The cusp of the market has been completely reversed by Haotian industry and Zuo's medical makeup, and the sales volume of condensate has climbed back again. With the first batch of people who insist on using condensate, it has also produced results. With these live advertisements passing from mouth to mouth, the reputation of condensate has been further confirmed.

Zuo Feifei and Zuo Yuling also began to operate actively, preparing to promote condensate and condensate to surrounding cities such as Suzhou and Hangzhou as soon as possible.

Now some ladies and celebrities in Suzhou and Hangzhou have begun to come in person or entrust people to buy Ning Zhenlu from the Pearl. It can be imagined that once Ning Zhenlu is released in these places, it will be a real spark, which will become a point with the Pearl and spread around like a spider web!!

A Jian has stayed in Haotian industry and began to use his brain to conceive the design of the second generation packaging of condensate and condensate by observing the production of condensate.

He is a person who can be trusted. In order to give him inspiration, Li Hao even specially opened to him the underground secret base of Haotian industry, which has never been opened to outsiders, so that he felt the rich aura and the shocking scene of a pool full of condensation and dew in the Liuhe lock spirit array!

A Jian was moved to tears when he knew that he was the first person to come in here except Li Hao. He wished he could take off his clothes and have sex on the spot, but he was kicked out by Li Hao!

Although Li Hao doesn't want others to know this secret, he is not afraid that others will know what bad ideas he will make later. Although he can't keep it in the company all the time, the underground secret base has always been guarded by the twelve tiger headed little Tianbing puppets!

If someone really wants to do something wrong, I'm sorry. These twelve little guys are absolutely capable of disappearing them silently!

After staying in the underground secret base for a whole day, ah Jian finally had some inspiration.

After leaving the secret base, the big mouth guy bragged that he already knew what the core of Ning Zhenlu production was. Therefore, Li Hao had no choice but to drag this guy into the office and told him that this was the most absolute trade secret and should not be disclosed.

"Don't worry, don't worry!"

A Jian patted his chest full of ribs and promised: "I still can distinguish the weight. I will never reveal a word about the key things!!"

"That's the best..."

Li Hao smiled bitterly, nodded and looked at ah Jian's back twisting his ass. he didn't know whether his decision to take him into the secret base was a good thing or a bad thing.

Hua Lingtong has no way to bring any trouble to himself. Most of the strings stretched in Li Hao's heart have been loosened. Next, he just needs to help Hua Fei rise to the top yesterday. At that time, the Hua family will no longer be his enemy, but a powerful ally.


Just thinking, the mobile phone in Li Hao's pocket suddenly rang. He took it out and saw that it was Hua Fei's own number yesterday, not the encrypted number they used to contact on weekdays!

"Even if Hua Lingtong has lost power, you don't have to be so brazen?"

Li Hao chuckled. He also knew that the leading figures of the flower family would go to the headquarters of Huarong group for a meeting. He thought that after making such a fatal mistake, plus Hua Lingtong's unpleasant character, he would definitely be impeached by everyone to step down.

Let the flower family push Hua Lingtong down. At that time, it will be much easier for Hua Fei to go to the top yesterday.

"Hello? Did your father directly announce that he would support you after Hua Lingtong stepped down?"

After Li Hao connected the phone, he directly laughed and joked.

Through several joint efforts, he had a very good relationship with Hua Fei yesterday, so he joked more casually.

"Something's wrong!"

But Hua Fei's voice was full of anxiety yesterday and said, "just received a phone call, my father suddenly had intracranial hemorrhage and entered the hospital. Now he has become a vegetable!"


After hearing the news, Li Hao was also stunned and forced for a time.

He has long heard of the flower family's Dinghai Shenzhen needle and the general name of Hua Jiansheng flower. Although he has retired in recent years and handed over all his business to Hua Lingtong, a large part of the reason why Hua Lingtong can get along so well is that many people are saving face for Hua Jiansheng behind him.

Hua Jiansheng's body bone has never heard of anything wrong. How could he suddenly become a vegetable with intracranial hemorrhage at such a critical moment?

"Didn't Hua Lingtong get off his horse?"

Li Hao had a flash in his mind and keenly smelled the smell of conspiracy.

"Well, it's said to be like this!"

It seems inconvenient for Hua Fei to say more on the phone yesterday. He said, "I'm going to the hospital now. I'll contact you when there's any further news."


Li Hao nodded. Something happened to a key figure in such a big family. His family must be the most chaotic now. Hua Fei wanted to get as much useful information as possible in this chaotic situation yesterday and strive for his position. These are very difficult things, and Li Hao can't help him.

Li Hao just wanted to help him muddy the water, so that Hua Fei could fish in troubled waters yesterday and find a chance to turn over, but he didn't expect that the water of the fish in the pool would be muddy like this!

Hung up the phone, Li Hao's heart is also a little messy.

Hua Lingtong didn't dismount. As a result, Hua Jiansheng went to the hospital and became a vegetable.

The result of the flower family meeting was really beyond Li Hao's expectation.

At the same time, he felt again that people's hearts were indeed the most unfathomable thing in the world. Even with the natural sage's understanding of human nature, he even made mistakes in calculation!


Not long after he put down his mobile phone, the mobile phone caught by Li Hao shook again.

He picked it up and found that it was the landline number from Ruyi building.

"Is my sister back?"

Li Hao connected the phone with doubts and thought Liu Yuying came back from going out on business.

But who knows, the news on the phone made his heart tighten up in an instant!!

"Hello? Master Li Hao? I'm the blade!"

On the phone, the cold voice of the blade was even more urgent at the moment.

"Miss has had an accident, and now her whereabouts and life and death are unknown!!" ##### today's third watch! Continue to ask for subscriptions

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