
After Hua Jiansheng slapped down, the whole huge conference room was silent. Wang Xuecheng was so frightened that he trembled all over the side that he didn't even dare to breathe!

Hua Lingtong covered his face with a ferocious expression.

Hua Jiansheng is right. It hurts! It hurts! He hasn't felt such pain for a long time!!

This kind of pain is not just physical pain. If this is the case, the last time Li Hao opened a ladle for him with a wine bottle in Ruyi building, it was much more painful than this slap now.

Hua Jiansheng's slap hurt him not only in his face, but also in his heart!!

Since he slowly took charge of such a large enterprise as Huarong group, his decision-making has never disappointed his father, and facts have proved that he hualingtong is indeed very capable. After he took over the family business from huajiansheng, the prestige of the Huajia family has not decreased but increased!

But this time, but today!

He was so badly defeated and ugly that he once again tasted the humiliation of being slapped in the face by his father.

He is ugly and short. If he is thrown into the street, I'm afraid everyone will walk around him, but the more he is, the more eager he is to be recognized by people who care.

For Hua Lingtong, it is the most important to be recognized by his father!

Therefore, even if you become crazy, even if you become extreme, even if you become a pervert!

Looking at Hua Lingtong panting, Hua Jiansheng took a deep breath: "for so many years, with your crazy strength and ruthless strength, you have walked too smoothly and smoothly."

Holding Hua Lingtong's shoulder, Hua Jiansheng said with great sincerity: "Lingtong, madness is a double-edged sword. It can hurt people at a critical time, but it will hurt yourself if you don't use it well. You're used to madness, so you don't know how to advance or retreat."

"Is it too much to say now?"

Hua Lingtong raised his head and looked at his father with eyes like wolves, spitting out a mouthful of phlegm with blood foam.

"Failure is not terrible, but the terrible thing is that you still don't know to turn back when you hit the south wall."

Hua Jiansheng looked at Hua Lingtong with an unwilling face and said in a deep voice, "if I guess well, you must want to continue fighting with Li Hao?"


Hua Lingtong sneered and hummed, "I learned a lot from you, but I didn't learn to bow down and admit defeat."

"Sometimes it's not humiliating to admit defeat. Haven't you heard of the truth that it's hard to break?"

Looking at the son who still didn't want to forbear, Hua Jiansheng's tone became severe again and said, "I've already said that the flower family will enter the forbearance stage of hiding their power and biding their time. You should also restrain yourself!"

"You have just been assigned tasks by your second uncle, third uncle and aunt. What about me? What should I do next as chairman?"

Hua Lingtong took a deep breath and asked.

"Everything is as usual."

Hua Jiansheng said faintly: "in addition, it is urgent that you immediately go to make friends with Li Haohua. Even if you can't become a close partner, at least you have to resolve the current contradiction. Otherwise, if he continues to fall into the well next to us, we will be very uncomfortable."

"What if I refuse?"

Hua Lingtong's look changed several times, and then bit his teeth.


Another loud slap slapped Hua Lingtong's face. Hua Jiansheng's hand trembled. He was old, and the two slaps seemed to have exhausted all his strength.


Hua Jian growled angrily, "do you have a brain?!"

After scolding, he turned and muttered, "it seems that Hua Fei had some friends with this Li Hao yesterday. Since you don't go, I'll let him go. Fortunately, I have more than one son."

Pushing aside the chair in front of him, Hua Jiansheng stepped towards the door, but he had just taken two steps. A huge force suddenly came from his back and made his body stagger and fall directly in front!


Under the astonished gaze of Wang Xuecheng, Hua Lingtong rushed from behind like crazy and kicked his father, the king's sea god needle, to the ground!

"What do you want to do? You want to kick me down. In order to shake your tail and beg for mercy with Li Hao, let Hua not be the waste of yesterday, right?!"

Hua Lingtong's eyes were red. At the moment, he was like a crazy beast. He rode on his father, roared wildly, took himself over the next chair and hit Hua Jiansheng's head wildly!

"Everything I do today is done by myself! What do you think I am?! a dog?! wave it and shout it?!"

Hua Lingtong frantically smashed Hua Jiansheng, who was riding under him, with a chair, while frantically talking to himself.


Hua Jiansheng's struggle is getting weaker and weaker. The crimson blood flows out of his head like money. Wang Xuecheng next to him is completely stunned. He leans against the wall in panic and even forgets to stop Hua Lingtong.


After frantically venting his anger, Hua Lingtong stopped and the arm that had just waved the chair hung down feebly. It can be seen how hard he had just hit.

Hua Jiansheng, who was pressed by him, had already been unconscious. Hua Lingtong took a deep breath, got up from the ground, bent down, stretched out his hand, explored Hua Jiansheng's nose, and then glanced his mouth and said, "I'm not dead."

Wang Xuecheng completely collapsed on the ground and gasped heavily.

He could not imagine how much trouble would be caused in the Pearl if Hua Jiansheng, who is known as the fixed sea god needle of the commercial aircraft carrier Huajia, died here today!

"To the hospital."

Hua Lingtong glanced at Wang Xuecheng. He didn't worry that this guy would tell the story today. Otherwise, he had 10000 ways to make his life worse than death.

"Yes, yes!"

Wang Xuecheng took a deep breath, barely got up from the ground, ran outside and dialed the emergency phone of the hospital.

After cleaning up the scene, the ambulance finally rushed to the building of Huarong group and sent Hua Jiansheng to the hospital.

Out of the window of the intensive care room of the hospital, the ugly Hua Lingtong took off his sunglasses and looked at the doctor coming out of it. He asked coldly, "how's it going?"

"Don't mean, your father has a lot of intracranial bleeding. We've tried our best."

The doctor bowed to Hua Lingtong and the flower family waiting outside, apologized and said, "although the patient's life has been saved, I'm afraid it's difficult to wake up..."

As soon as this remark came out, many girls of the flower family couldn't help crying on the spot!


No one expected that Hua Jiansheng, who was still very angry in the morning, would become a unconscious living dead man at night!

The sea god needle of the flower family... Collapsed#### The second watch, the third watch, will be late

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