"I don't want to see you. Get out! Get out now!!"

Ma Tao, who returned home from the company, saw Li Hao in front of his wife. He was like suddenly crazy and his mood was out of control.

"Tao, he's a doctor. What's the matter with you? He's a doctor our parents invited for us from our hometown!"

Zhao Hongling thought that her husband misunderstood her secret relationship with Li Hao. She quickly inserted it in the middle and explained, "what are you doing? What should I do if I scare others?"

Li Hao smiled without saying anything. Seeing that Ma Tao was so excited, he knew that this man must know his true identity and purpose. This flower is not a hard bone that he didn't chew down before yesterday. Now he will start to refuse him strongly.

However, Li Hao was not in a hurry, and there was no trend to be angry or leave. Instead, he took time to straighten his clothes and sat back on the sofa in the living room.

He just showed his wonderful medical skills on Zhao Hongling. Now the woman has admired his medical skills. He doesn't need to face Ma Tao's strong rebound at all. His favorite wife Zhao Hongling comes to persuade him.

"Wife, you don't understand this. He's a liar!"

Ma Tao looked at Li Hao angrily and said angrily, "Li, do you want to kill me?!"

Li Hao still didn't speak, but looking at his ancient well, Zhao Hongling also felt that her husband was too inexplicable and unreasonable today. At present, she also said angrily: "Ma Tao, what are you doing?! how can Li Hao be a liar?! he just gave me a pulse and a needle! I know if my body is getting better! Don't say that to others even if you don't want to treat it!!"

Hearing that his wife was so protective of Li Hao, Ma Tao was angry and uncomfortable. He looked at his wife with a bitter smile and said, "wife, you don't understand. He's a good doctor, but his identity is not just a doctor!!"

"I don't care which god Buddha he is, but I know that he can let us have a child, he can let our husband and wife no longer suffer from pain, he can let us straighten up and go back to see our parents, and he can let us have a complete home!!"

Zhao Hongling was also excited and shouted at Ma Tao, "as long as he can let us have a child, what is more important than this?!"

After listening to his wife's words, Ma Tao was silent. He took out a cigarette from his pocket, held it in his mouth, and then touched out a lighter.

"Smoking can also affect sperm survival."

Li Hao smiled at Ma Tao, who was bored, and suddenly opened his mouth.


Ma Tao glanced at Li Hao, pulled out the cigarette in his mouth and threw it into the nearby trash can together with the lighter.

"Tao, what's the matter with you?"

Zhao Hongling looked at her husband's abnormal appearance and asked painfully.

"It doesn't matter."

Ma Tao clapped his wife's hand, then went to Li Hao and took a deep breath: "should I call you doctor Li or president Li?"

Compared with his previous bad attitude, Li Hao keenly felt that Ma Tao's attitude had a breakthrough.

"I'm Dr. Li first."

Li Hao smiled and said to him, "please sit down. I just checked. You have no children and have nothing to do with your wife. In the final analysis, the reason should be you."

"What do you want to do?"

Ma Tao obviously hasn't seen traditional Chinese medicine. In his confused eyes, Li Hao pulled Ma Tao's other hand and put his hand on his pulse gate.

After carefully feeling his pulse, Li Hao retracted his hand, touched his chin and said, "Ma Tao, your kidney qi loss is very serious, do you know?"

"Kidney Qi loss?"

Ma Tao frowned and said, "I can't understand you!"

"Generally speaking, your sperm activity is insufficient, so your wife can't have children."

Li Hao said.

"My question?"

Ma Tao pointed to his nose and asked, "I don't ask for flowers and willows, and I don't drink too much. Will my sperm activity be insufficient?!"

No man is willing to admit that he has problems, and Ma Tao is no exception.

So as soon as Li Hao's words were spoken, his mood, which had not been easy to calm down, tended to get excited again.

"Listen to me first."

Li Hao said faintly, "in addition to the reasons you said, sedentary driving at work and excessive long-term mental pressure will also affect your fertility."

After that, he paused and played with the taste: "as far as I know, it's a lot of pressure to work under Hua Lingtong's hands, isn't it?"

"You... Can you help me?"

Ma Tao lowered his head and seemed to have believed Li Hao's words.


Li Hao said firmly, "I can pat my chest and promise you that the medicine will cure the disease!"

"So... What do you want?"

Ma Tao tightly pursed his lips, as if tangled with a great determination, and asked with his teeth.

"You know what I want."

Li Hao's eyes suddenly sharpened, stared at Ma Tao without blinking, as if to look straight through his eyes into his heart, and said solemnly: "now, I'm talking to you as president Li."

"I see."

Ma Tao's expression changed several times, swallowed his mouth and said, "but how do I know if you lied to us? I can't help you with that until your treatment effect is effective."

Hua Fei asked him yesterday to help replace some of the muscle freezing age water with ordinary water, but he severely rejected it. Therefore, when he saw Li Hao at his home today, Ma Tao would be so rude at first.

But now he had to admit that after such contact, he was also persuaded by the young man who forced him out of breath step by step.

"I can't wait that long."

Li Hao shook his head and said, "you should also know what the current situation is. You must do it right away."

"You still tell me the terms?!"

Ma Tao's eyes stared at Li Hao and shouted in a low voice, "why should I believe you?!"

"You can only trust me."

After promising to help them heal and promise benefits, Li Hao has now begun to intimidate them again.

"If you don't do it right away tomorrow, what I came to your house today will soon reach Hua Lingtong's ears. He won't let you go at that time. You're of no value to me."


Ma Tao's face changed sharply because of Li Hao's anger, but he couldn't say a retort.

"I'm waiting for your good news."

With that, he didn't give Ma Tao a chance. He got up and left. When he left, he took a picture. Zhao Hongling, who didn't respond, said gently, "remember to take the medicine on time."

With that, he didn't stay much for a moment and walked out of Ma Tao's house.

Out of the door, he dialed Hua Fei's phone and said, "it's done."

"So fast?"

Hua Fei was slightly stunned yesterday. He thought that Li Hao could solve it, but he didn't expect it so soon.

"It's no big deal."

Li Hao smiled and said on the phone, "for him, the so-called loyalty is just a chip for betrayal. It's not enough." ###### third, it's late. I'm sorry

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