Western Yuan Restaurant is a Chinese restaurant with full flavor highly recommended by Zhuo Yanyu.

"I don't come here often. Just order what you like."

Li Hao and Zhuo Yanyu sat opposite and said with a smile.

"Hee hee, you mean, you must like everything I like to eat?"

Zhuo Yanyu picked up the menu with a smile and said with a smile.

Li Hao touched the bridge of his nose. Zhuo Yanyu's jumping thinking always makes him unable to keep up with the film, but this feeling is also good. It's very fresh to get along with each other every time, because you never know what she will think, do or say in the next moment.

"How are you recently?"

Back to business, Zhuo Yanyu looked at Li Hao with concern and asked softly.

Although she is not in business, she has always been concerned about Haotian industry and the war between Zuo's cosmetics and Huarong group because she cares about Li Hao.

She clearly knows that although Ning Zhenlu has not been greatly affected, Ning Zhenlu is now basically supported by some loyal fans.

"Now that you've asked, you should know I'm in trouble?"

Li Hao smiled bitterly and said faintly.

There is no need to beat around the bush when talking to smart people, especially Zhuo Yanyu, who is so close to himself.

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

Zhuo Yanyu held Li Hao's hand and wanted to give him a trace of comfort. He said, "the money I can take out is a drop in the bucket for a business war of your scale. All I can help you is your contacts."

"I'm waiting for a message. If the first move is successful, it's up to you to help promote the follow-up."

Li Hao smiled and poured Zhuo Yanyu a glass of red wine. His expression was still calm, just like the wise counselor in ancient times who killed the enemy thousands of miles away and planned strategies in the curtain.

"Ding Dong!"

While they were talking, Li Hao's mobile phone suddenly rang, and a prompt "you received a wechat" appeared on the mobile phone screen.

After reading the news, Li Hao's mouth raised a satisfied arc.

Seeing his expression, Zhuo Yanyu also smiled, sipped the red wine in the glass and said, "say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will come. It seems that brother Hao wants to wait for the news!"

"Well, today is a good day."

Li Hao touched glasses with Zhuo Yanyu.

"Hee hee, is it the princess's turn next?"

Zhuo Yanyu's pretty face showed a look of eagerness to try. Seeing Hua Lingtong bullying and suppressing Li Hao, she had already held her breath to deal with Hua Lingtong. She was just afraid that acting rashly would disrupt Li Hao's plan, so she endured it until now.

"Let's eat first."

Watching the waiter start serving, Li Hao smiled.

Now that Ma Tao has done it, he is not in a hurry.

"Hua Lingtong, I'm looking forward to what kind of wonderful expression you will have when you see my counterattack."

Li Hao took a chopstick and stuffed the beef brisket into his mouth. He felt the sweet, smooth, rich and tender feeling between his lips and teeth. His mood was also wonderful.

"Young and old, Li Hao has come back from his hometown."

In the president's office of Huarong group, Wang Xuecheng bowed to hualingtong.


Hua Lingtong took a sip of his cigar, and a cruel smile appeared on his ferocious face. He said, "I thought he would escape all the time. Now he came back and wanted to turn over. Is it too late?"

Now, with the special means of price reduction, Meiji frozen age water has once again become the first beauty product in China. Although the profits of their single product have been compressed a lot, they are still making money with small profits and high sales.

"Although it overwhelms the condensate, it's a pity to think about it. If we don't lower the price, we'll earn several times more than we do now!!"

Wang Xuecheng sighed nearby and immediately said, "but through this time, those short-sighted old friends of the board of directors may no longer dare to question the big and small decisions in the future."

"Those old guys don't know how much they hate me."

Hua Lingtong sneered and said, "these old people are shameful people, but I have to hit them in the face. I also know that once they have a chance, they will rush out like a mad dog and bite me to death, but I am more crazy than them, so they won't have a chance!"


After three rounds of wine and five flavors of dishes, Li Hao put down his dishes and chopsticks, smiled at Zhuo Yanyu in front of him and said, "after dinner, the organization will assign Comrade Zhuo Yanyu specific tasks."

"Please assign tasks to the organization!"

Zhuo Yanyu saluted Li Haojing with a straight face, and then couldn't help laughing forward and backward for their funny role-playing.

"After you wait for my news and see our online publicity together, you immediately ask the Quality Supervision Bureau to send someone to do a spot check on the quality of pharmaceutical cosmetics brand products in the market. As for which products to spot check, I will tell you in detail."

Li Hao's eyes are cold. He has been bullied by Hua Lingtong for so long. He is already waiting for the day of rebound!

He knows that shopping malls are like battlefields.

What this surprise attack needs is a thunderbolt that can't cover your ears. Once it is displayed, you must hit the other party's key. You must make a big splash in order not to give Hua Lingtong a chance to fight back!!

"OK, I see."

Zhuo Yanyu nodded without any hesitation and hesitation.

"Cough, swallow, the background of your family should not be as simple as the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. Otherwise, like the Quality Supervision Bureau, a parallel department at the same level as the Public Security Bureau, how can you say that you can transfer?"

Zhuo Yanyu agreed and reminded Li Hao of his previous guess. He couldn't help asking.

"Hee hee, are you seeing through again?"

Zhuo Yanyu said with a smile: "although my father is only the head of the Pearl Municipal Bureau, he is unwilling to develop in the army. My grandfather is the old head of the southern military region and has a good influence in the army. Now the head of the pearl quality supervision department is my grandfather's old subordinates who came to the system, so just ask him for help in a word."

"The old chief of the southern military region..."

Li Hao couldn't help but smack his tongue. No wonder the swallow was so happy in all aspects of the Pearl. It turned out that there was such a big Buddha behind him!

"Are you afraid?"

Zhuo Yanyu said with a playful smile, "so you should be good in the future! If you make the princess unhappy, the consequences will be very serious!!"


Li Hao touched the bridge of his nose.

The women around him have such a huge background. He really feels great pressure

#####First, let's talk about it in advance. It's two shifts today

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