see if we can find some more support from your sister Liu Yuying. As long as we survive for a period of time, even if the Hua family has strong financial resources, their father can't allow Hua Lingtong to go on like this forever!"

"Don't bother."

Li Hao shook his head, showing a mean smile on his face and said, "we will not reduce the price, and change the advertising into conscience products. The people's confidence comes from our confidence. It is the so-called buying up or not buying down. If we take a higher attitude, we will move the people's skepticism to hualingtong."

As a natural saint, the grasp of people's hearts is beyond the reach of ordinary people. After listening to Li Hao's words, Zuo Yuling and Zuo Feifei's eyes are bright.

Just in front of the previous Huarong group's smear of condensate and condensate, Li Hao has a good foundation of public trust. As he said, the people are very confident in him, so the price of condensate remains unchanged at this time, which will just make people think that this is their conscience and sincerity and will not have any negative effect.

"But now in terms of our national conditions in China, although the people's living standards are improving, they are not particularly high. Now everyone buys things at a low price."

Zuo Yuling continued: "trust belongs to trust, but in addition to the rich people in the upper class, the impact of price is still great. Are we willing to be forced out of the ordinary market by the flower family and only sell condensate Zhenlu in the high-end market?"

"If you can't spell it on the front, why do you have to spell it on the front?"

Li Hao looked at Zuo Yuling and Zuo Feifei with his arms in his arms, smiled and said, "the flower family didn't plan to deal with us in a positive way at the beginning, so why do we have to fight him?"

After that, looking at the pretty faces of Zuo Yuling and Zuo Feifei, Li Hao said with a smile: "it's too tired to be a good man these days, and since Hua Ling Tongtie wants to kill me, being kind to the enemy is cruel to ourselves. Why do we care about so many rules?"


Zuo Feifei covered cherry's mouth and exclaimed in surprise, "ha ha, Li Hao, you are good or bad. Are you going to wipe black flowers too!!"

"No, no, no, we don't discredit."

Li Hao smiled humbly and said, "we planted it."

"This is really a good way."

Zuo Yuling nodded and said, "this is the means to complete the counterattack at the least cost. However, if we really want to do so, our means should be better. Otherwise, if it is like Hua Lingtong's last time, it will be impossible to steal chicken and eat rice."

"This is true. If the people know that you are actually so bad after the plan is exposed, your hard-working good image will be wasted."

Zuo Feifei looked at Li Hao with a smile and joked.

"What's wrong with me?"

Li Hao shrugged and said, "this idea is what you think. If it is implemented, it should be that Hua Fei went to find someone to do it yesterday. It has nothing to do with me!"

"Dead bitch..."

Zuo Feifei and Zuo Yuling looked at Li Hao and said in unison.

In the center of the Pearl City, Huarong group headquarters building, Hua Lingtong sat on the rotating seat in the office, with a cigar in his mouth, took an intoxicated sip, and then opened his mouth faintly to Wang Xuecheng in front of him and asked, "what's the effect after a morning?"

"Report to the young master, as soon as our 60% discount promotion started, the sales volume of the main muscle freezing age water immediately rebounded. Now it has begun to pick up in the whole market and major supermarkets and shopping malls. The sales volume is rising and will soon return to the previous level!"

Wang Xuecheng's face is red, and the sales volume of the company's products is rising again. His waist is also much straightened in front of Hua Lingtong.

"Well, as expected."

Hua Lingtong nodded, with an ugly smile on her ferocious face, and said, "what's the reaction between Haotian industry and Zuo's pharmaceutical makeup? Those guys should already know these data?"

"Our people have been paying attention to the situation of condensate and condensate, but it's strange that they haven't noticed anything and haven't taken any countermeasures."

Speaking of this, Wang Xuecheng also opened his mouth with a strange look: "the news of our discount is so popular that it is reasonable for them not to know!"

"If they don't do anything, it's estimated that they want to be more patient with us."

Hua Lingtong played with the taste: "then compare it and see who has a deeper capital!"

"Big or small, but if such a fierce discount continues, our sales growth will be much slower."

Wang Xuecheng gnashed his teeth and said angrily, "this Li Hao is really hateful. Without him, we wouldn't have been so impacted!"

"Don't say that. It's interesting to have an opponent!"

Hua Lingtong put out most of the cigars in his hand in the ashtray, spit out a smoke ring and said, "although it costs a lot of money, I have to say that it's really cool to ruthlessly crush the enemy with aboveboard means..."

But what Hua Lingtong doesn't know is that at this moment, in Hua Fei's private villa yesterday, in his encrypted phone, a plan about Hua Lingtong is quietly brewing... ###### first, good morning

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