Li Hao looked at Chen Xi, who was ashamed and angry. Li haogang's anger, which had just been provoked by the young woman, suddenly rose again. He couldn't help reaching out and took Chen Xi into his arms, smelling the fragrance between her hair, and said softly, "are you tired? It's hard."

"Not tired."

Chen Xi leaned against Li Hao's arms like a docile kitten, shook her head and said, "I am also a traditional Chinese medicine. My life is saved by traditional Chinese medicine. Naturally, I should contribute my own strength to traditional Chinese medicine."

"After the two days that have just opened, I'll take you to the surrounding area to have fun and relax."

Looking at Chen Xi's bright red lips close at hand, Li Hao couldn't help but feel confused again and put his head together.


Aware of his action, Chen Xi pushed away his body shyly and said, "there are still many patients outside."

Although she has already had a close hug with Li Hao, Chen Xi still can't make out in front of so many people.

Li Hao touched the bridge of his nose and saw that many villagers outside were looking inside.

These honest people!

Is there such an obvious and aboveboard peek?

And there's nothing to peek at between young people!

Wouldn't it be more exciting to go back and find two small movies that can't load clothes?

Looking at Chen Xi who left, Li Hao couldn't help crying. He felt that these simple villagers were sometimes not

So cute.

"Calm down and go out."

When she came to the door, Chenxi suddenly stopped, turned around and looked at Li Hao, Jiao said with a smile.


Li Hao was slightly stunned. Then he looked down Chen Xi's eyes and found that he was awkwardly jacking up a hole between his legs

Li Hao didn't even notice the small tent.


Embarrassed to clear his throat, Li Hao took a deep breath, calmed down the palpitation in his heart, and then sorted out his clothes. Only then did he step out of the door again and continue to consult the villagers.

Today's free clinic lasted from noon until it was dark. Most of those who just came here with a try mentality had a very satisfactory harvest here. The villagers were jubilant one by one, as if it was a holiday.

Indeed, they have now caught up with a good time, the country is rich and strong, and life is better.

But if you don't have a good body, even if you have more money in your pocket, you will die to enjoy it!

Moreover, most of these townspeople came from hard days when they were young. When they were young, they came and went in the wind and rain, and they had no conditions to maintain. When they were old, most of them had one or another root causes.

But now, when Li Hao's Jishi hall opened, they all felt the gospel and the stubborn diseases that had plagued them for many years. They had a significant improvement on the first day in Li Hao's hands, and finally let them see the dawn of cure.

"Li Hao, when you and Chenxi return to the Pearl in a few days, I won't go back with you."

When the patients were almost gone, Ning Wei said to Li Hao and Chen Xi, "I decided to stay here. Jishitang has just started, and no one can stay in the town."

"Will it be too wronged?"

In fact, Li Hao also thought of this problem, but he was embarrassed to speak.

If he can, of course, he is willing to stay by himself. He can not only fight for the rise of traditional Chinese medicine, but also benefit the town that raised him, but he still has too much to do in the Pearl.

The price war between Ning Zhenlu and Ning Zhenye and Meiji frozen age water of Huarong group is still in full swing. He has to find his relatives with sister Liu Yuying, and he has not officially graduated. These things he has to consider, so he wants to stay, but he can't stay.

"Wronged what?"

Ning Wei shook his head with a smile and said, "I know you still have a lot to do in the Pearl. I also know that we want to make Jishitang blossom all over the country. In the early stage, we need to invest huge funds. There is not enough money and relationship. Everything is just empty talk."

Then he smiled bitterly and said, "although we are not short of money, due to the constraints of those diehards in Yiwang Valley, we can't help you financially. The only thing that can help is this medical skill. I am willing to stay and don't feel wronged at all!"


Ning Wei's understanding and self-consciousness moved Li Hao and patted him heavily on the shoulder. Li Hao continued: "but you can't rely on yourself alone. I think you only set up a free clinic for a period of time every day, and then leave some time to cultivate some children who are interested and talented in traditional Chinese medicine."

"Don't worry, I understand."

Ning Wei nodded and said, "without fresh blood supplement, traditional Chinese medicine is only rootless duckweed after all. I will pay attention to cultivation."

"Just call me if you need anything."

Li Hao nodded. Ning Wei is also a rare talent. Master Ning Yitian asked him to help himself, which really helped him a lot!

"Uncle Zhou, we're back."

After leaving Jishi hall, Li Hao returned to the orphanage and happened to see old Dean Zhou drinking medicine under the service of Zhou Zhigang.

After Li Hao helped him with the injection and Ning Wei's prescription, President Zhou looked much better, and he was no longer as weak as when he had just been rescued.

"Xiao Hao, just come back, just come back."

Seeing Li Hao, President Zhou sat up from the bed affectionately, grabbed Li Hao's hand and looked at him lovingly.

"Ha ha, ha ha, promising, promising!"

Although he is now ill in bed, he has heard about Li Hao's treatment of the notorious doctor Jin and the opening of the Jishi hall to benefit the villagers, which is even more comforting.

"When ting'er and I found you, you were about to freeze to death. At that time, I was worried about whether you could live."

People like to recall the past when they are old. Holding Li Hao's hand, President Zhou's eyes are wet, but he smiles and says, "OK! We Xiaohao are promising now. Uncle Zhou is happy, too happy!"

"Uncle Zhou, we'll all be fine. You always take good care of your bones and follow me to enjoy happiness!"

Li Hao holds president Zhou's hand. Now that he has grown up, the man is old. Although President Zhou is not related to him, he has the grace of saving his life and raising him, which Li Hao will never forget.

"Where's ting'er? Why didn't she come back with you this year?"

President Zhou seemed to think of something and asked.

"Peng Ting wants to finish her thesis and practice abroad as soon as possible this year, so she has no time to come back. However, when she returns home, she will come back to accompany you."

Li Hao explained with a smile.

"Well, you are all promising. You are all good children."

Old Dean Zhou smiled and nodded, then looked at Zhou Zhigang standing next to him without saying a word, and his face darkened.

All the children he adopted are promising, but only his own son is so useless.

Seeing the change in the expression of the old courtyard, Li Hao moved in his heart, took the hand of the old Dean Zhou and said, "Uncle Zhou, in a few days, I'm going to let Zhou Zhigang go back to the Pearl with me. It's better to arrange a job for him than to idle around at home."


After hearing this, President Zhou's eyes lit up, and a trace of surprise also appeared on Zhou Zhigang's face.

"Of course it's true!"

Li Hao nodded and confirmed.

"Zhigang, come on, bow and thank Xiao Hao!"

Old Dean Zhou was overjoyed. Looking at his son who was still stunned, he quickly said in a hurry.

"Thank you, Xiao Hao. Thank you, Xiao Hao."

Without saying a word, Zhou Zhigang directly bent down and bowed three times to Li Hao ##### the third watch. Please subscribe more. Thank you.

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