The weather was very hot, plus soaking in the hot spring, so Li Hao and Chen Xi didn't feel cold at all.

After the passion, Li Hao and Chen Xi, who are new to personnel, are a little distracted. They embrace each other quietly and experience the peak of excitement in their body and slowly fall back to the normal process.

In the clear hot spring, a wisp of purplish red floated with the wave, and then slowly faded into the running water and disappeared.

After being warm for a long time, the sun on the horizon was west. At the urging of Chenxi, Li Hao and them hurried to get up from the hot spring pool.

As soon as she got ashore, Chen Xi immediately turned around with her back to Li Hao, took her clothes from the next branch and began to wear them.

For Chen Xi, although she is already Li Hao's woman, she will still feel extremely shy if she is naked and honest with him.

In the bitter day, even when Li Hao and his family fell into the hot spring pool, their clothes were soaked, but now they have been dried.

Putting on his clothes again, Li Hao found that the wound on his chest had completely stopped the blood, but the skin and flesh at the place where he was caught was still red, which looked scary. If it was not handled in time, it might be inflamed.

However, there are some anti-inflammatory and healing herbs in the Jishi hall. Li Hao will certainly deal with it when he goes back and won't worry about the deterioration of the wound.

When he turned on his mobile phone, Li Hao was surprised that the mobile phone that followed him into the water was just like nothing and was still working tenaciously, which really gave Li haochang a sigh of relief.

If this cell phone breaks down, God knows if it can be repaired?

If he can't fix it, isn't he going to lose the wechat of the third world?!

"Let's go back, or if it's dark, God knows how many poisonous insects and beasts there will be in the mountain?"

After Chenxi put on her clothes, she went to Li Hao's side, took his arm and said.

"Well, let's go."

Li Hao nodded. Now he has realized that it is easy to catch some ordinary people and small gangsters with his current skills. But if he thinks that the world is so big that he can get it, I'm afraid he won't even know how he died at that time.

For example, today, if such a cliff and hot spring pool hadn't saved their lives, Li Hao, the black bear, couldn't do it.

Chenxi's mobile phone has been completely reimbursed, but fortunately, Li Hao's mobile phone has the protection of mysterious power, and there is no problem. With the map navigation in the mobile phone, Li Hao and Chenxi touch Fengjing ancient town according to the direction on the map.

When they went back to the orphanage in the town, it was completely dark.

"You two can really play. Where have you been?"

Ning Wei and others were eating around the table. When they heard Li Hao's return, they turned around and asked.

However, seeing the embarrassed appearance of Li Hao and Chen Xi, the old Dean changed their faces and asked with concern, "what's the matter? Did you fall while playing in the mountain? Is it serious?"

"It's no big deal. I ran into a crazy black bear."

Li Hao skimmed his lips and said.

"Black bear?!"

Hearing this, the old Dean and Ning Wei both took a breath of air-conditioning, looked at Li Hao and Chen Xi incredulously and said, "you met a crazy black bear and can still come back alive?! thank God, really thank God!!"

"Ning Wei, go to Jishi hall to get some medicine and treat my wound."

Li Hao took off his coat. Although his physical quality is excellent, the claws and tusks of this wild beast are full of bacteria and toxins. If the wound is not anti-inflammatory in time, it is likely to be inflamed and suppurated, which will be troublesome at that time.

"Well, OK, I'll go there now!"

Ning Wei nodded, put down the dishes and chopsticks in his hand, stood up, and then said to Xiaofeng on the table, "go, Xiaofeng, come with me. I'll test whether you have carried what I taught you this afternoon."

"Good master!"

Xiaofeng also immediately put down the dishes and chopsticks in his hand, wiped the oil stains on the corners of his mouth, got up and followed Ning Wei behind him.

"What is this?"

Li Hao was slightly stunned.

"Hehe, I'm going to train a group of talented and interested traditional Chinese medicine apprentices in Jishi hall. Xiaofeng said that he especially wanted to learn traditional Chinese medicine, so I took him to have a look."

Ning Wei touched Xiaofeng's head. He had a good impression of this little man.

"Good thing."

After Li Hao knew it, he patted Xiaofeng on the shoulder and said, "learn well after Ning Wei during the holiday, but don't delay the culture class after school starts."


Xiaofeng nodded heavily and said, "brother Li Hao, when I grow up, I must become as powerful a traditional Chinese medicine as you!!"

"You see, the first apprentice I received, the most admired traditional Chinese medicine is someone else. Am I a failure?"

Ning Wei joked with a bitter smile.

"Then why don't you give Xiaofeng to me as an apprentice!"

Li Hao naturally knew that Ning Wei was not such a small bellied man. He also joked with him with a smile.

"Fuck off, fuck off. It's shameless to play my apprentice's idea so openly."

Ning Wei smiled and scolded, then led Xiaofeng out to Jishi hall to fill medicine for Li Hao.

"Chen Xi, go and get something to eat. I'll give uncle Zhou another pulse."

Li Hao sat next to President Zhou and put his hand on his wrist.

After returning home, President Zhou's mood improved significantly. In addition, his food and living conditions were countless times better than when he was hijacked by pigtails, and his body recovered naturally and quickly.

In the process of feeling the pulse for the old Dean, for such a moment, his mind once again entered the realm of ancient well without waves when he was in the mountains during the day.

However, it is different from the state of sky eyes hanging in the daytime. Now when Li Hao enters this wonderful artistic conception again, he feels that his brain suddenly goes blank, and then it is like entering the internal vision state of internal skill master cultivation in martial arts novels, so that he can see crisscross meridians.

However, it was not him who looked inside, but the old dean who was being examined by him!

By feeling the old Dean's pulse and his breath between his fingers, Li Hao seemed to see the invisible Qi in his blood vessels and meridians.

Taoism says: everything comes from Qi.

There is also the theory of human Qi in traditional Chinese medicine, which is also the place where western medicine has been unable to understand and attack traditional Chinese medicine, because this "Qi" can not be detected by scientific instruments. However, in this mysterious realm, Li Hao clearly "sees" the blood vessels, meridians and human Qi in the old Dean's body in his mind!

"Cave micro territory, is this the legendary cave micro territory?"

For a moment, Li Haofu's mind suddenly remembered a realm that could be met but not sought, which was mentioned in the general outline of the five elements divine needle.

Even many famous doctors, medical saints and medical immortals did not touch this realm, but in this case, Li Hao entered it!

Cave micro realm - see the fire and know from the small!

In this realm, Li Hao's grasp and control of patients will be omniscient!

At this moment, he is God!

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