Overnight, in the major supermarkets and shopping malls in Pearl City, all the counters originally full of skin beauty frozen age water were evacuated.

A little girl followed her best friend around the central shopping mall. When she saw that there was no ice cream age water sold, she said suspiciously, "eh? There were so many ice cream age water yesterday. Why didn't they have it today? They gave so many discounts. The bottle in my family was almost used up, and they were going to buy another bottle!"

"Silly or not? Still use skin beauty jelly?"

Her best friend gave her a white look and said, "don't you even surf the Internet? Even if you don't surf the Internet, you have to read the news! What skin beauty frozen water! That's the tap water in the bottle!"

"What?! tap water?!"

The little girl was surprised and said, "it's impossible?"

"How impossible? The Quality Supervision Bureau and the Administration for Industry and Commerce have jointly issued a statement. Can it be false?"

Her best friend said angrily, "I've been cheated by them before and bought many houses at home! Shit, after seeing the news yesterday, I was so angry that I packed them all and threw them in the trash can!!"

"My God! They should have done such a thing!"

The little girl obviously felt that her three views had been refreshed, widened her eyes and looked very angry.

"Now the world is full of wonderful flowers!"

The girl's best friend said angrily, "it's better to use the condensate produced by Haotian industry. Why don't people discount it? Just because people sell conscience products, didn't you see what they said in their post on Xinlang? Conscience can't be discounted at any time!"

"Huarong group is too bad. Some time ago, I felt that the condensate was squeezed by Meiji freezing water."

The little girl shook her head and sighed, "these days, good things are stubbornly pushed to death by bad things. No, I'm going to buy condensate, not only for my own good, but also for Li Hao!"

"Let's go. I just want to buy condensate."

Her best friend nodded approvingly, and the two walked hand in hand to the counter selling condensate. As they walked, they said, "have you seen Li Hao on TV? He looks beautiful! I said, a person's appearance is the same as his soul. Such a handsome person can't buy his things wrong!"

Such cases have been staged every day since Huarong group was found out by the Bureau of quality supervision and the Department of industry and commerce.

"Li Hao, this Jedi counterattack is very beautiful. Congratulations!!"

In the evening, in Longhua Hotel, Zuo Yuling hosted a banquet to celebrate the great victory of ningzhenye!

Zuo Yuling, Zuo Feifei, Li Hao, and other company leaders all arrived. Even ah Jian came. Liu Yuying should have been invited, because after all, she also had shares in Haotian industry, but when Li Hao called, it was the blade who answered, saying that Liu Yuying had something important to leave and was not in the Pearl recently.

Li Hao was curious, but since Liu Yuying didn't tell him, he probably didn't want to distract him at the critical moment of his business war with hualingtong, he didn't ask any more questions.

"Tonight we can sit here and have a happy celebration party. In fact, Ma Tao is the real credit!"

Li Hao raised his glass and said with a smile, "I think so. Let's drink to Ma Tao!"

"That's true."

Zuo Feifei nodded in agreement.

This time, Li Hao's series of plans are based on the premise that there is a real problem with the Meiji frozen age water of Huarong group, so that they can implement so many backhands and get Huarong group in place at one time!

In other words, if the Jedi counterattack this time is 100 points, Ma Tao's beautiful backwater is the one in front. Without him, Li Hao's preparation behind is just useless zero.

"Don't be too polite, misters. I'm a newcomer. I can't afford it like this. I can't afford it!"

Li Hao proposed to respect him, but Ma Tao himself stood up from his position and said with the fruit juice in his hand: "I've been eating traditional Chinese medicine recently. President Li told me not to drink. I'm really sorry. Well, I'll dry the fruit juice. Just be free, just be free."

With that, he excitedly picked up the cup in his hand, looked up and poured all the juice in the cup into his mouth.

"Hehe, since you've come, you'll be your own people in the future. Don't be so restrained."

Li Hao patted him on the shoulder and explained for him: "Ma Tao and his wife are going to have children recently. I owe him the wine today, and we'll let him return it later!"

"Brother Hao'er, if you are so considerate of your subordinates, you might as well stop Ma Tao's wine for him today!"

Ah Jian covered his mouth and smiled, winking at Li Hao.

"Ah Jian, are you going to pour more Li Hao today so that you can do something indescribable?"

Zuo Feifei poked him with his elbow and asked playfully.

"Ouch! Sister Feifei, you are dirty!"

Ah Jian was so ashamed that he covered his face and said, "people don't have it, they don't!"


Ma Tao was completely stupid. He looked at a Jian and Li Hao. He opened his mouth but didn't say anything.

"He's like this. You'll get used to it later."

Li Hao smiled bitterly. Ah Jian, a living treasure, refreshed the three views of the people who saw him for the first time every time. They were used to it.

"What are you doing? Haven't you seen such a beautiful man like me?!"

Seeing Ma Tao staring at himself, ah Jian said angrily with his hands on his hips.

"No, no..."

Ma Tao was so frightened that he hurried back to his seat, lowered his head and drank honestly. He didn't dare to provoke ah Jian again.

Huarong group, the board of directors is now holding an emergency meeting.

Several white haired old people and several middle-aged men were sitting around the table, discussing something fiercely.

Sitting in the first seat is not Hua Lingtong, the current chairman of Huarong group, but another gray haired man. Hua Lingtong is standing behind him with a gloomy face and does not speak.

"Have you had enough noise?"

After a long time, in a harsh noise, the man sitting in the first seat finally raised his head slowly, and a cold electricity crossed his deep eyes.

As he spoke, the originally noisy conference room immediately quieted down, and everyone looked at him. The huge conference room was so quiet that even a needle could be heard when it fell down!

"What are you panicking about?"

Seeing that these people finally calmed down, the man opened his mouth slowly again.

"As long as I'm not dead, the flower family can't fall!!" ##### the third watch! Spit blood for subscription!!

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