Li Hao almost let the yellow dog drive the car so fast that he arrived at Ruyi building from Haotian industry in ten minutes!

"What happened to my sister?! where has she been?!"

As soon as Li Hao rushed into the gate of Ruyi building, he roared and exuded a frightening evil spirit, which made people dare not look directly at him.

"Master Li Hao, this way."

The blade appeared at the entrance of the elevator, stepped up quickly and said, "Miss, she seems to have found the news of the person in the picture some time ago."

"News of the man in the picture?"

Hearing this, Li Hao's pupils suddenly shrunk and took a cold breath: "she found my brother?! where?! why didn't she tell me?!"

"At that time, young master Li Hao, you were fighting with the flower family. The young lady said that every layout was very important. In order not to distract you, the young lady decided to go there first."

The blade said, "Miss, if you really get him back, you can also have a surprise at that time. If you just go and lose everything, you don't have to say it, so you don't have to lose your hope."

"But the young lady has been in touch with us before, and there is no problem with satellite positioning, so I don't worry."

The blade continued: "but yesterday, the miss's signal suddenly didn't move for a whole day. I broadcast the communication phone, and no one answered. I felt something had happened."

"Where was the last position she showed?"

Li Hao took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down and asked in a deep voice.

He knows very well that he can't mess up at this time. If he panics first, he won't be able to help Liu Yuying who may be in danger.

"I've just seen the coordinates, 110 degrees and 57 minutes east longitude and 31 degrees and 50 minutes north latitude."

The blade reported a string of numbers, and then facing Li Hao's impatient and confused face, he added: "it belongs to the primitive jungle of Shennongjia!"


Li Hao's pupils shrunk slightly, and his bad hunch became stronger.

Although with the progress of the times and the development of tourism resources, some peripheral areas of Shennongjia primeval forest have been developed into scenic spots for tourists, most of them belong to unknown areas in the vast primeval jungle.

Moreover, there are too many terrible legends about Shennongjia.

It is said that it is the place where the ancient medicine Saint Shennong emperor tasted all kinds of herbs and the place where saints became Taoists. Naturally, the grace of rain and dew will be extraordinary.

Just as it has been repeatedly said that there are savages, monsters, even running plants and plants in Shennongjia, as well as Tiankeng, which are legends that make people curious and afraid.

Even the locals who have lived nearby for generations are secretive about these things, as if there is something they can't mention.

Li Hao had only heard of these in the rumors in the streets. At that time, he didn't care. He thought it was just some feudal superstitions and scientific mysteries that human beings had not explored.

However, since he got the wechat of the three worlds, the more Li Hao knows, the more he feels that there are many things in the world. You can't believe in evil at all. Sometimes, ignorance will kill you!

Although the human world is the weakest of the three worlds, it just means that the creatures living in the human world themselves are not strong, which does not mean that the human world can be despised.

In ancient times, when the three realms were not separated by the seal of Hongjun Daozu, weren't many immortals in the fairy world and many gods in the underworld cultivated by humans in the human world?

In fact, in a sense, the human world was the core of the three worlds at that time, because it was like a cradle, providing fresh blood for the other two worlds.

At that time, when the sage was angry, he also wanted to make the Immortal Emperor and Ming Jun extremely afraid of their existence.

Shennongjia is related to the medicine Saint Shennong. How can such a place be simple?

At the thought that Liu Yuying was deep in the primitive jungle there, Li Hao's heart involuntarily mentioned his voice!

But can he ignore Liu Yuying?

Definitely not!

"I'll arrange someone to book a ticket right away and fly to Shennongjia immediately!!"

With a wave of his hand, Li Hao has decided to go to Shennongjia automatically.

If this world has the deepest relationship with ancient saints, if he Li Hao dares to say the second, I'm afraid no one is qualified to be the first again!

"I'm with you!"

The blade followed.

"You stay!"

Li Hao turned his head and drank back. He said, "my sister left you at that time. I must have arranged a task for you. If my sister left such a big industry as Ruyi building, how should you operate?"

Sure enough, after listening to Li Hao's words, the blade took back half of his steps.

Then he raised his head. The cold man showed a look of prayer for the first time, looked at Li Hao and said, "please, be sure to bring the young lady back safely."

"Don't worry."

Li Hao patted him on the shoulder, nodded solemnly and said, "she is my sister."

Li Hao decided to leave immediately. Li Hao made several phone calls and told several important partners that he was going to go far.

The promotion of Zhenlu and Zhenye is still mainly responsible by Zuo's pharmaceutical makeup. Now not only Zuo Feifei, but also Zuo Yuling's work focus has gradually shifted to Zhenlu and Zhenye. The reason is very simple, because Zuo's pharmaceutical makeup originally had its own independent brand, and all products have not made money from Zhenlu and Zhenye!

Li Hao left, and Haotian industry handed over to Huangpi dog and a Jian to take charge of some daily affairs. Then Li Hao called Chenxi and Xiaoyan respectively and told them they were leaving for a period of time.

Finally, Li Haocai dialed Hua Fei's encrypted phone again.

"The old man's diagnosis is a large area of intracranial hemorrhage. Now he can only remove a relatively large blood clot through surgery. There is no way for the rest. He can only rely on drugs to treat it slowly. He doesn't know when he can wake up."

Hua Fei's voice on the phone yesterday was very painful. He bit his teeth and said, "Hua Lingtong is now presiding over the overall situation. He said that after the family meeting, he talked to his father about you. The more his father said, the more angry he became. Finally, he fell down directly in anger. This was the case."


For this naked slander, Li Hao sneered and said, "there must be some conspiracy. When I come back, I'll see if I can help cure your father."

"Well, I can't say more. Now the flower family has a common hatred against you. You and Haotian industry should pay more attention."

Hua Fei hurriedly hung up after carefully reminding Li Hao yesterday.

After explaining everything, Li Hao took a deep breath and asked the yellow dog to drive him to Hongqiao Airport.

I thought I could steal a half day's leisure, but I didn't expect another eventful autumn

#####First, good morning~

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