Because he was on the verge of death several times when he begged as a child, Li Hao didn't feel strange when wandering on the edge of life and death.

The terrible sense of weightlessness made Li Hao and Chen Xi's heart reach their throat. The fierce wind roared from their ears, making them unable to open their eyes.

If he could, Li Hao would never choose to jump off a cliff to win a chance of life.

Because it's too risky. Although the sound of water under the cliff proves that the cliff will not be too high, and there will be a pool or river as a buffer zone below, because if the cliff is too high, they can't hear the clear sound of water below.

But it is hard to predict how deep the water is, although there is water below? Can they jump right into the water? Will there be raised rocks in the water?

These things are uncontrollable factors that may kill Li Hao and Chen Xi.

But Li Hao had no way, because when he saw Chen Xi again, Li Hao knew there must be no place to run, so he didn't hesitate to call the name of the dark god in his heart.

At the beginning, Bai Qi once said when he printed Li Hao's God that when needed, as long as he concentrated on calling his name in his heart, he could call one of his avatars to help himself.

The reason why he chose to use the divine seal first is that Li Hao believes that with his white brotherhood with the dark god, he may be able to thrust out his face and ask for another one after use, but once the pure Yang Sword Qi stored in the three realms wechat wallet is used up, it will be difficult to get it again.

But to his surprise, not to mention three times, he shouted Baiqi 30 times in his heart, but the divine seal in his body was like losing contact with Baiqi in the underworld. There was no response at all, not to mention the incarnation of Baiqi, and he didn't even call a fart!

Li Hao shouted at Keng dad in his heart. After delaying his kung fu, the black bear was close in front of him. He wanted to take out his mobile phone, then click on the three wechat, and then show Chunyang sword Qi. There was no time at all.

So he was in a hurry and could only make such a bad decision and jumped down with Chenxi.


The black bear's body braked at the edge of the cliff. Looking at Li Hao and Chen Xi who jumped and soon disappeared into the fog, he was unwilling to roar for several times, but he still didn't have the courage to jump down after all.

Standing on the cliff and looking down, there was a cloud in front of me, which was very like the famous scenery of Huangshan - the sea of clouds. But after jumping down, Li Hao and Chen Xi both fell into the water in a few seconds. Fortunately, Li Hao had held his breath in advance, so he didn't choke the water.


Li Hao suddenly put his head out of the water, greedily breathed a breath of fresh air, and a sense of joy for the rest of his life arose spontaneously.

"There's no way out of heaven. Who would have thought that this seemingly bottomless cliff is only a few meters high."

Chen Xi also showed her head from the pool, and her pretty face was pale because of the free fall movement just now.

"It turns out that there is a natural hot spring pool below. The fog above is formed by the evaporation of the water vapor of the hot spring."

Warm all over, Li Hao couldn't help sighing the magic of nature.

They just thought it was a sea of clouds, but they didn't think it was just an illusion formed by the water mist of the hot spring.

"You're hurt!"

Chen Xi looked at the bleeding wound on Li Hao's chest. Her pretty face suddenly changed and said, "does it hurt? Is it serious?"

"It's okay to be scratched by a bear's paw."

Li Hao grinned and raised his hand to light several acupoints on his body, sealing the acupoints near the wound to prevent him from bleeding.

But the bleeding from the wound on his chest stopped, but when Li Hao looked up at Chen Xi in front of him, his nose immediately began to flow nosebleed again.

Chenxi is wearing a long white dress today. It's midsummer. Naturally, she won't wear much in such hot weather. The long white dress is now soaked in water and suddenly becomes transparent. It's also tightly pasted on Chenxi's exquisite body. The temptation is even more explosive!!

Li Hao just looked at it and couldn't move his eyes anymore.

"Li Hao, what happened to your nose? Did you just jump down..."

Chenxi didn't notice her abnormality and looked at Li Hao with concern. When her eyes touched Li Hao's fiery eyes, her heart suddenly swung slightly. She looked down at herself along Li Hao's eyes. She suddenly understood, and her pretty face was ashamed to become a ripe red apple.

Leaning on the edge of the hot spring pool, Li Hao hugged Chen Xi's moving body in his arms, and his breathing became heavier and heavier.

Chen Xi wears a long skirt. When she is in the water, the skirt will naturally spread on the water, just like a blooming white lotus. Under the water, what she contacts with Li Hao's body is her completely bare thighs.

Chenxi felt a hot hard object against herself, as if a fire had ignited something in her body.

She also studies medicine. At this time, it's natural that what's against her.

At the moment, Chen Xi's heart is shy and flustered, and there is a faint expectation.

Li Hao has done too much for her, for her to fight with the yellow dog, for her to expose and bring down LV Siyuan and his son, for her to compete with Liu Yufeng of the school crown prince party, and just for her to face a furious black bear alone.

Thinking of these, Chenxi felt that her heart was going to melt.

Some people say that if you want to catch a man's heart, you must first catch his stomach. If you want a woman's body, you must first melt her heart.

After her heart is on you, everything else is natural.

Chen Xi is like this now.

Feeling Li Hao's heavy breathing, she was a little dizzy, involuntarily clamped her legs around Li Hao's body, leaned against his arms and said, "Li Hao, take me..."

After hearing this sentence, Li Hao, who was burning with desire, suddenly woke up a lot. Looking at Chen Xi with love on his face, a touch of tenderness also appeared in his eyes.

The next moment, his big hand untied and picked on the belt of Chenxi's long skirt, and the white skirt, which had not played a role in shielding, obediently left Chenxi.

"Be light, I'm afraid of pain..."

Chen Xi's body trembled slightly, and her voice trembled more than her body.

After hearing these words, Li Hao seemed to be a general who had received the charge order. He turned over and started his first sprint in his life in the sound of Chen Xi's exclamation... ####### cough, see this chapter, I just want to say, finally, finally, finally, finally took off his virgin hat, cough, can't it be said without a reward?

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