The yellow dog was slightly stunned, and Zhou Zhigang stood behind him, afraid to speak.

Looking at his young boss, the yellow dog felt that he couldn't see through Li Hao more and more.

"Go back to the company first."

After the point was clear, Li Hao didn't talk much nonsense. He led Chen Xi directly into the car.

"Let's go."

The yellow dog said hello to Zhou Zhigang. Originally, he wanted to reach out and help him with his luggage. However, at the thought of Li haogang's advice, he retracted his hand and just went to the back to help Zhou Zhigang open the trunk.

"Ugly ~ ~ ~ can you not turn on the light, the love I want ~ ~ ~ haunts the dark stage..."

The yellow dog drove with Li Hao towards Haotian industry. There was a very popular song called "ugly" on the car. While driving the car, the yellow dog shook his head and hummed behind the music, intoxicated in his own little world.

Li Hao and Chen Xi sat in the back seat, but they were all thinking about the information Hua Fei told him on the phone yesterday.

Ma Tao's hometown is in a relatively poor small rural area in southern Anhui. Hua Fei asked Li Hao to come to the door yesterday and claimed to be the doctor recruited by his parents. He won't reveal any flaws.

Back to Haotian industry, Li Hao turned on his computer and looked at the market turnover curve he had left these days recently. His face was livid.

The actual situation is worse than what Zuo Feifei reported to him on the phone. It seems that if you want to recover the condensate, Li Hao must show it as soon as possible, otherwise it will be too late!

Chenxi returned to Chenyu's old man's villa, and Zhou Zhigang was taken down by the yellow dog. Li Hao, who had just returned to the Pearl, saw that everything was almost ready. Before he could even sit on the bench, he immediately got up again and was ready to find Ma Tao's house.

He went out and took a taxi. Li Hao took a taxi there according to the address Huafei reported to him last night.

Zizhuyuan community is a pretty good mid-range community in Pearl City. The car stopped at the door of the community. Li Hao got off after paying the money and walked in.

Ma Tao's home lives on the 17th floor of a small high-rise building in this community. Li Hao couldn't enter the unit door downstairs because he didn't have a door card, so he had to press the pager of the electric control door below.


Soon, a woman's voice came from the Mike on the electronic door.

"Hello, is this Zhao Hongling, Mr. Ma Tao's wife?"

Li Hao asked politely.

"It's me. Who are you?"

Zhao Hongling obviously saw Li Hao on the screen through the camera at home, but she didn't remember that she or her husband had such a new friend, so she was still asking Li Hao's identity.

"Hehe, that's right!"

Li Hao smiled and said, "I'm Mr. Ma Tao's parents. I found you a doctor in my hometown to treat you."

After listening to Li Hao's words, Zhao Hongling at the other end of the display screen was silent. A moment later, she said again, "you said you were a doctor at home. What evidence is there?"

"Hehe, I think Ms. Zhao and Mr. Ma have been married for more than ten years. They still have no children?"

Li Hao was confident, smiled and said, "if not, the second old man wouldn't ask me to come so far to see you. My fee is not low!"

"Is that so?"

Zhao Hongling heard Li Hao speak out the problems that had plagued their husband and wife for many years. She had believed seven or eight points in her heart, nodded and said, "please come in."

With that, she opened the switch of the electric control door. In the crisp sound of the door lock bouncing open, the electric control door in front of Li Hao automatically bounced open.

Li Hao entered the elevator and soon came to the 17th floor where Ma Tao and his wife Zhao Hongling lived.

"Please come in."

Zhao Hongling could not wait for Li Hao at the door. As soon as Li Hao got out of the elevator door, she welcomed him.

"You are so young, I really can't believe you are a capable doctor at the beginning!"

After entering the house, Zhao Hongling took out a pair of shoe covers for Li Hao from the cabinet and said with a smile.

I have to admit that she is a woman with temperament and charm. With a pair of Danfeng eyes looking forward to life, it is easy for people to put down their guard.

According to Hua Fei's information yesterday, Zhao Hongling and Ma Tao are a sad couple. They have an excellent relationship, so Ma Tao has been reluctant to divorce under the pressure from home.

"My name is Li Hao. I should be a little famous in the medical field. If Ms. Zhao doesn't trust me, she can search online."

Li Hao said with a smile. This half joking and half serious remark not only showed his self-confidence and dispelled Zhao Hongling's doubts, but also narrowed the distance between the two and eliminated the sense of strangeness.

"Dr. Li joked, but you didn't bring anything. Do you want me to go to the clinic with you?"

Zhao Hongling smiled and said, "then I'll change my clothes and go out with you."

"No, I don't need those miscellaneous instruments to see a doctor. Just give me your hand."

Li Hao's face was still a smile that made people feel like spring breeze, and said, "I'm a traditional Chinese medicine."

"Traditional Chinese medicine?"

After listening to Li Hao's words, Zhao Hongling picked her eyebrows. Obviously, she was surprised.

"Haven't you improved after seeing western medicine for so long?"

Li Hao saw what Zhao Hongling thought at a glance and said, "since western medicine can't do, why don't you try traditional Chinese medicine? If it doesn't work, I won't take a penny."

Seeing Li Hao's words for this, Zhao Hongling shook her head apologetically and said, "I don't mean that. Please don't misunderstand Dr. Li."

"Let's start."

Li Hao didn't care. She asked Zhao Hongling to sit down on the sofa, then asked her to stretch out her right hand and spread it in front of him. She stretched out her hand and gently put her finger on her pulse door.

A moment later, Li Hao took back his hand and said, "you should have more serious symptoms of dysmenorrhea, unstable cycle and floating Qi and blood. First, you belong to a relatively cold constitution. Second, you should have no rules when your husband and wife have been doing baby making exercises all the time?"

"How do you know?"

After listening to Li Hao's words, Zhao Hongling's face obviously showed a look of surprise.

Li Hao said that she could not understand her cold constitution, but what he said about her dysmenorrhea, unstable cycle and irregular sexual life were all straight to the point, just like what he saw with his own eyes!!

"Is traditional Chinese medicine really so magical?"

Here, Zhao Hongling's previous doubts about Li Hao and traditional Chinese medicine have all been dispelled, and some expectations have been born in her heart.

Perhaps the infertility that has plagued their husband and wife for so many years can really be solved in the hands of this teenager#### First, good morning, everyone

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