The plane landed slowly. Li Hao walked out of the cabin alone wearing sunglasses. Many of his peers were tourists traveling with their families during the summer vacation.

There was a lot of talk and laughter from parents and children around him, but Li Hao was calm and had no excitement and happiness.

After looking at the satellite positioning watch given to him by the blade on his wrist, the map can be displayed. The green light spot represents his current position, and the red light spot is the position displayed when Liu Yuying lost contact.

"Sister, you can't do anything!"

Li Hao prayed silently in his heart.

Before he came, he tried to call the ghost God Baiqi in his heart through the ghost God seal on his body, but there was still no response. When he found him on the wechat of the three worlds, Baiqi didn't reply, which made Li Hao's heart more and more bottomless.

His current skill can be regarded as one of several powerful roles among ordinary people, but it is still not enough to see compared with real experts and beasts. Even with his abnormal physical quality, it is difficult to play miraculous effects.

After all, although Bai Qi's martial arts were powerful at that time, they were too old. After so many years of development from the Warring States period, the times are improving, and Kung Fu is being improved by countless generations. In Bai Qi's lifetime, there was not even the concept of internal strength.

"Fortunately, LV Dongbin's pure Yang Sword Qi can be used as a bottom card."

Li Hao touched the mobile phone in his arms. This time, he went out because he knew he was going to enter the mountains and forests, so Li Hao prepared a super large capacity mobile phone charging treasure in advance. He was afraid that the mobile phone would run out of power at the critical time.

After leaving the airport, Li Hao went directly to the nearby shopping mall and bought some climbing bags and equipment. Entering the primitive jungle is different from climbing ordinary hills. The countless mosquitoes alone are enough to make it difficult for novices.

"Brother, are you a donkey friend?"

The owner of the equipment store enthusiastically recommended: "do you want a bottle of our insect repellent spray? This is an ancestral formula. It is the most effective against mosquitoes. Spray a little on your body, which is absolutely effective! It's no use. You'll come back to me in two days, and I'll give you a refund!"

"Well, have a bottle."

In fact, Li Hao is also the first time to go to the primitive jungle, and the place he is going to is still a relatively deep part. From the positioning on his watch, the place where Liu Yuying lost contact is definitely a remote mountain and forest that has not been civilized, so it's better to be well prepared.

With enough water and compressed food, Li Hao put on his heavy backpack and was ready to start.

"The young man looks thin. I didn't expect that he really has strength!"

The boss looked at Li Hao, who left the backpack, smacked his mouth in the store and said, "just that bag, I felt hard to hold it in both hands. He picked it up so easily and carried it away. It's really strong!"

Take a taxi to the scenic spot in Shennongjia. Li Hao gets off the bus. The scenery here is very beautiful. Even if it has been developed into a tourist attraction, it still has a natural atmosphere very different from that of the iron and steel city, which makes people relaxed and happy.

There are many groups of tourists led by tour guides at the gate of the scenic spot, and many groups of donkey friends are discussing which route to take after going in later.

Li Hao looked at the watch on his wrist again. After identifying the direction, he walked in.

In fact, if he can, he doesn't want to enter Shennongjia from such a crowded scenic spot, but after all, he doesn't have a local tyrant to fly a helicopter everywhere, so he can't directly parachute from the place where Liu Yuying lost contact, so he can only enter from the scenic spot.

"Handsome boy, are you alone?"

Just as Li haogang entered the scenic spot, a beautiful little girl suddenly walked next to Li Hao and asked with a smile.

"Well, what's up?"

Li Hao nodded and asked in a low voice.

"Friend, don't be so wary. I want to help you."

The little beauty showed a sunny smile on her face and said, "you should want to explore for the first time? I'm kind to remind you. If you don't understand anything, it's very dangerous to enter the mountain alone!"

"How do you know I'm entering the mountain for the first time?"

Li Hao looked at her as if she really wanted to help herself. He couldn't help asking curiously.

After a quick glance, he felt that his dress was no different from those around him. Why did the little girl judge that he was a novice?

"First of all, your packaging is full and bulging. If I guess correctly, it should be full of compressed food and water?"

The little girl touched her chin, smiled and said, "in this case, it seems that you should be ready to stay in it for several days, but the most basic thing is that you want to sleep in the primitive jungle, but you don't even bring a tent!"


Li Hao hesitated slightly and was speechless by the little girl.

He always felt as if he had missed something, but first, he was really a novice in this field. Second, he had always been concerned about Liu Yuying's safety. As the saying goes, care is chaos, which made him a little flustered.

"Thank you for your reminder."

Li Hao smiled kindly at her. After thanking her, he turned and prepared to buy a simple folding tent in the nearby store.

"If you want to go in and enjoy the jungle scenery, you can join our team!"

Behind Li Hao, the little girl again sent a kind invitation and said, "you can take care of us."

"Thank you for your kindness."

Li Hao stopped, turned back and smiled at her and said, "I just have some private things to do, so I really don't want to drag you and your friends in."

Liu Yuying suddenly lost contact. It must not be a good thing around him. Li Hao was not absolutely sure that he could go to her alone. He was naturally unwilling to let these innocent kind-hearted people follow him in distress.


The little girl nodded in understanding, then waved to Li Hao and said, "good luck!"

"Ling'er, people don't want to accept your kindness. Why do you talk to him so much?"

In the little girl's team, a tall and handsome young man came over, stared at Li Hao angrily, and then pulled the little girl called ling'er back.

Li Hao smiled bitterly and didn't explain much. After buying a simple tent, he set off again, according to the satellite positioning on his wrist, and walked towards the primitive jungle.

Inexplicably, when Li haogang first stepped into the forest, the peacock king Daming's imperial plume, which he grabbed from wechat in the three circles, sent out a striking light, which surprised Li Hao slightly.

Obviously, this time, it is really related to supernatural forces

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