Two major events have happened in Fengjing ancient town recently.

The first is the pigtail that used to run through the countryside. A group of people suddenly disappeared for no reason. The second is that the only hanging pot division of the traditional Chinese medicine hall in the town also changed its owner.

The original doctor Jin cried and was taken away by the police, but a young man named Li Hao appeared here and became the new owner.

Li Hao and Ning Wei have long discussed the way to save traditional Chinese medicine. Their first idea is to build momentum by public opinion on the one hand, and on the other hand, they are ready to start free clinics in some places before contacting and unifying the major hermit traditional Chinese medicine families and sects, so as to make the spark of traditional Chinese medicine burn more vigorously among the people.

To revitalize traditional Chinese medicine, in the final analysis, we should strive for the support of the people and win the support of the people before we can win the general trend of the world.

This time back to Fengjing ancient town, Ning Wei and Li Hao were ready to implement their previous ideas while eradicating the cancer of doctor Jin.

Anyway, the first step is to step everywhere. Why not choose the town where Li Hao grew up?

The villagers who witnessed Li Hao's magical medical skills that day became Li Hao's pure natural live advertisements. They didn't need much publicity at all. These people had blown Li Hao to the sky with their relatives and friends.

The new store has a new atmosphere, and this is also the first starting point for them to start, so Li Hao also asked someone to change the name of the hanging pot company into Jishitang!

Hanging pot to help the world is the duty of a doctor, but Li Hao thinks that hanging pot alone is useless. If the word has to be disassembled, the key is the word to help the world.


The name Ning Wei and Chen Xi also thought it was very good. After the three of them finalized it, the matter was settled.

After finding craftsmen to make a new plaque, the original hanging pot company was completely transformed. Under the curious and expectant gaze of the town residents, the world-famous traditional Chinese medicine Jishi hall grew the first bud of a towering tree here!

"Thank you for your enthusiasm!"

Li Hao stood at the gate of Jishi hall and looked at the crowds outside. He smiled and said, "please line up in an orderly way. We are a free clinic. There is no cost for diagnosis and treatment of the disease. Unless you need to buy Chinese herbal medicine, you can charge some basic fees."

"Child, let's start!"

As soon as Li Hao's voice fell, there were blind dates who had watched Li Hao grow up. They couldn't wait to cheer up.

The villagers in the town are very simple. Li Hao went out from here. Now he comes back after learning his skills. The older generation who know him feel that they have light on their faces, so they come to support him today.

"One by one, one by one!"

During the summer vacation, the children in the orphanage also came to help. Although the children are young, they are smart and sensible one by one. Like small adults, they let the people come in line. Children have no taboo. The simple townspeople don't care about children. They maintain order, and the effect is surprisingly good.

Li Hao, Chen Xi and Ning Wei opened three windows respectively to open the door for consultation. Among them, Li Hao's medical skills have long been unique in the world, while Ning Wei is the most outstanding successor of the needle king in the valley of the medical king, known as the little needle king. Naturally, this medical skill is quite good, and Chen Xi also treated diseases in Zhongnan mountain from a young age. In his childhood, he could only be accompanied by traditional Chinese medicine and was influenced by everything, His medical skills are better than blue.

Any of the three of them can definitely be alone when they go out.

"Uncle, the problem with your legs and feet is that you didn't pay attention when you were young. You've been cold water too much and left the root of the disease."

Chen Xi looked at the hand of an old man whose muscles and veins were as rugged as earthworms and said with a smile: "don't worry, I'll write a prescription for you. After you get the medicine back, fry it over a slow fire, and then apply the cooked medicine under the cloth or towel to the painful place. It will be obviously better in less than a week."

"OK, OK."

The old man nodded, and then seemed to think of something. Some thought: "girl, but is this medicine expensive? If it is expensive, then..."

"Sir, you put your heart in your stomach. Our Jishi hall is to benefit the people, so we won't make arbitrary prices like doctor Jin before. The prescription I wrote for you only needs more than 100 yuan for a week."

Chen Xi looked at the old man who wanted to talk and stopped in front of him and comforted him softly.

"Oh, great, great!"

After listening to this, the old man was obviously relieved. In the past, if he prescribed medicine here at doctor Jin, no matter what medicine, the dosage in a week would have to be at least 1000 yuan!

But now it only needs one tenth of the price, which is beyond my expectation.

"Sister in law, you gynecological disease, I..."

Li Hao looked embarrassed at the young woman in front of him. After thinking about it, he said, "if you don't mind, you can come into the inner room and I'll give you a needle."

"No, it doesn't matter."

The young woman lowered her head, bit her lips, got up and followed Li Hao to the house.

Lifting up the young woman's skirt, Li Hao looked at the attractive spring in front of him, took a deep breath, let his eyes look at his nose and heart, pushed aside the grass luxuriant black forest, touched a silver needle, and stabbed it steadily, accurately and ruthlessly into the perineum in her mysterious area.

There is a saying in traditional Chinese medicine that "the door of heaven is always open and the door of earth is always closed". The door of earth is always closed, which refers to the Huiyin acupoint.

After feeling the pulse for the little sister-in-law, Li Hao found that the cold in her body was tired and deep. She should not pay attention when she was young, and she didn't protect herself when she gave birth to her child in confinement, so she formed such a serious palace cold.

Although this disease is not particularly serious yet, cold and moisture is the source of all diseases. If it is not solved for a long time, disease may occur.

The perineum can close the underground palace of the human body and prevent the leakage of Yang Qi. In addition, Li Hao uses fire acupuncture to urge the Yang attribute in her body.


A warm current poured out from her private place. The feeling of crispness made her hum softly. She felt her body soft. She had to hold the chair with one hand and grasp Li Hao's shoulder involuntarily with the other.

"Cough, all right."

About five minutes later, Li Hao took back his hand, stood up, looked at the young woman with a flushed face, touched the bridge of his nose and said, "there's no big problem, but we should pay attention to maintenance in the future. We must avoid cold drinks every few days of the month."

"Well, I see."

The young woman bowed her head like a mosquito, then turned shyly and trotted out.

She felt something strange between her legs. She had to go back and deal with it quickly.

"Doctor Li, you can treat me like this when you are free another day."

Li haogang withdrew his mind, and a familiar voice suddenly came from behind him.

He turned his head and saw Chenxi leaning against the door frame and looking at him. There was an inexplicable radian in the corner of his mouth... ###### the second watch, the third watch, update immediately

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