Looking at the solemn and solemn face of old Jin traditional Chinese medicine, this sentence is a big trouble. I'm afraid ordinary people will really be frightened by this sentence.

However, Chen Xi and Ning Wei sneered in their hearts. They knew that the so-called golden old traditional Chinese medicine was just a charlatan who cheated on the world and had no real ability at all!

The more serious the disease is, the more complex and careful the inspection and exploration process will be. At this point, traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine have a rare unity, but the old Jin traditional Chinese medicine just diagnosed Ning Wei's pulse for less than a minute and said these words, which is obviously bluffing.

Moreover, Chen Xi and Ning Wei present here are experts in traditional Chinese medicine. At a glance, we can see that this old Jin's method of pulse diagnosis is fundamentally wrong. Obviously, he has never learned the most basic traditional Chinese medicine. He must have learned it from TV.

"Doctor, my friend, what's the matter with him?"

Chen Xi pressed Ning Wei, who wanted to attack on the spot, and continued to ask.

"His pulse is disordered and shows signs of violent walking. If he is not treated in time, I dare assert..."

Old Chinese medicine Jin twisted the white beard on his chin. The old God said to the ground: "in three days, he will not cry and run his nose again, but bleed in his seven orifices, spit out all his internal organs alive, and his death is very miserable!!"

Old Jin's expression was serious and his tone was even more frightening.

He has handled many rich people and has learned a truth that the richer people are, the more afraid they are of death. Moreover, in the torture of illness, people's rationality and judgment will be greatly weakened. Even if some words usually sound unreasonable, those patients are likely to really believe them.

Just now, the cheongsam woman at the front desk said that Chenxi took out a thousand yuan emergency fee without thinking about it. Dr. Jin had attributed Chenxi and Ning Wei to very rich people, so he made a lot of material and wanted to scare them!

Jin Lao's doctor of traditional Chinese medicine was not completely closed. Through the window, the patients who were still waiting in line outside could also see and hear some scenes and conversations inside.

Hearing this, many people outside have begun to whisper, and they all look at Ning Wei sympathetically.

The people in the town are quite simple. It's a pity to see that Ning Wei got such a serious disease in the mouth of old Jin traditional Chinese medicine at a young age.

"Can it be saved?"

Chen Xi continued to ask.

"You're glad you met me!"

Seeing Chen Xi's question and knowing that the prey was probably on the hook, old Jin smiled and deliberately made an unfathomable appearance. He said, "although this disease is difficult, I have encountered more serious diseases than this before when I travel around the world. If you encounter me, burn Gao Xiang!"

After listening to his words, Li Hao, who had come to the lobby outside, almost couldn't help laughing.

Is he still traveling around the world?

My mother!

Compared with him, Li Hao felt that his face was too thin. He really didn't expect someone to lie with his eyes open, even without blinking!

Sure enough, concealed weapons are afraid of small ones, and hooligans are afraid of old ones!

"Don't worry. I'll take a silver needle to prick some acupoints for you first, and then prescribe a soup for you. After you buy Herbs, you'll be fine if you go back and take them as I say."

Old Jin seemed very confident. He turned and opened the counter next to him. He took out a small bottle and took out a silver needle soaked in liquid.

He has confidence in himself, but Ning Wei has no confidence in him!

Seeing him coming towards himself with a silver needle, he quickly struggled and wanted to get out of the way.

Nonsense, he himself is the king of small needles. His medical skills are eight inches from the tip of the needle. Naturally, he knows that if the acupuncture method is superb, he can cure many difficult and miscellaneous diseases, but everything has advantages and disadvantages. If a person with different acupuncture methods takes a silver needle and makes a mess on a person, he is likely to get sick if he is not sick!

In front of him, the golden old Chinese medicine is obviously a charlatan. How dare Ning Wei let him prick himself with a needle?

"Don't be afraid, it doesn't hurt."

Looking at Ning Wei, who was embarrassed, old Jin smiled kindly and said, "many people who experience traditional Chinese medicine for the first time will be afraid of acupuncture and moxibustion. It's completely unnecessary. Rest assured."

Ning Wei is about to cry. Don't worry? If I trust you, I'm a second force!

He turned his head and looked at the lobby outside, trying to find Li Hao's figure from inside.

Ning Wei's heart is bitter. If Li Hao doesn't appear again, does he really want this old thing to prick himself?

"Chinese acupuncture really doesn't hurt."

At this time, Li Hao's voice finally appeared.

Ning Wei never thought Li Hao's voice was so beautiful and magnetic. It was like the refreshing wind in the mountains, the warm light of the ancient city, and a clear stream in the dirt and mud. It was the best sound in the world!

"Hey! You're right! This little brother must be my former patient."

Old Jin looked back triumphantly at Li Hao, and whether he had really seen him or not, he opened his mouth and said nonsense.

"I would say this because I am a traditional Chinese medicine. I really don't hurt when I acupuncture for others."

Li Hao continued with a sneer: "and you won't hurt others. It must be because of the ether on the needle?"

"What ether?!"

Hearing Li Hao's words, old Chinese medicine Jin shook the folds on his face. Finally, he realized that the boy who didn't know where to come from might be coming to find fault!

"The silver needle in your hand was just taken out from the ether solution. After the silver needle soaked in ether all year round pierces into the human body, it will anesthetize the patients. Of course they won't feel pain!"

Li Hao has come out more and more. Facing the angry eyes of old Jin traditional Chinese medicine, he sneered and said, "why? He's very angry when he's exposed, isn't he? Do you think he has no face?"

"Where did you come from?!"

Old Jin was so angry that he was shaking his hands that he roared, "come on! Get him out of here!"

"For a traditional Chinese medicine who relies on acupuncture and moxibustion, hand stability is the first element. You see, your hand is shaking. It's almost the same as Parkinson's disease."

Li Hao snorted disdainfully from his nose. Then, despite the obstruction of the staff in the hanging pot Department, he pushed the door and entered the inner room where old Jin traditional Chinese medicine treated people.

With his hand on his waist, Li Hao had a three inch long silver needle in his hand.

After learning the fire acupuncture method of the five elements divine needle, without conditions, Li Hao doesn't even need to disinfect the silver needle with alcohol or flame, because when he uses the fire acupuncture method, his fingers will naturally rub high temperature.

"What shit? He's terminally ill. I only need one shot to make him recover!"

In front of everyone, Li Hao mercilessly exposed the hypocrisy of doctor Jin. At the same time, his hand pierced the silver needle into the Fengchi cave behind Ning Wei's neck like lightning. The fire needle technique was displayed. Ning Wei only felt a warm current pouring into his body through the silver needle in Li Hao's hand.

Soon, with everyone watching in horror, Ning Weizhen, who had been crying all the time, stopped his tears and snot immediately!

"Isn't that amazing?"

Seeing the immediate effect, everyone was in an uproar and was stunned by the sudden emergence of Li Hao!

The most ironic thing is that Dr. Jin, who was originally angry next to him, turned into an exclamation after seeing that Li Hao solved Ning Wei's problem with one shot!

Looking at doctor Jin's "O" shaped mouth, Li Hao thought to himself that this guy can eat two eggs in one bite... ###### it's hurt not to subscribe. Subscribe more

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