Li Hao connected the phone, and Zhuo Yanyu's voice immediately came out of it.

"Brother Hao'er, a friend of the Quality Supervision Bureau has sent someone to conduct spot checks. In order not to give people a handle, he has found a spot check on all the cosmetics that sell well in the market. Someone will go to Zuo's cosmetics and Haotian industry later."

"Well, OK, I see."

Li Hao nodded and said, "I have to go back right away and ask the people below to organize your preparation after exposing the matter. Let's say so first."

With that, Li Hao hung up the phone and said to Ma Tao: "Don't go back to Huarong group. I said I would guarantee you no worries in the follow-up. We will pay the liquidated damages of the labor contract. You sell the original house, and we will help you arrange a new safe residence. Your wife will prepare for pregnancy and childbirth at home anyway, and quit her job. Come to our Haotian industry."

"Thank you, Mr. Li, thank you..."

Ma Tao was stunned by Li Hao's series of arrangements and promises. After reacting, he was so excited that he took Li Hao's hand and thanked him.

He began to think that when Li Hao asked him to help with his work, the promise to ensure that you have no worries in the follow-up is just empty talk. After working hard in the Pearl for so many years, Ma Tao had not had too many illusions about this society. Everything is so realistic. He didn't even dare to be sure that after he helped Li Hao, Li Hao would really help him treat his illness, let alone hope to solve his life problems Yes.

But at that time, Li Hao used to help him treat his illness as an inducement, and threatened Hua Lingtong with disclosing what he came to his house. He had no choice but to bite his teeth to help Li Hao.

He never expected that after his chess move, Li haozhen would ask him out, help him massage and acupuncture, give him prescriptions, and even help him solve a series of troubles after betraying Hua Lingtong!

At this moment, Ma Tao really wanted to cry. He felt that the sentence Li Hao said earlier, he forced himself to leave Huarong group. In fact, he helped himself. This sentence is absolutely right!!

He is just a gold collar with good ability. Which boss does he follow?

In that case, there is a good leader who is so considerate of his subordinates. Of course, he is willing to follow Li Hao!

"I'm different from hualingtong."

Li Hao smiled and released his hand, patted Ma Tao on the shoulder and said, "if I cure you, your husband and wife have children but lose their jobs, what do you need to feed the children?"

"Thank you, Mr. Li, thank you!"

Ma Tao was so excited that his forehead was sweating. He bowed to Li Hao and said, "I will try my best in the future. I will never forget your kindness to me!!"

"If you meet someone who can persuade you to betray like me, I won't blame you."

Li Hao didn't care about his promise, walked out, patted him on the shoulder when he passed by, smiled and said, "I just have great confidence in myself. You shouldn't be willing to betray me."

With that, he walked towards the door, leaving Ma Tao, who was so excited that he didn't know how to speak, stunned in situ.

Like Hua Lingtong, and even many ordinary bosses, they use threats to control their subordinates, so that they dare not have a rebellious heart.

Ma Tao thinks he has been in the workplace for many years, but he has never been like Li Hao.

You should not be willing to betray me.

This is how confident people have to be in themselves to say such words and dare to say such words?!

Looking at Li Hao's back, Ma Tao felt that this guy, who was much younger than him, was so detached in his mind and vision. He felt that he could only catch up with him in his life.

"People from the Quality Supervision Bureau suddenly came to check something?"

Hua Lingtong sat in the office listening to Wang Xuecheng's report, narrowed his eyes and said, "is this Li Hao's counterattack?"

"It shouldn't be. I called my acquaintances in the Quality Supervision Bureau and said that this action was a unified spot check for several brands with good sales in the market. Li Hao's condensate and condensate are also on the spot check list."

Wang Xuecheng Gong said, "if they want to check, they can check. Anyway, there is no problem with our products. When the results are released, we can take the opportunity to publicize again!"

"Well, that's right."

Hua Lingtong waved his hand and said, "later, you go in person and entertain the civil servants who came down for inspection. When you have dinner, leave them to have a good meal, and then call some good-looking receptionists of the company to accompany them and serve them happily!"

"Don't worry, I understand!"

Wang Xuecheng nodded, then turned and went out.

When he got down to the storage warehouse, Wang Xuecheng came out of the elevator door. The small employees of the company immediately bowed respectfully to him.

In front of Hua Lingtong, he is a dog wagging its tail for pleasure, and in front of the subordinates of these subordinates, he is the general manager who needs others to curry favor.

"You business comrades are working hard!"

Wang Xuecheng smiled and welcomed the public servants who were checking the packaged muscle freezing age water. He smiled and said, "after work in the evening, we have nothing to do. We must enjoy a meal together, otherwise others will say that we do business and don't know the hard work of public servants."

Wang Xuecheng has stayed with Hua Lingtong for so long, but his ability to persuade rice and wine is all first-class. In a few words, he gives a reason why others can't refuse.

"Mr. Wang is very kind."

The leaders of the Quality Supervision Bureau smiled and said, "if the tested products are OK, it's OK for everyone to get together at leisure. But if there are any mistakes in the products, we have to go back and be busy. You must be busy, right?"

"Oh, that's nature, that's nature."

Wang Xuecheng's smile was slightly stiff, but he immediately patted his chest and said, "but I believe our products have been strictly tested and will never make any mistakes, so you can rest assured!"

"That's the best."

The person headed by the Quality Supervision Bureau smiled and nodded.

"Boss, there's a problem."

Suddenly, a civil servant who was testing came to the head with a bottle of muscle freezing age water and whispered, "the quality of this bottle is very different from the muscle freezing age water that had been tested before."


Hearing the speech, the head man's eyebrows picked up, and Wang Xuecheng's face changed greatly and said, "it's impossible!!"

"Boss, look!"

The person holding the testing instrument pointed to the indicators on the screen and pointed to Wang Xuecheng and the head of the humanitarian: "although there are no harmful substances in this bottle, it is clear that this bottle of muscle freezing age water is ordinary tap water!"

"General manager Wang."

Looking at the data on the screen, the head of the Quality Supervision Bureau sneered and weighed the bottle of Meiji frozen water in his hand: "your company can ah, this bottle of tap water has also sold at a high price of more than 300 yuan!"

Looking at everything in front of him, Wang Xuecheng only felt that he was suddenly hit by thunder, and his mind suddenly became blank... ####### first, thank you, please support

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