"Old K! You haven't come to me for such a long time. Today you finally think of me!"

Hua Fei leaned on the sofa with the phone handed over by Ah Mei last night, crossed his legs and said, "what? Invite me to dinner at Kowloon international in the evening? I'm free! I'm so free!!"

"But tell you in advance, I have to bring two great beauties!"

Hua Fei seemed to be in a very good mood last night. She took a bite of the grape that Ah Mei tore and handed over. She smiled and said to the humanity on the phone: "OK, at 7 pm, I'll see you at the peony Hall of Kowloon international!"

With that, he hung up the phone, hugged Ah Mei, scraped her Joan's nose and said, "go and help me prepare my clothes for going out, and then inform Xiaoxue to take you two to dinner in the evening!"

"You look good in whatever clothes you wear."

Ah Meijiao smiled and said, "wear that white golden robe tonight?"

"Just arrange it."

Hua Fei patted Ah Mui's elastic hip yesterday, smiled and said, "what should I do without you?"

"New people always win over old ones. Where can Ah Mui get into the young master's eyes now?"

A tingling sensation came from the buttocks, which made Ah Mui's pretty face slightly red. She was white in all kinds of manners. The flower didn't look yesterday, and she opened her mouth with some bitterness.

Hua Fei smiled faintly yesterday and didn't answer.

Ah Mei wriggled her waist and left to help Hua Fei prepare the clothes for going out last night. Hua Fei also knew that she would report her whereabouts tonight to her eldest brother Hua Lingtong.

But tonight, he and Li Hao have made an appointment to talk about something important. It's not convenient to say it on the encrypted phone, so they discussed this method on the phone. In order to avoid Huahua Lingtong's eyes and ears, when Hua Fei's friend asked him out yesterday, Li Hao and they also went to the same restaurant for dinner, and then looked for a chance to make a decision.

Hua Fei's Secret chess yesterday is very important to Li Hao, so Li Hao should absolutely and comprehensively avoid his exposure.

Because he knows very well that his brother has been regarded as a thorn in the flesh by Hua Lingtong since he was a child. Otherwise, if Hua Fei was smart enough to endure for so many years, he would have given him a chance to get rid of him. If Hua Lingtong found that Hua Fei was secretly helping Li Hao and his people, this madman would never give Hua Fei any way to live again!

When the moon rises and sets and the lights are on, the Pearl has been known as the city of no night since ancient times. The Pearl City is like a night owl. At night, it will glow with more vitality than during the day.

In Kowloon International Hotel, Hua Fei walked gracefully into the door of Kowloon international hotel with Xiaoxue on the left and Ah Mei on the right yesterday.

"There are few flowers. I haven't seen you for a long time. It's really a long time!"

At the door of Haobao Peony Pavilion on the second floor, a foreign boy with yellow hair warmly welcomed him and gave Hua Fei a warm hug yesterday.

"Old K, you haven't been looking for me for so long. Do you dislike that I have to bring more people every time I invite me to dinner?"

Hua Fei also patted Lao K on the back yesterday, laughing and joking.

"Where, where there are few flowers, there must be beautiful people walking with them. I think it's too late to raise my eyes. How can I dislike it?"

Old K smiled and said hello to Ah Mei and Xiaoxue around Hua Fei yesterday: "Sister Mei is really more and more charming, and the great beauty must be Xiaoxue. I heard that Hua Shao invited someone to make a big fuss for you at that time. At that time, I thought he was crazy. Today, I see why Hua Shao was so impulsive at that time. It's really amazing!"

"Well, well, don't flatter. Which one do you like? As long as you have the ability to catch up, I won't stop!"

Hua Fei walked into the box with a smile yesterday.

"Hua Shao, are you serious?"

Old K's eyes lit up, and then he greeted them more warmly.

During the dinner, old K began to please Ah Mei intentionally or unintentionally and toasted her again and again. He was not stupid. He knew that Xiao Xue had spent a lot of energy to get her new favorite, so he didn't move her at all. Moreover, Ah Mei, who was just mature and plump, was also his favorite type, so he took the lead in launching an offensive against Ah Mei.

Hua Fei was just like she didn't see it yesterday, and she didn't mean to protect her food at all. She was still talking and laughing. Hua Fei couldn't come out to block the wine for Ah Mei yesterday, and Ah Mei couldn't refuse the well-known old K. after three or five rounds, even if Ah Mei had a good amount of wine, she had been drunk so soft and dizzy.

Hua Fei winked at Xiaoxue yesterday. Xiaoxue immediately understood and said, "young master, it's time to take medicine."

"It doesn't matter if you don't eat once?"

Hua Fei smiled bitterly on her face yesterday and shook her head.


Xiaoxue's lips pouted slightly, stared at Hua Fei and said yesterday, "have you forgotten what the doctor said? If you want to regulate your stomach, you must take medicine on time every day!"

"What's the matter? Is it bad for your stomach to spend less?"

Old K, who was sitting next to Ah Mui, turned his head and asked in surprise.

"Yes! If you drink too much every day, there are a lot of stomach problems. If you don't maintain and recuperate, you'll be old?"

Light snow deliberately angrily opened his mouth.

"Ha ha, there are few flowers. Then you have to listen to Xiaoxue."

Old K glanced at the mess on the table and said, "why don't we stop here today!"

"That's OK."

Hua Fei pondered for a while yesterday, nodded and said, "old K, Ah Mei doesn't seem very well today. I have something to do later. Why don't you take care of her and take her to see the doctor?"


Old K was overjoyed when he heard Hua Fei's words yesterday. Looking at the mature and sexy beauty in front of him, he was like a ripe peach, which made him want to bite immediately!

He was just so attentive and drunk Ah Mei's wine in order to find a chance to kiss Fang Ze. Now Hua Fei acquiesced yesterday, which really excited him!

"OK, I'll leave Ah Mui to you. I'll send someone to pick her up tomorrow morning."

Hua Fei nodded yesterday, and then looked at the satisfied old K holding the drunken Ah Mei. After leaving, he stood up with a smile and took Xiaoxue's hand out of the box and out of the door. Hua Fei didn't go to the underground garage yesterday, but at the corner of the Kowloon international gate, a white van slowly stopped in front of them.

The sliding door opened, revealing Li Hao's smiling face.

"Guys, are you free to come with us?" ####### it's two shifts today. Continue to ask for subscription. The subscription has been damaged!!

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