It's a clear day. Li Hao and Chen Xi didn't go to Jishi hall today. He once promised to take Chen Xi to have a good time here. After dealing with things, it's time to fulfill their promise.

The scenery of Fengjing ancient town has changed greatly since it was renovated according to the national plan. It has become a high-quality scenic spot with pleasant scenery. Many tourists will choose to visit here during the holidays.

Beautiful scenery and beautiful people. After wandering all morning, Li Hao didn't feel hungry. He finally realized what beauty is.

"I want to go to the mountain over there."

After eating the snacks in the town at noon, Chenxi pointed to the mountain behind the town, with a look of longing on her pretty face.

Li Hao didn't know the name of the mountain. After the little girl mountain that rescued President Zhou last time, it was covered with mountains and lush vegetation.

"Since I was a child, because of my health, I can only treat diseases on Zhongnan mountain with my grandfather. Later, I came to the Pearl. Although there are many new and advanced things in the metropolis, I still often miss the feeling of going deep into nature."

Looking at the towering mountains, a faint color appeared in Chenxi's beautiful eyes and said softly.

"OK, let's go there and have a look."

Li Hao gently touched Chen Xi's head and said with a smile, "let's go!"

Birds are singing and flowers are fragrant. Li Hao and Chen Xi walk along the rugged path in the mountains towards the mountain. There are beautiful mountains and rivers. As soon as they enter the mountain forest, the hot sunshine and hot summer air in midsummer are isolated, which makes people feel cool. This feeling is much more comfortable than staying in the air-conditioned room.

In this pure natural environment, Chenxi seems to become a flower butterfly through the forest, sometimes jumping to chase low-altitude birds, sometimes bending over to sniff the scattered unknown wild flowers in the mountains, and sometimes bending down to look at the jagged rocks.

Li Hao has never seen Chen Xi like this. She seems to be an elf falling into the world, jumping and dancing in the grass and flowers, as if she is perfectly integrated with this heaven and earth.

Li Hao suddenly thought of the hundred flower fairy who had always called him Eunuch in the fairyland. He felt that if the hundred flower fairy came down to earth, he should let it go.

"I was always in the middle of the mountain with my grandfather when I was little, and I didn't have a small buddy, except for treating and learning Chinese medicine and culture every day."

Chen Xi squatted by a stream, stretched out her snow-white hands, picked up a handful of spring water, and muttered absently, "so whenever I am lonely, I can only talk to the breeze in the mountains, talk to the chirping birds on the branches, and listen to the spring singing in the stream. I have no friends, but they are all my friends."

Chenxi seemed to have a holy radiance shining on her. Li Hao looked at her and felt that his spiritual world was also infected by Chenxi at this moment.

Under such circumstances, Li Hao felt that even if he closed his eyes, he could see the track of each beam of sunshine through the gaps of leaves, the traces of the wind blowing through the mountains and forests, and the tracks of nearby wild animals.

This is an unspeakable realm. Li Hao feels that he is somewhat similar to the state of feeling the heart of heaven after taking Ziyun Taixu pill that day. His soul seems to have left his body and turned into a heavenly eye hanging in the air, overlooking everything around him.

Sunshine, breeze, fragrance of flowers, animals, everything is very clear in Li Hao's perception.

Wait, animals!

When Li Hao realized this wonderful feeling, he suddenly got a shock in his heart and woke up from this magical realm!

"Li Hao, the stream is hot!"

Chenxi wiped her face with clear stream water, and then looked at Li haodao in surprise.

"Chen Xi, run!"

But Li Hao's face was very ugly. At the same time, he suddenly moved under his feet and flew towards Chenxi, which was still a distance from him!


Seeing Li Hao's panic, Chen Xi didn't know what was going on, but when she felt that she didn't look back, she was scared and almost fainted!

A bear, a huge black giant bear, was quietly touching behind her. After hearing her scream, the black bear suddenly spread its strong limbs and ran wildly!

Many people see the fat and clumsy appearance of the black bear on TV. They think it seems very clumsy, but in fact it is not at all.

When the black bear creeps down and runs at full speed, the speed can reach 48 to 50 kilometers per hour, which is more than twice the average running speed of human beings. In other words, if a black bear stares at you, if you want to escape by running, you can't run even if you have the speed of 100 meter flying bolt!

When Li Hao took Chen Xi's body to the back, the black bear rushed towards them like a huge wool ball.

Li Hao once read that if a bear attacks you, the best way is to go up a tree or lie on the ground and pretend to be dead.

But in fact, these two methods are not very scientific, because if you climb a tree, first of all, if you don't get strong enough, you can't stand the impact of a black bear several times. Even if the tree you choose is strong enough, you don't necessarily have a black bear to climb fast.

As for pretending to be dead... Not to mention whether ordinary people can pretend to be like a black bear. If the Black Bear sees you pretending to be dead, even if it doesn't want to eat you and gives you a few claws angrily, it will definitely be unbearable!

So the best way is not to go to the deep mountains and forests without anything. Just don't encounter fierce wild black bears.

But now it's no use thinking about these for Li Hao and Chen Xi. It will only be more desperate.

Run, you can't run away, pretend to be dead, or you'll really die if you pretend to be dressed.

At the critical moment, Li Hao pushed Chen Xi away and let her run first. Then he turned around and roared at the black bear!


Chen Xi was shocked by the roar from Li Hao's mouth, and the black bear, who was sprinting with all his strength, suddenly stopped in Li Hao's roar!

Li Hao's roar only represents one meaning in the bear signal - stop!!

Because he had taken the fairy Jieyu flower, Li Hao could understand the verbal information of any human and animal, and he could also speak.

So after Li Hao just roared in bear language, he really confused the black bear who had dominated this small area for a long time!

There is only one question in the black bear's mind at the moment - why do they shout their bear language when it is clearly just a thin human?!

While the black bear was stunned, Li Hao didn't dare to delay for a moment. He immediately turned around and ran down the mountain like crazy!


Seeing Chen Xi and Li Hao running farther and farther, the black bear who felt that he had been fooled roared angrily again, then crawled down again, pouted his ass, and rushed towards the two humans!!

The speed of life and death, Li Hao scolded wildly in his heart as he ran.

"Wow! This kind of place should set up a warning sign with bears at the foot of the mountain!!" ####### first, please subscribe

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