Chen Xi ran in front. Although she looked weak, because she lived in the mountains since childhood, her stumbling block in the mountains did not cause much trouble to her. Her speed was not slow, even faster than some strong guys who lived in the metropolis all the year round!

Li Hao followed her closely. In fact, if not to contain the angry black bear chasing after them, he could have caught up with Chen Xi at Li Hao's speed, but he still kept a close distance with the black bear behind him and tried to attract its attention to himself.


Chen Xi, who was running, suddenly screamed and fell forward.

She thought she was going out to play today, so she wore a beautiful long skirt. I have to say that this skirt is really suitable for Chen Xi's temperament, but when she ran for her life, the skirt that reached the ground was not a small burden.

In full speed running, Chenxi can let go of the strange stones with different shapes under her feet, but her skirt can't hide the stumbling stones and plants. Chenxi doesn't want to run with her skirt in hand, but in that case, her arms can't be waved to maintain her body balance, which will also greatly affect her running speed.

Chenxi fell, which was unexpected to Li Hao, but with his mind, he immediately made a reflection and judgment.

"Chenxi! Get up and keep running!"

After roaring this sentence, Li Hao stopped his body in an instant, then turned around and directly faced the angry black bear behind him.

There was no other way but to stay and attract the black bear's attention.

How terrible is the fighting power of the black bear?

Many people who have seen black bear hunting on TV will certainly not think so, but it should be noted that when hunting black bears, many people work together, use guns and tools, and arrange traps in advance to make these preparations!

And Li Hao now?

Bare handed, nothing.

If we only talk about hand to hand combat, how big is the gap between human warriors and beasts like bears?

Those who have seen Xiao Li's Oscar winning wilderness hunter should know that unless they are very lucky, it is basically impossible for humans to defeat a bear with their bare hands.

Looking at the red eyed black bear, Li Hao swallowed and spit nervously.

Even though he had Bai Qi's martial arts inheritance before his death, and even though he had improved his physical quality by many immortal treasures such as jieyuhua and Ziyun Taixu pill, he still felt a little beat in his heart when facing a giant bear.

"Li Hao..."

Chen Xi staggered up and looked at the confrontation behind her. The completely disproportionate confrontation made her completely unable to see hope.

"Don't be fussy, let's go!"

Li Hao turned his head and roared again.

If Chen Xi doesn't leave, he will only be more distracted, and he hasn't been able to use some things at the bottom of the box.

Bai Qi gave him the ghost seal, and LV Dongbin's pure Yang Sword Qi in the wallet of the third world wechat. If you use any of them, this stupid bear will only be killed by the second!

However, these babies are all used once, so when they can't be used, Li Hao wants to keep them as much as possible for future needs.


Chenxi wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, got up, turned and ran again.


Seeing Chen Xi's obedient departure, Li Hao was finally relieved.


However, at the moment when his spirit relaxed a little, the black bear who had been watching Li Hao keenly grasped the neutral position, roared and suddenly moved!!

Li Hao's heart is full of warning signs and screams.

These beasts are born experts in fighting, because this is their survival skill. Li Hao didn't expect that he was a little distracted, so he was found a chance to attack by the beast!


However, Li Hao's reaction was also very fast. Facing the big mouth full of fishy smell of the black bear, he quickly retreated and exerted his strength at the waist. The upper body of an iron plate bridge leaned back to avoid the bear's paws!!

It is said that bear's paw is a famous dish that you want to eat but can't eat. But when you really face it, you know how terrible it is!

Even though Li Hao had dodged and avoided the bear's paw for the first time, he was still swept to his chest by the sharp claw. There were three more scratches on his clothes. The pain came. Li Hao knew he had hung the lottery!


Stimulated by the bloody smell, the black bear roared again, and his body like a hill head charged Li Hao again!!


Li Hao jumped up high, and then the muscles on his thighs tightened instantly. A whip leg was like an angry dragon going to sea. It made a harsh sound of the wind in the air and pulled it hard towards the black bear's neck!!


Li Hao's leg hit the back neck of the black bear heavily. With his own strength and gravitational acceleration, it can be said that this is definitely the most fierce blow that Li Hao can exert with his own flesh!

In this sudden thunder blow, the black bear was also caught off guard. His heavy body fell forward, like a hill collapsed in half and smashed many rocks under him.

"It's really rough and thick..."

After the blow, Li Hao fell to the ground from a distance, kept a distance from the black bear who fell to the ground, and looked at the ferocious wound on his chest. His face was very ugly.

His whip leg just now seems powerful, but in fact he can't show it many times.

Not because he had no strength, but because he had just used it once, his thigh began to ache faintly.

It can be expected that if this move is used several times, it will certainly cause damage to the black bear, but Li Hao's own legs will certainly be unbearable.

The effect of force is mutual. Beating people is actually the same as being beaten. That's why some people will cry for their parents when they punch an expert who has excellent external skills.

The black bear has rough skin and thick flesh, but its defense is no worse than that of any horizontal external skill expert!!

"If you can't fight, you still have to go."

Li Haoxin read the electricity, ran away again and began to run for his life.

"It seems that if you have a chance, you have to exchange some powerful immortal methods or magic skills."

While running, Li Hao said silently in his heart.

He has taught some incompetent local ruffians and hooligans before. Bai Qi's martial arts skills were still more than enough, but now it seems that he is a little arrogant and complacent, and his strength needs to be improved.


He shook his dizzy head. The black bear looked at Li Hao who slipped away after giving himself a foot. In his simple brain, in addition to anger, his eyes were red and roared like crazy, and chased him again!!

Chenxi had already left first, and Li Hao, who had no scruples, began to run wildly. Although the black bear was still faster than him, he couldn't catch up for a while and a half.

But soon, Li Hao's face looked ugly again

Because he saw Chenxi again, not that Chenxi didn't want to run, but that in front of her, it was a cliff!


Seeing that they stopped, the black bear gave a happy roar and continued to run crazy!

"Jump or not?"

Hearing the sound of flowing water below, Li Hao looked at Chenxi and asked with her hand.

"I listen to you."

Chenxi was so nervous that she was trembling all over. Li Hao looked down at the foggy cliff, hugged Chenxi, jumped up and said, "it's death in every direction, bet!!" ##### today's second watch

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