Ning Wei took several pieces of paper from the table next to him, wiped the tears and runny nose on his face, then glanced at Li Hao and said, "I'm afraid you'll have to feel this next time."

Li Hao smiled and did not answer. He continued in a loud voice: "Dear blind dates, you have been cheated by this golden doctor!"

Listening to Li Hao's words, the people below showed puzzled expressions on their faces one by one.

Dr. Jin's hanging pot Department has been open since the architectural rectification plan of Fengjing ancient town. There has been no fault for a long time, so so so many people come here to see a doctor. Li haogang just pricked Ning Wei with a needle. Although it makes everyone feel very magical, if only by this, it can be said that Dr. Jin is a liar, they don't believe it.

"Young man, it's not the first time for me to see a doctor in the hanging pot company. I live near here. On weekdays, some people in my family have a headache. They all come here to see a doctor. Although the medicinal materials are expensive and the treatment time is long, they can still be cured!"

A simple looking town resident stood up and said, "and doctor Jin also explained that medicinal materials are expensive because the ecology is destroyed and Chinese medicinal materials are more and more difficult to find. As for the long treatment time, it is because Chinese medicine not only treats the symptoms but also the root causes, so it comes slowly!"

"Yes, yes."

After someone stood up, the villagers here nodded in agreement.

Looking at them, a smile appeared on Dr. Jin's face and sneered, "hum! Ignorant children are jealous of my reputation and want to discredit me! I don't know the greatness of heaven and earth! Do you realize that the eyes of the masses are bright?"

Listening to the following townspeople, Li Hao was angry and funny.

He was so angry that he kindly came out to help them reveal the truth. As a result, these people spoke for the bad guys in turn.

The smile is that the residents of these towns are really simple and kind-hearted. It's too easy to be deceived.

"Folks, to tell you the truth, the three of us are all traditional Chinese medicine."

Li Hao opened his mouth and explained, "it was because one of our friends came to the hanging pot company to buy medicine. After returning home, we found that he seemed to have been deceived, so we came here to explore the truth and falsehood!"

Then, facing the puzzled eyes of the townspeople in the lobby, Li Hao continued: "all blind dates think that traditional Chinese medicine will cost a lot now, which is a fool. Now the state has vigorously advocated environmental protection and afforestation. In addition, medicinal plants have been paid more and more attention. Some Chinese medicinal materials we need to treat minor diseases are not scarce at all."

Then Li Hao paused, looked coldly at the dignified jinlang beside him and said, "moreover, it will take a long time to treat diseases with the method of traditional Chinese medicine, which is totally unreasonable nonsense!"

With that, he stepped out of the inner room, came to the townsman who had just stood up to speak for Dr. Jin, smiled and asked, "I see your eyes are bloodshot and your nasal voice is thick."

With that, Li Hao also stretched out his hand and pasted it on his forehead, and then said, "and you have a slight fever on your forehead. You must have got a serious wind chill."

With that, Li Hao didn't talk nonsense. He rubbed his hands together until his fingers were slightly hot. He stretched out his hand and pressed on both sides of the man's nose. He began to rub them rhythmically.

At the beginning, the man still had obvious amazement and resistance, but soon, with Li Hao's friction, the man's resistance weakened obviously, and there was a trace of horror on his face!

A moment later, Li Hao took back his hand, smiled at the man in front of him and said, "now breathe again and see if your nose is still blocked?"

"Yes! Yes!"

The man took several greedy breaths and said in surprise, "young man, you are really God!"

"After the symptoms of nasal congestion, everyone can rub the wings of the nose to alleviate them, but you don't major in traditional Chinese medicine, so the effect may not be as good as me, but it will definitely alleviate the symptoms."

Li Hao took out a silver needle from his waist and said, "if you believe me, then I want to continue to take you as an example to prove that traditional Chinese medicine does not have to boil slowly!"

"Good, good!"

Li Hao first cured Ning Wei, and then personally solved his stuffy nose. Now the man has no doubt about Li Hao's medical skills.


Li Hao pulled out the silver needle again. In order to make a reputation of traditional Chinese medicine, Li Hao also decided to work hard and directly performed the fire acupuncture method. The hot warm current poured into the man's body along the tip of the needle, and also mobilized his own Yang suppressed by the wind and cold.

"Warm, warm!"

With Li Hao's needle, the man frowned for a moment and exhaled softly for a moment.

"How hot!"

Li Hao said nothing. After another two minutes, the man exclaimed. The skin where he was acupunctured by Li Hao was red, and his whole skin turned red.

"Amazing, amazing!"

The layman sees the excitement, but the expert sees the doorway.

The patients who watched did not know what was going on, but Ning Wei, who was originally an expert in acupuncture, saw the mystery of Li Hao's acupuncture at a glance. It was amazing!

"All right!"

Li Hao received the needle. The man was now sweating all over.

"Don't you feel dizzy? Your limbs won't be weak?"

Li Hao loosened his airway: "I've completely dispelled the cold in your body and drained it out through sweat. Now hurry up and go home to take a bath and dry your body. Don't be infected again."

"Thank you, thank you!"

The town man moved and found that he was really relaxed. He was so excited that he bowed to Li Hao again and again.

"You see, I didn't spend more than ten minutes from beginning to end?"

Li Hao turned to the patients and said, "now everyone, you should understand that you have been cheated from beginning to end and counting money for others?"

"Doctor Jin!!"

"You return our hard-earned money!!"

"Dressed animals!!"

The masses had completely believed Li Hao's words, and the angry masses immediately turned all their anger to the panicked doctor Jin.

"No, I'm sorry, don't fight, don't fight!"

Looking at the excited villagers, Dr. Jin can only run away.


In the orphanage, Li Hao looked at the distressed doctor Jin, pushed a contract in front of him and said, "if you sign the contract to transfer the hanging pot company to us, I'll let you go and don't send you to the Bureau."

Then, looking at the tangled doctor Jin, he added: "believe me, with my relationship, you have cheated so much money over the years. There is absolutely no problem keeping you for more than ten or twenty years."

After listening to Li Hao's words, Dr. Jin trembled. In front of freedom and money, he chose the former.

Looking at doctor Jin signing his name on the contract, Li Hao nodded with satisfaction, nuzui said to the door, "get out."

"Ning Wei, now that you have decided, I'll leave this to you."

Li Hao handed the contract to Ning Wei, then got up and dialed the police.

After so many years in the village of fish and meat, it is absolutely impossible for Li Hao not to punish him!

For the villain who cheated the town residents for so many years and cheated him once in a while, Li Hao believes that even God will forgive himself##### First watch, good morning, everyone

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