"Is my problem serious? What should I do?"

Zhao Hongling's expression is complex, with some expectation and some fear. She not only expects Li Hao to cure her problem, but also fears that her problem has been terminally ill after so many years, and there is no way to treat it.

"Your body is really in urgent need of conditioning. Otherwise, having a baby will have certain hidden dangers for you and your baby. You must conditioning as soon as possible."

Li Hao took back his hand on Zhao Hongling's pulse door and said faintly.

"How to adjust it?"

Zhao Hongling grabbed Li Hao's hand in a hurry, and then returned to her mind and released it shyly.

She was really worried. They fell in love when she and Ma Tao had nothing in the Pearl. Later, they worked hard step by step and stood firm among the demons who struggled to survive.

They have a faithful love of sharing weal and woe, a fairly high-grade house, and a car that won't lose their face. Returning to their hometown is the envy of countless neighbors and an example for village teachers to educate their children.

Although they are not rich and powerful, they are more than enough to compare with the top and the bottom. They can definitely be regarded as a model for poor families to successfully counter attack and become winners in life!

But such a happy family is plagued by the problem of no children.

In fact, in the open concept of the emerging generation after the 1980s and 1990s, whether to have children or not is not so serious, but it happens that Ma Tao's parents are traditional farmers who have stayed in the countryside all their lives, and Ma Tao is still the only son of a single pass.

The idea that there are three kinds of unfilial and no future generations are big has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the old couple. Ma Tao has been with his wife for more than ten years without children, which has already made the two old people very dissatisfied, and even repeatedly asked Ma Tao to divorce Zhao Hongling.

However, Ma Tao loves his wife very much and refuses all the time. Seeing that her husband is under such great pressure from her parents, Zhao Hongling, who is his wife, is distressed and self blaming. However, they have seen so many doctors, taken so many drugs and made so many efforts, but Zhao Hongling's stomach is not big, which makes Zhao Hongling feel desperate.

Now Li Hao appears, just like a dawn in the dark, tearing open Zhao Hongling's despair and giving her hope again.

"I'll give you an injection first, and then I'll write you a prescription. You just take it on time according to the medicine on the prescription. In less than a month, you'll feel better when your next menstruation comes."

Li Hao took out a three inch fine needle from the needle pocket he carried around his waist. He told Zhao Hongling to go to the kitchen and get Baijiu to light the fire to disinfect and sterilize the silver needle.

Although it is said that the silver needle can be disinfected only by their own manipulation and dark force friction, it is not necessary to use fire acupuncture to treat Zhao Hongling's symptoms, and that method does not consume a lot of physical strength, and Li Hao has no idea of casually taking it out to force.

After smoking the silver needle on the fire for a while, Li Hao walked to Zhao Hongling with the silver needle and said with a smile, "don't be nervous, acupuncture won't hurt."

Many patients are very nervous at the first time of acupuncture and moxibustion. Seeing the doctor holding such a silver needle to stab himself, they instinctively want to protect themselves.

But in fact, the more nervous you are, the tighter your body will be. For acupuncture doctors, it is actually increasing the difficulty of treatment.

After Li Hao comforted Zhao Hongling for a few words, Zhao Hongling's body gradually relaxed and saw her enter the state. Li Hao's wrist shook like electricity, and the silver needle between his fingers suddenly stabbed into the acupoints on Zhao Hongling. Li Hao's hand did not leave the silver needle immediately, but continued to hold it on the tail of the needle and twist it gently.

At the moment, Li Hao seems to have turned into a skilled artist, and the silver needle in his hand is his musical instrument.

Zhao Hongling closed her eyes slightly, and suddenly snorted: "eh? Cool..."

Li Hao smiled without saying a word and continued to practice acupuncture. He used water acupuncture. Women are like water, especially Zhao Hongling. If he used fire acupuncture to stimulate and refine the cold in her body, it would be too fierce. Even if the problem of body cold is solved, I'm afraid other problems will arise.

This is where the practice of medicine is brilliant. The knowledge of medicine is dead, but pathology is different from patients.

As the saying goes, diseases change all the time and drugs change all the time. A good doctor is one who can accurately prescribe the right medicine to the case.

Slowly, with Li Hao's needle, Zhao Hongling's pretty face slowly showed a healthy blush. There was a look of enjoyment on her face. She had completely relaxed and trusted Li Hao.

"Well, the Qi and blood in your body have been activated by me."

After a long time, Li Hao slowly pulled out the silver needle from Zhao Hongling and said with a smile, "three, two, one!"

Zhao Hongling, who opened her eyes from the state of enjoyment, didn't know what Li Hao was counting down, but when the word "one" in Li Hao's mouth was finished, she suddenly tightened her legs like an electric shock, and then quickly got up and ran to the bathroom.

Looking at her awkward posture of tightening her legs, Li Hao felt a little funny. His sewing needle had completely corrected Zhao Hongling's body cycle, and her menstruation came.

Let Zhao Hongling deal with her personal problems in the bathroom, Li Hao found a paper and pen from the tea table and began to bend over to write a prescription for Zhao Hongling.

When Li Hao stopped writing, Zhao Hongling came out of the bathroom with a shy face.

"Find a reliable traditional Chinese medicine shop and fill the medicine according to this prescription."

Li Hao handed the paper to Zhao Hongling and said with a smile, "stick to taking it. There will be no problem in less than a month."


Zhao Hongling was so grateful that her eyes were red. After taking the prescription, she bowed to Li Hao and promised, "Dr. Li, if you can really make me pregnant, I can give you any money!"


Li Hao touched the bridge of his nose. Zhao Hongling, who was excited, also found the ambiguity in her words, and her pretty face became even more red.

"I think you misunderstood. I said your body urgently needs conditioning. It means that if you get pregnant now, it will be bad for you and your children. It doesn't mean you can't get pregnant."

Li Hao waved to Zhao Hongling and said, "according to my diagnosis, your husband and wife have no children for so long. This problem should not be on you."


After hearing Li Hao's words, Zhao Hongling was slightly stunned and said incredulously, "you mean, it's our family a Tao..."

They were talking here. The door of the house was suddenly opened from the outside. A man who was not tall came in. As he walked, he smiled and said, "wife, I bought a big watermelon. Put it in the refrigerator and eat it at night."

When he looked up and saw another man in the living room, he was obviously stunned, and then a look of rage suddenly appeared on his face.

He put down his things heavily, like a angry lion. He rushed to Li Hao with an arrow step, pointed to Li Hao and shouted, "who are you? Get out of here!!" ###### second, ask him to stand up!!!

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