"Young and old, have you seen Li Hao's soft articles on public relations?"

In the president's office of Huarong group, Wang Xuecheng handed the tablet in his hand to Hua Lingtong, with a sneering voice on his face: "this Li Hao doesn't look particularly powerful! In a word, it's just such platitudes."

Hua Lingtong stared at the article on the relationship between price and trust on the tablet in his hand, pondered for a moment, shook his head and said, "after we failed to discredit the condensate at that time, Li Hao said something to let everyone give him more trust. This kind of words really have appeal and the effect is really good, but he doesn't understand. These are useless in the face of the real price gap!"


Wang Xuecheng agreed with the location head: "at that time, consumers felt that they had wronged him, so their emotions would be so easy to be incited. But now, unlike in the past, he took out these repeated platitudes, and there were not many people who bought it! You see, this post has been held in the cat claw community and Tianya forum all day, but the number of views and replies is only so little."

"Is Li Hao really the only one?"

Hua Lingtong narrowed his eyes and remembered that this guy was cruel and decisive when he met him for the first time. He thought this guy was the same kind of person as himself, but he didn't expect that he was exhausted by himself so soon.

"Or is it that he is deliberately showing weakness, but he is actually brewing something?"

Hua Lingtong was startled, then patted the table and said to Wang Xuecheng, "find someone to make an open and secret visit and see what Li Hao has done in his hometown these days. I'm afraid this guy has some tricks waiting for us in the dark!"

"Oh, good!"

Wang Xuecheng bowed and turned to walk outside.

"Li Hao, Li Hao, if you really only have this degree, it would be a waste of my expectations for you..."

Hua Lingtong played with the pen in her hand and narrowed her eyes and murmured.

Sometimes people are so contradictory. If their opponents are too strong, they will complain about the injustice of fate. If their opponents are too vulnerable, they will feel that life is too boring.

In the final analysis, man is always an insatiable animal.

"Li Hao, the effect of these soft words is very bad."

Zuo Feifei kept refreshing their posts on the major portal websites in front of the computer screen. She frowned coldly and said, "although the number of views is OK under our operation, the response is very low. Not only the number of replies is small, but there are fewer replies supporting us."

"It doesn't matter. Just let most people see it."

Li Hao did not panic at all, holding the coffee in his hand and looking like a ready-made bamboo in his heart.

"What cards are you hiding?"

Zuo Feifei rubbed her temples with a headache. Although she was smart, she really couldn't think of how to break the situation from the current dilemma.

"Just wait and see our Jedi fight back."

Li Hao lifted his neck and drank the coffee in the cup. Then he walked outside the company and said, "don't wait for me to eat at noon. I have something to deal with."

In a four person box in the heaven and earth teahouse, Ma Tao is absentmindedly drinking the tea in front of him. From time to time, he looks at the famous watch on his wrist as if he is waiting for something.

After a while, the door of the box opened from the outside, and Li Hao came in from the outside.

"Don't be nervous. I told you to help me. I'll cure your disease and I'll never break my promise."

Li Hao waved his hand, motioned Ma Tao to be calm, and then said faintly: "I told you before when I took a pulse at your home that your kidney gas profit and loss and insufficient sperm activity are ultimately due to the great mental pressure of your daily life and work. When you were young a few years ago, you were not ready to have children because you couldn't afford it. Later, I worked as a management in Huarong group, but the pressure was so great that you were upset and irritable every day."

Ma Tao lowered his head and didn't speak. He knew that what Li Hao said was the truth, and his husband and wife's life with his wife was extremely irregular now. When he was free, he urgently wanted a child and would come several times a night. If he was too busy to travel and work overtime, he wouldn't do it for a month or two.

Although no one said it, he could feel that he was becoming more and more incompetent in bed. In the past, he thought that what mental pressure would affect this aspect was completely alarmist. Now it was on himself that he knew this kind of heartless pain.

"Don't think too much. If you want to recover, the first thing is to get rid of the pressure."

Li Hao patted him on the shoulder, stood behind Ma Tao, reached out and massaged several acupoints on his head to help him relieve his body and mind. While massaging, he smiled and said: "In fact, you should also thank me. You see, I let you betray hualingtong. You have to draw a line with Huarong group. From then on, that terrible mental pressure can no longer bother you."

Ma Tao's body trembled slightly. After hesitating for a moment, he didn't dare to refute Li Hao. After a moment, he slowly relaxed.

With Li Hao's massage, Ma Tao felt his body soft, as if he had entered a dreamy and half awake state.

Li Hao glanced and found that even so, Ma Tao's fists were still subconsciously clenched.

He couldn't help but sigh. This is an extremely insecure performance. Can you blame Ma Tao for his heavy vigilance? In the final analysis, it is not the instinct that has been raised in the workplace for so many years.

Li Hao took a silver needle from his waist again, then motioned that Ma Tao, who had entered the state, lay down on the sofa in the teahouse, lifted his clothes on his upper body, and began acupuncture at several large points on his bladder meridian.

The deficiency of kidney qi is not big or small. If you have a long history, it is troublesome to treat it.

Li Hao used water to warm Ma Tao's body. After more than half an hour, he took back the silver needle in his hand, then took out a piece of paper from his pocket and said, "take this prescription back, fill the medicine according to the above, and nourish and recuperate with your wife."

"Thank you."

Ma Tao opened his eyes, took the prescription in Li Hao's hand, folded it carefully and put it in his pocket.


Suddenly, Li Hao's mobile phone on the table vibrated.

Looking at the caller ID on his mobile phone, Li Hao picked up his mobile phone and smiled at Ma Tao and said, "look, Hua Lingtong, who you are afraid of, will soon taste the taste of anger and anger with your help." ##### recently, there's something wrong. It's two watch today. Let's see if it's three watch tomorrow

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