Carrying his mountaineering bag and foldable simple tent alone, Li Hao walked into the primitive jungle.

At the intersection, people keep walking in and out. Everyone's face is full of excitement. The people who are about to enter are looking forward to all the new things they are about to face, and the tourists who come out from the inside are feeling that it is worth the trip.

Because there are still many people here, Li Hao doesn't dare to run at all his speed, otherwise it would be too shocking.

From time to time, he looked down at the map on the satellite positioning watch on his wrist. Li Hao constantly adjusted his direction.

"Sister, what happened to you? You must hold on. I've come to you!!"

Li Hao's heart is full of anxiety. The more he goes deep into the dense forest, the fewer people around him.

In fact, when you are alone in this strange and claustrophobic environment, people's mind will be highly nervous involuntarily.

Li Hao's peacock Daming King's plume is no longer shining, but Li Hao can clearly feel that it is heating, just like the frequency of breathing or heartbeat. It is hot for a while, but Li Hao can't figure out what it represents.

"It's too far, sister. How far have you gone..."

After the number of people around him gradually decreased, Li Hao slowly began to no longer suppress his speed and walked away with his legs. Even though he was carrying something weighing more than 100 kilograms, his speed was still very fast. At first, there might be some stumbling, but with the passage of time, Li Hao had quickly adapted to the skills of shuttling through the jungle.

But even though he had run with all his strength, from the satellite positioning on his watch, his position was still not much closer to that of Liu Yuying when he lost contact.

"It's too far away. Even with satellite positioning, I can only see an approximate direction on the watch screen. If I look like this, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack!"

Li Hao stopped, scratched his head anxiously, and said to himself, "Alas, if only he could enter the state of Dongwei."

In such a dazed situation, Li Hao missed the cave micro realm he had the honor to enter. In that realm, the sky eye was hanging in the air, and he could overlook and see all the vanity. Even the lush forest sea could not block Li Hao's line of sight!

"Cave micro territory, cave micro territory!!"

Li Hao closed his eyes and tried hard to force himself into that state again, but the real person is one in a million after all, and it is really difficult for Li Hao, who is not a real person, to enter the magical cave realm.

After trying for a long time, Li Hao couldn't get into it, and he couldn't help feeling a little frustrated.

It seems that although he has the terrible potential to become a real person and enter the cave, he still needs some specific circumstances to be stimulated.

Recalling that he had entered the cave micro environment twice before, one was when he accompanied Chen Xi to play in the mountains and forests. When he saw Chen Xi playing happily in the mountains and forests, as if he were integrated with nature, Li Hao also felt the same feelings and naturally entered the cave micro environment. His eyes were hanging in the sky and had an insight into the surrounding world.

Another time, when checking the pulse of President Zhou, Li Hao devoted himself to seeing a doctor, and also entered the realm of cave micro. He paid close attention to the blood vessels and meridians under President Zhou's body surface.

These two times he entered the realm of Dongwei, one was related to Chen Xi, his confidant, and the other was related to seeing a doctor for others.

"Can I enter the state of Dongwei only when I use emotion and concentrate on my condition?"

Li Hao seemed to catch something slowly in his heart.

"What should I do? A Qiang! A Qiang, open your eyes!"

At this time, a familiar voice suddenly came from afar, which made Li Hao move in his heart.

The sound was familiar to his ears. He thought attentively. Isn't it the little girl who just reminded him to buy a tent outside the scenic spot?

His companion seemed to call her ling'er.

"Are they in any trouble?"

Li Hao listened to the anxiety and panic in the voice just now, and decided to go and have a look. Before, ling'er had kindly reminded him to help himself. Now if they were in trouble, even if they didn't encounter it, now that they know it, they must not turn a blind eye.

Following the direction of the sound, Li Hao quickly shuttled through the mountains and forests, and soon saw ling'er and the people in their team in an open space in front of him.

"What's the matter?"

Li Hao hurried over, looked at them and asked.

"Who are you?"

Someone turned around and asked Li Hao suspiciously and warily.

"Ah! It's you!"

Ling'er raised her head. After seeing Li Hao, her sad little face also showed a trace of surprise. She asked incredulously, "Why are you here? Leave quickly! Hurry!"

"I'm a doctor. What's the matter with your friend? Maybe I can help."

Li Hao didn't listen to ling'er's words. He went to squat down and looked at the man lying on the ground with a black and purple face. It was the young man who had pulled ling'er back and wouldn't let her talk to Li haoduo.

Although the young man has a strong temper, the doctor is kind-hearted. Seeing that he is so painful that he wants to die, Li Hao still wants to help him as much as possible.

"Help me get him up quickly. He's obviously poisoned. If he lies on his back like this, the toxin will flow more easily through his body along with his blood. If the poison attacks the heart and enters the brain, it's really difficult for the gods to save!!"

Li Hao rolled up his sleeves and ordered them to work properly.

Seeing that Li Hao seemed to really understand, ling'er glanced at a middle-aged man next to him, and decided to help ah Qiang sit up according to what Li Hao said.

"Ah!! it hurts! Don't touch me! Don't touch me! It hurts!"

But Chen Xi just touched ah Qiang's body, ah Qiang immediately roared in pain, with an extremely ferocious expression.

"It's useless. Don't bother!"

At this time, a man who had been standing in silence outside the team suddenly opened his mouth and said with Yin pity: "you have come to the place of God's sacrifice and are ready to become God's sacrifice!!"

"It's him. He's our guide. He brought us here!!"

Ling'er and his party all looked at the man. Ling'er seemed to think of something and angrily pointed to him.


As soon as linger's voice fell, Li Hao, who was originally next to him, suddenly turned into a residual shadow. With the momentum of lightning, he rushed over and grabbed the guy's neck and put him heavily against the nearby tree!

"I don't care what you want, but if you want to stop me from saving people, I can kill you now!"

The palm tightened, Li Hao looked at the red guy coldly and ruthlessly, and said faintly, "believe me, even the God in your mouth can't save you!"

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