Tap water?

How could it be tap water?!

Now Wang Xuecheng has only one sentence in his heart.

Although he knows that their skin freezing age water is not as effective as they publicize in the market, it is also something they have found that has been studied by a South Korean scientific research team. How can it become ordinary tap water?!

"Conspiracy! This is definitely a conspiracy!"

Wang Xuecheng wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said, "someone must be trying to frame us!"

"General manager Wang said carefully!"

The little head of the Quality Supervision Bureau who came to inspect his eyes was cold, raised the instrument in his hand and said, "do you mean we deliberately framed you?"

"All this is based on the data on the instrument. If you talk nonsense like this, be careful to bear the crime of framing state civil servants!"

The young man who came to submit the instrument was even angrier, glared at Wang Xuecheng and said in a harsh voice.

"No, I definitely don't mean that. Don't get me wrong!"

Seeing that they were angry, Wang Xuecheng also knew that he had just made a slip of the tongue because of excitement. In this case, if he wanted to make big and small things, he couldn't offend these officials any more, so he quickly apologized.

"Conspiracy? Framing?"

The little head of the Quality Supervision Bureau sneered and said, "if you suspect that someone of us has tampered with this bottle, you can, why don't we spot check a few more bottles?"

With that, he raised his chin towards his men and said, "go and check more samples."


The young man took the instrument he handed over, glared at Wang Xuecheng angrily, turned around and continued to spot check other samples with his colleagues.

"General manager Wang should be optimistic. We did the next spot check under your nose. If there are any more problems, it can't be you who worked together with us?"

The little old God looked at Wang Xuecheng and said faintly.

"No, No."

Wang Xuecheng smiled and looked carefully at the staff who were busy with testing over there, praying that the accident just now was just a mistake, but don't make any more mistakes.

"Boss, the test results of this bottle have come out."

Five minutes later, the young man came over again with a bottle of skin beautifying frozen age water and testing equipment. He stared at Wang Xuecheng waiting nearby and said, "the same, there is still tap water!"


Hearing this, Wang Xuecheng only felt a loud noise in his head, like a bolt from the blue hitting his head!!

"It seems that we can't have dinner."

The small head of the Quality Supervision Bureau waved his hand and said, "move quickly, take the inventory samples back for comprehensive inspection, and notify the industrial and commercial department to temporarily take the products of Huarong group in the supermarket shopping mall off the shelf, and then come and investigate their fraud against consumers!"


The young man answered, looked at Wang Xuecheng, who was already in a state of unconsciousness, and said coldly, "please excuse me!"


In the chairman's office, Hua Lingtong listened to Wang Xuecheng's report. He was so angry that he smashed the crystal ashtray on the table on Wang Xuecheng's head. He snorted miserably, and blood immediately flowed out of his head!

"Are you a pig?! are you a pig?!"

Hua Lingtong roared wildly, "Why are there such big mistakes at this time?! if the Quality Supervision Bureau reported our problems with an official tone of authority, would consumers still trust us?!"

Wang Xuecheng bowed his head and said nothing. Suddenly, such a thing happened. He could only choose to bear Hua Lingtong's rage and pray that he could think of a remedy and solution after the fire.


After roaring, Hua Lingtong recalled the last sentence he had just said, and suddenly had a sudden flash in his mind, reminiscent of what Li Hao and Haotian industry had repeatedly emphasized in the online media recently.

What Li Hao has always said is trust!

Thinking about today's events, Hua Lingtong's eyes became blood red and said with a crazy laugh: "Li Hao! What a Li Hao!! I said how can you repeat such useless work? I didn't expect you to wait for me here!!"

"Dashao, do you mean that Li Hao did all this?!"

Wang Xuecheng covered his bleeding head and said in surprise.

"Who else can he be besides him? It's a good place to build plank roads openly and cross the Chencang secretly!"

Hua Lingtong smashed his fist on the table, bit his teeth and said, "I really didn't expect him to have such a talent. Even my iron bucket company can stir up such a storm for him!!"

"This Li Hao is really hateful. He is just a villain!!"

Wang Xuecheng said bitterly, "despicable and shameless!!"

When he said this, he didn't expect that the way to discredit his opponents was basically made by themselves. Li Hao is just treating him in his own way.

"I play with eagles every day, but I didn't expect to be pecked by Eagles one day!"

Hua Lingtong took a deep breath: "now Li Hao has succeeded, and then we will be very passive..."

"No way, big or small?"

Wang Xuecheng also knows the truth of losing everything by carelessness, but he still can't help but have fantasies.

"Since Li Hao has deliberately arranged this game, he must have infinite backhands and will not give us any breathing opportunities."

Hua Lingtong leaned against the leather seat, rubbed his temples and said, "after this time, it will be difficult for us to compete with them in the pearl market and even the whole domestic market."


In Zuo's makeup, Li Hao got out of the car with a smile, walked into Zuo Yuling's office, smiled and said: "the good play has begun. The momentum we have made in the Internet and media for so many days can also break out!!"

"I've been waiting for this day for a long time!!"

As soon as Zuo Feifei patted the table, a smile finally appeared on her pretty face, which had been cloudy these days.

A post about Meiji frozen age water appeared on the portal websites of Tianya, Maozhao and Xinlang almost at the same time!

"The so-called skin beauty frozen age water that gives back customers at a cruel discount turns out to be ordinary tap water!!"

"Do you think the cosmetics you are using can bring you the beauty you expect? If so, just go home and get tap water!"

"It's ridiculous to sell a bottle of tap water for more than 300 yuan. Tap water is sky high!"

"Huarong group deceives consumers and uses this dirty and inferior means to maliciously compete to suppress the condensate of real conscience. The public's trust is given to the wrong person!"

At the same time of the outbreak of Internet public opinion, the Bureau of quality supervision has also issued relevant treatment measures in conjunction with the Department of industry and commerce. Starting from the Pearl, all Meiji frozen age water in major supermarkets and shopping malls have been taken off the shelves. It remains to be further discussed whether other cities in China should do the same, but this possibility is not ruled out!

Some netizens woke up and angrily denounced before, and then the responsibility and punishment of relevant national departments. The reputation of Meiji frozen water smelled rotten in the street. It was defeated like a mountain. With the help of the invisible hand, the original prestigious Huarong group is now in danger!

The building is about to collapse, and countless pairs of eyes of the Pearl are paying attention to the flower family who is famous for a while. How long can it last... ###### today's second watch will be the third watch in the evening

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